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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by TimeToChange1621

  1. For those who have gotten pregnant after surgery, what has your experience been with this? Did you gain a lot of weight? Were you able to lose it again? Were you able to take in the proper nutrition? That is my ultimate goal. To have a baby. Which is why I need to get healthy. I just want to know if this has been a problem for anyone?
  2. TimeToChange1621

    Finally... Sleep!

    Great! I'm sure everything will get a whole lot easier with time. At least that's what I'm hoping for
  3. TimeToChange1621

    Finally Have a DATE!

    Congratulations!! God's got this
  4. TimeToChange1621

    Which is the right order to take

    I think it depends on the facility. I went to a seminar at one hospital and the next step would have been to schedule a consultation with the surgeon. The hospital I am actually going to (due to my insurance), the first step is the seminar and support group, then appointments with the dietician, then psych eval, and then after everything is done I would meet with the surgeon. All depends on where you're going. I don't think it has anything to do with insurance, but I could be wrong.
  5. TimeToChange1621

    Afraid to Ask Doctor About WLS...

    I, too, was nervous about talking to my doctor. I didn't want her to shoot it down because I feel as though this is the only option for me right now and I was getting really excited about it. Turned out she was totally on board and sent the referral right away. This a new doctor for me too. Just talk to him. You may be surprised! Jonathan's idea about phrasing it into a question and letting him make the decision for you is good. If this is meant to happen for you, it'll happen!
  6. TimeToChange1621

    How I Prepared for Surgery Part 2 - My Mind

    I know exactly what you mean because I am experiencing the same thing and I haven't even really "officially" started the process yet. Food has always been a huge part of my life. It's what I've turned to for comfort when I'm sad, angry, depressed, and happy! The freedom I have in food right now is what I'm holding onto and it's hard for me to let go of it even though I want to so badly. I want to be healthy and I don't want food to have this control over me anymore! The very fact that I feel this way is proof enough that things desperately need to change! I cannot and will not live my life like this anymore. Just know you are not alone!
  7. TimeToChange1621

    How I Prepared for Surgery Part 2 - My Mind

    I have to say, I love reading your posts. You are a beautiful writer and what you have to say, I can relate to so well. You have great advice and I will definitely be re-reading these posts as my surgery date gets closer. I have a food addiction and I have been saying my "goodbyes" recently, because the time will come very soon that I will have to buckle down and get serious. (Seminar and support group this Friday) I had mentioned it in another post, but it's really sad that the one thing that makes me so miserable, I have a hard time letting go of. I guess that's why they call it an addiction. I am ready though. To put this me to rest and get to know the better healthier me. I am so excited to meet her! Thank you for your words.
  8. TimeToChange1621

    Surgery Day!

    Congratulations and good luck! I pray everything goes smoothly!
  9. TimeToChange1621

    Surgery pain

    For those of you who have had the surgery already, how much pain were you in after? And how long did it last?
  10. TimeToChange1621

    Surgery pain

    Well it's definitely reassuring to know the pain is tolerable and doesn't last for very long. Thank you for your replies everyone! Much appreciated.
  11. Hi everyone. I'm Stephanie. I'm 33 years old and from Central Maine. I am just starting my Gastric Bypss surgery program. I have already been approved by my insurance and will attend the informational seminar and support group this Friday, November 7th. From then on, I will schedule appointments to meet with the dietician and psychologist and then I will have my consultation with the surgeon. I have to say, I am very excited to start this process, however I would be lying if I said there wasn't some fear in there as well. Fear of the unknown maybe? I have been classified as a "morbidly obese" person from as far back as I can remember. I have never ever been thin or comfortable in my own skin. I have no idea what it feels like. Although this body is killing me and it makes me miserable every day, in a strange way I have a hard time letting it go. Don't get me wrong, I very much am looking forward to a healthier me. One that I can be proud of and look in the mirror every day and love. But I have always been the fat girl in everything I've done and everywhere I've been. It's all I know. It's who I am. If I am not the fat girl anymore, then who am I? I do find comfort in food. I have for a long time. The freedom I have in food right now (although it's killing me) is another hard thing for me to give up, but I'm ready. I'm ready to find the new me. The better me. The relationship I have with food must end. It's time to break up I have done tons of research recently about WLS and I know without a doubt it is my best option. I'm tired of losing and gaining and losing and gaining. Especially over the last four years. I probably have lost hundreds of pounds in the last 4 years, yet I'm 30 pounds heavier than in the beginning. How sad is that? Not only does that take a toll on my body physically, but it certainly doesn't do much for my emotional body either. I'm ready to make this liftestyle change. Right now, my faith in God is all that matters and becoming the person I've always been meant to be. I'm sad it has taken me this long, but I can't think of that. All I can think is that I am finally making the change to a better me. A better wife to my husband, a better step-mom to my step-kids, and a better mother to my future child I have been reading the posts here on this forum and you all are wonderful and so helpful and uplifting. I am looking forward to the support and doing this with all of you. I'm so glad I found it. I look forward to getting to know you all better and perhaps make a few online buddies. Good luck to everyone!
  12. TimeToChange1621

    Bariatric Newbie from Maine

    That's great news! Because that is exactly what I need. Very excited to be on this journey but getting impatient. I want it done like yesterday! But I know I have the rest of my life to be excited about now.

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