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Duodenal Switch Patients
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About Berlee

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/04/1967

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  1. Surgery went well, I had a hernia that had to be repaired and I guess my stomach wasn't contracting when I ate like it should have, on the road to recovery now. How is everyone else out there?
  2. I had thoughts of the same thing and surgery is tomorrow, but I remind myself that this is forever. I have done the diet yo-yo for years getting down within 30 lbs of where I should be, but then gaining it all right back and then some. It's the gain back that has me convinced that this is the right thing for me. I am type 2 diabetic, and the up and down swings are not healthy, so I need a tool to assist me with a balance so that I can live a longer and healthier life. I can't wait for my semi annual blood tests without hearing, that I need more of this med or that med, and add this medication, or that my insulin levels are finally normal. I can't wait until the healing is done and years of stomach aches, pains and exhaustion are gone.
  3. Berlee

    Vets question

    I am still pre-op, but I just have a just a simple question, in the past few years it is very common for my stomach to be upset on a daily basis. Is this something you didn't feel pre-op? If you are feeling its a medical condition I think you should see your doctor. Or do you feel its an emotional feeling as you move in the direction of the new you? 100 lbs. down how amazing, and what a great incentive to keep on going. Pat yourself on the back for me, you must be so proud of your accomplishments!
  4. Berlee

    Surgery on the 8th

    I woke this morning thinking tomorrow is the day, we will all do fantastic. Granni- you are lucky to be the first one on the schedule and lucky that you got a last meal When this all started it seemed to take forever but now is going so fast, I have lost weight extremely well on the pre-op liquid diet. The next journey is a good an permanent one. Today I will make a Protein "toast to Heath" for us all!
  5. Berlee

    Surgery on the 8th

    I know that is my whole purpose for this, what about you? My grand daughter I want to be around and in better shape for het
  6. Berlee

    Surgery on the 8th

    Willy I am on the 8th as well 12:30, good luck and feel free to reach out
  7. Berlee


    Good Luck My insurance approved mine on Nov. 21st. then after what felt like an eternity I got the call on Monday 1st Dec to schedule my surgery, and only one week of the liquid diet.. then Surgery is on 8 Dec. Today was my pre-op, and now I am starting to feel a bit anxious.
  8. I haven't gotten an invite yet either, if anyone gets one please sound off for me. My pre op is tomorrow.
  9. Got the call yesterday, Monday Dec 8, started my liquid diet immediately. Kinda wanted a last meal, but thought about why I am here and said sure, I can do it!
  10. I read that soda feels like sand paper on your insides
  11. Berlee

    New and Excited

    Tonight while sitting in my seat watching my favorite NBA team, I was thinking of how much closer I am to being comfortable in my seat as I watch the games.
  12. Berlee

    Omg so much pain

    I have learned that everyone has different tolerance levels to pain, me I know I am a baby- so I am very nervous for the recovery, previous surgeries have made me very sick... I am hoping to stay hydrated and being able to keep the recommended amounts of fluids down. Give yourself the appropriate healing time for you, don't over do it. You are you, that is truer than true, there is no one alive who is you-er than you- 'Dr Seuss
  13. I know the carbonation will stretch your stomach, and I believe I read that is also bad for the liver. The pre diet is to help reduce the livers size making the surgery easier and safer.
  14. Berlee

    Not telling family

    Today was an exciting day, My insurance has approved my surgery. So scheduling should happen any day now. I have chosen to do this so that I just feel better. But I know that the surgery is looked upon negatively by friends and family, My husband is aware, but we will keep it at that for now. I know this is the beginning to a healthier me and will allow for more quality time with loved ones.

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