My parents came to town for my graduation from Graduate School. Since a kid, my dad has ALWAYS wanted to visit Coney Island and ride the Cyclone Rollercoaster. I took him out there and of course, he was raring to go. I kept hinting that I wasn't going to ride (scared, ass too large, etc). Finally, I just bit the bullet and hopped in line and figured no harm in trying. By the way, the last time I rode a coaster was probably 5 years ago at Six Flags, I didn't have any trouble on the first few then we went to The Batman. The harness wouldn't buckle! I was more terrified the ride was going to take off without me strapped in than I was worried about being mortified. Luckily they put me in the "fat" seat and I was able to ride. But ever since then, I've not tried to get on ANY rides. So here I was with my dad at the OLD wooden coaster with TINY seats. lol. I hopped in. Then the guy said...oh, she'll have to ride by herself in the car because there wasn't room for both of us (my dad isn't tiny, ha!). But the good news is that I fit! It was snug and they had push hard to make sure the bar was secure. BUT I FIT!!!!! I absolutely would not have been able to fit this time last year. I was proud of myself for giving it a try and even happier that I got to share the experience with my dad (cause he wasn't really taken with NYC...and he'd rather fly me home than deal with visiting again. lol)!