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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    Unsolicited Online Dating Advice

    Miss Mac, that is brilliant
  2. OKCPirate

    The Science of Attraction

    carolm1965 I think you are correct... Jim Rohn said, "its dumb to go to a field and yell 'I need food, give it to me.' No, what you need to do is go the the field with seeds. Never go with your needs, only your seeds." I dated successfully at 305. I get many more dating opportunities at 222. I am convinced that women have have evolved senses to seek out healthy mates (basic reproductive needs). Even if kids are not the goal, that shapes most of our tastes and attraction. (Read "Why Women Have Sex" by Cindy M. Meston) But outside appearance aside is what the weight loss did to me on the inside. I took control of my health, which gave me more confidence, and confidence is sexy and attractive to women. So get your head right before you try to write an online dating profile. Do NOT ever say "I'm lonely, want a friend"...Trying to get a date is sales and marketing. So sell yourself as "I am starting an adventure and there is no turning back, want to join me..." Project lots of confidence and that will be attractive to women. If you Google dating, you will find there are many jerks who have sites about how to sleep with women via manipulation, but just because their motives are bad, doesn't mean their insights into how to attract women are necessarily wrong. One guy who I find morally repugnant had a great tip...make a goal to approach 25 women a day, and make notes about each one. His point was the only way to get confident is to practice. One important note...make a list of the qualities that YOU want in the woman of your dreams. Yes you want a cure to loneliness right now, but create a profile of the woman you want in your life. What will she look like, what does she like to do, what is her job, what is her personality, intelligence. Until you do that, you are shooting in the dark and will only make yourself and others miserable. You have to have the confidence to say "look you are a nice person, and you will be a perfect match for someone, but not me." That's confidence in yourself and truth to your intention and vision. Confidence is not free. It takes work to get it. But it is a skill that can be developed. You are on a new path, congrats on the weight loss so far, and it will only get better. If you plan and prepare before you act, you will do better. One other note, you will cope with your feelings of loneliness better IF you have a plan of action. I can do without many things in the short term if I have some hope there will be something better down the road. (very rough paraphrase of I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. All of the New Testament is about Hope and community when you start breaking things down to the very essence IMHO).
  3. OKCPirate

    Unsolicited Online Dating Advice

    Yes I find secretly cheating spouses morally repugnant, but for single guys, you might get some real insight of a female's perspective on Ashley Madison. http://laffaire.info/articles/how-to-get-laid-on-ashley-madison Any dating site where men out number women means you need to change your tactics and strategy to succeed. She has some great tips that you can use on other sites to attract the women you are interested in on sites like POF or Match.com.
  4. OKCPirate

    Pill crushing

    I never did crush my pills. BTW, check with your physician, some meds may not be effective after the surgery, especially extended release meds. Ambien no longer works for me for example. This can be especially problematic for those taking meds for depression and ADD.
  5. OKCPirate

    Unsolicited Online Dating Advice

    Single guys who want to attract women need to shower every day...some science of attraction (or avoiding repulsion). I have read a couple of interesting books relating to relationships...Why Women Have Sex and Sex at Dawn. The sense of smell of women is much more acute in women than men. This is hard wired and is important to reproduction. Women are repelled by men who smell of bacteria because in days of old it meant disease. It makes sense...before we knew what germs were, women who could smell bad food or bad genes from a potential spouse were successful in passing their gene's forward. Some manifestations today: morning sickness during the first trimester when ever they smell something that potentially harm the baby they puke to get rid of the germs. It's easy for single guys to vege out and not worry about taking a shower when they aren't going out, but bacteria grows and the smelly residue is noticed unconsciously by women though it is not noticed by guys. In the first few seconds of meeting you a women's brain unconsciously looks for subtle clues to your general health: shoulder to hip ratio, symmetry of the body/face and will notice subtle odors guys can't smell. Women might not decide to say yes to a date in the first few seconds, but they will make a "no way" decision within the four seconds. Once you get the the "no way" moniker it's tough to overcome it. Give yourself a chance to meet the future Mrs. Right by washing up everyday. Note - attempts to cover lack of daily showers with Polo or Axe colones work with some, but many women are on to that and are consciously repulsed by those smells.
  6. OKCPirate

