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Dana Oyebanji

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Everything posted by Dana Oyebanji

  1. My best friend went in for a sleeve on the 8th last month, walked into the hospital, with all her hopes and dreams. After the surgery, she stayed two days and went home with the usual supplies and instructions, they did the swallow test before she left the hospital and everything was good she was told. The nurses at the hospital told her it was surgery and she should be expecting pain, that even with pain meds she would hurt. So over the weekend she hurt, more and more, the liquid pain meds eventually did not help and she returned to the hospital on the 12th, having difficulty taking deep breaths. They looked around and and said that her stomach opened up, and was leaking... decided to put her on complete gut rest, even though she was severely dehydrated. Then attempted to put a stent in on the 14th, during this procedure her heart stopped and they had to use CPR and meds to start it again. She has had 5 more surgeries, is still on a vent, in a coma, and doesn't seem to be waking up, this is breaking my heart, she is 39, has little boys.... anyone ever experience anything like this and have a positive outcome?
  2. I know this is an old thread, but just an update... We finally found out what went wrong, Dr.Kalim at Hamot hospital in Erie pa did her surgery. Sometime during the surgery he twisted her stomach, creating a hourglass like shape that couldnt allow food to pass, therefore when they did the barium swallow to see why it was leaking the barium couldnt pass through the stomach and she essentially drown on it.... fast forward to years later, when she can no longer even keep Water down, a specialist from Cleveland Clinic does a scope, shocked by what he found, nothing at this point can pass through her stomach because strictures have formed at the twisted area, causing a complete blockage. She is scheduled to have her stomach removed completely next week. Praying this works
  3. please relax a bit, but know this does happen, evidently, at least that's what I keep hearing! One of our other friends had the surgery a few weeks ago, she is doing well... I thought she was crazy! My friend on the other hand is having another set back, her feeding tube is falling out a bit, so she is headed back to the hospital tonight, probably gonna have it removed, she hasn't used it for nutrition, but the doctors wanted to leave it "just in case"...
  4. Ok for those that have asked, I had a long conversation. Neither the doctor that did her original surgery yesterday. His response was that she is in the one percent where things happen. They dont know exactly why but thinks probably that the part of the stomach that was cut away didn't have enough blood flow left to allow it to to heal, so the stitches that were placed during surgery didn't hold and her stomach completely had opened... We may never really know! But yesterday she had a speaking valve on her trache so she could talk, drank some ensure, and did some exercises with therapy which included walking! We are praying she will be home with her kids by Christmas!
  5. Just a positive update thank the lord! My friend was moved from icu to a regular hospital room this week, she still is on a vent, and feeding tube with 3 drains for the infection, but took 10 steps with therapy today and a few sips of Apple juice! I even washed her hair and gave her a awful haircut! Her hair had knotted up to an extreme that wouldn't allow combing or brushing... I am see a miracle, right before my eyes! Thank you to everyone that was kind enough to send me such encouraging messages and prayers!
  6. Oh, my name is my my actual name, I am on facebook, feel free to look me up... I hide nothing... Also her husband and her are seperately and the family doesn't want to tell him, although I have a feeling the bills in the mail might be a huge indication something's up
  7. I am sorry if my story sounds made up, ito not. I was just online trying to see if there is something the doctors were over looking, I am a nurse. A LPN, definetly way out of my scope of practice, I take care of hospice patients, and I came across this forum, sometimes people with simular experiences have different more experienced better prepared doctors so I posted hoping not just for a story or two that would give me hope that she will indeed recover, because when I look at her I see one of my patients.. I see her urine turning black- kidneys failing, I see the numbers on the vent going up, and I notice she is no longer even opening her eyes when I touch her... As for details her name is Stephanie, she had the surgery at hamot hospital in erie pa, a dr hamid I think was his name, but I have only spoken to him once....

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