    Unsolicited Online Dating Advice

    A member of this site asked about starting to date, from the tone of his question, I suspected he wasn't ready. He wanted a loneliness cure, but needy is not attractive. Jim Rohn said, "its dumb to go to a field and yell 'I need food, give it to me.' No, what you need to do is go the the field with seeds. Never go with your needs, only your seeds." I dated successfully at 305. I get many more dating opportunities at 222. I am convinced that women have have evolved senses to seek out healthy mates (basic reproductive needs). Even if kids are not the goal, that shapes most of our tastes and attraction. (Read "Why Women Have Sex" by Cindy M. Meston) But outside appearance aside is what the weight loss did to me on the inside. I took control of my health, which gave me more confidence, and confidence is sexy and attractive to women. So get your head right before you write your profile. Do NOT ever say I'm lonely, want a friend...with online dating its sales. So sell yourself as "I am starting an adventure and there is no turning back, want to join me..." Project lots of confidence and that will be attractive to women. I have some posts on this site on how to do online dating better. Let me know if you have any questions. Google dating, there are many jerks who have sites about how to sleep with women, but just because their motives are bad, doesn't mean their insights into how to attract women are necessarily wrong. One guy who I find morally repugnant had a great tip...make a goal to approach 25 women a day, and make notes about each one. His point was the only way to get confident is to practice. One important note...make a list of the qualities that YOU want. Yes you want love, but create a profile of the woman you want in your life. What will she look like, what does she like to do, what is her job, what is her personality, intelligence. Until you do that, you are shooting in the dark. You have to have the confidence to say "look you are a nice person, and you will be a perfect match for someone, but not me." Confidence is not free. It takes work to get it. But it is a skill that can be developed. You are on a new path, congrats on the weight loss so far, and it will only get better. If you plan and prepare before you act, you will do better. One other note, you will cope with your feelings of loneliness better IF you have a plan of action. I can do without many things if I have some hope there will be something better down the road.
  7. OKCPirate

    Being a Big Guy and Dating

    Daveo, I dated successfully at 305. I get many more dating opportunities at 222. I am convinced that women have have evolved senses to seek out healthy mates (basic reproductive needs). Even if kids are not the goal, that shapes most of our tastes and attraction. (Read "Why Women Have Sex" by Cindy M. Meston) But outside appearance aside is what the weight loss did to me on the inside. I took control of my health, which gave me more confidence, and confidence is sexy and attractive to women. So get your head right before you write your profile. Do NOT ever say I'm lonely, want a friend...with online dating its sales. So sell yourself as "I am starting an adventure and there is no turning back, want to join me..." Project lots of confidence and that will be attractive to women. I have some posts on this site on how to do online dating better. Let me know if you have any questions. Google dating, there are many jerks who have sites about how to sleep with women, but just because their motives are bad, doesn't mean their insights into how to attract women are necessarily wrong. One guy who I find morally repugnant had a great tip...make a goal to approach 25 women a day, and make notes about each one. His point was the only way to get confident is to practice. One important note...make a list of the qualities that YOU want. Yes you want love, but create a profile of the woman you want in your life. What will she look like, what does she like to do, what is her job, what is her personality, intelligence. Until you do that, you are shooting in the dark. You have to have the confidence to say "look you are a nice person, and you will be a perfect match for someone, but not me." Confidence is not free. It takes work to get it. But it is a skill that can be developed. You are on a new path, congrats on the weight loss so far, and it will only get better. If you plan and prepare before you act, you will do better. One other note, you will cope with your feelings of loneliness better IF you have a plan of action. I can do without many things if I have some hope there will be something better down the road.
  8. OKCPirate

    Genepro- 30 grams of protein/serving untrue?

    I was poking around on the web about this and found this on one of the body building boards: LARGEbagFrontWEB.jpgHey there guys. I am the Doctor/Genetic Bio-Scientist that invented GENEPRO and am the owner of Musclegen Research. Serving size is 1 Tablespoon = 30g of Protein.. Here is a little about the product and the difference between Genepro and any other protein on the market. We are working with bodybuilding.com to carry Genepro as well as out other products.. What makes Genepro so unique is that we are able to reduce the protein molecule to half the size of normal protein through a process called Electrophoresis. This is a reverse electrical polarity method of extracting pure protein. In essence we take protein molecules that, for reference, are the size of a baseball. We push these baseball sized protein molecules through a Polyacrylamide gel (the gel stays below 87 degrees F) and introduce electricity through the gel. This process removes hydrogen ions, allergens and any fillers or binders so we are able to then bind the protein with a strand of six amino acids called a Hexapeptide which stabilizes the molecular structure. This hexapeptide increases shelf life of the protein as well as balancing the bitter taste that is present with the protein after electrophoresis and actually gives the protein a slightly sweet undertone. The protein is pushed through a filtration system and into a centrifuge which results in a pure protein molecule that is now the size of a golf ball (for reference). You may not be able to fit 30 baseballs into a shoe box but you can fit 30 golf balls. Thus giving us the ability to get 30grams of protein in a 1TBS serving size. This process also changes the caloritic count as well to 3.2 calories per gram of protein. The process as well at the hexapeptide are patent pending and have never been used before in nutrition (it's a genetic process that is used primarily in forensic science). The other interesting fact is that most protein supplements digest in the lower GI and whey is absorbed at only 31% so if you're "taking" 30g of whey, your body is only taking in 9g. Genepro is digested in the upper GI which eliminates gluten, lactose and bowel sensitivity and absorbs at a rate of 94% which makes it 3 times more effective than any other protein on the planet (medical or open market). Flavorless and odorless and can be mixed instantly in any food or beverage (hot or cold) without changing the taste or consistency. Truly the most complex and advanced protein on the planet. Each 1pound container comes with 3 empty, re-useable travel pouches that make it super convenient to use anytime, anywhere and in anything.
  9. OKCPirate

    Sleeve Pain Level - From a Guys Perspective?

    No pain problems at all. Didn't need anything for pain after the drain tube was out. I was up and walking within minutes of waking up.
  10. Significant improvement. Not going to lie about it. But it makes sense since everything else is healthier and the blood flow has improved.
  11. OKCPirate

    The end of a relationship

    You made the right call. I was married to a person with similar symptoms - a classic Borderline Personality Disorder sufferer. It was ok when I was more narcissistic, but when I went to counseling to learn how to help her after she went to her first trip to the mental hospital, I started to over come the narcissism and not enjoying the Borderline craziness anymore. So I believe when you realize the significant other has issues and if they won't recognize it, or change you have a duty to yourself to get out. My marriage literally nearly killed me based on my blood work during that time. Note - I'm not accusing anyone, but know this - Narcissists and Borderlines attract each other. Both disorders are really hard to overcome. They drive everyone else nuts and they are oblivious to the damage they do. Somethings you can't fix. Getting a divorce sucked, but it was literally self defense.
  12. She learned at Tufts, but why not the standalone clinic in Edmond? http://www.summitmedcenter.com/our-services/bariatric-surgery?gclid=CjwKEAjws5CrBRD8ze702_2dyjYSJAAAJK9yep9kcbod66mJu9A-LVGhwkVJXUb1CxyCsFz3tJRCeBoCMp_w_wcB I could not get my insurance company to pay for mine, so I had it performed in Mexico. Less than $5K. There are many options depending on your circumstances and support network. Feel free to email me and I'd be glad to share any information I picked up. This surgery changed my life for the good, so be warned I am a raging fan
  13. To add to what RaginCajun just said, I'd also make sure you are getting lots of high quality Protein. You want to keep your muscle and feed your skin. I need 100g or more per day, and it is work to make sure I get it all in. And to the post topic, no I didn't think it was going to be magic, but it felt like it. My weight loss has stalled, but the caliper tests I use to measure body fat show significant loss in body fat, which tells me I'm muscling up, which is fine with me. My masseuse even wondered if I was becoming a body builder . Nice compliment, but no, not for me.
  14. OKCPirate

    Never thought I'd consider cosmetic surgery

    Nikasio, I noticed many synthetics do smell bad, I have not noticed it with these. Mine are Nike 12.5cm Phenom Two-in-One Men's Running Shorts. Not true compression, but it's enough. Oh, I got mine at an outlet in Phoenix for $18 a pair, so look around.
  15. I used the 10% rule. When I found some fitness activity hurt me (i.e. I was REALLY sore the following morning), I would back down 10% and try it for two weeks. If I was fine, I would then go up 10% two weeks later. This could be on intensity on elliptical, or amount of weight I was lifting. But I figure that after two weeks without being utterly sore, it was safe to move up. This seems to work across the board...I only increase or decrease calories, Protein or exercise but only 10% every two weeks. It requires some tracking (I use myfitnesspal.com). Might be worth looking into.
  16. OKCPirate

    I just had a BRILLIANT idea! (I know, no shocker there!)

    JUSTIFY ME ---to---> MOLLIFY ME---to---> ADVISE ME GENTLY---to---> GIVE ME **REAL** FEEDBACK---to---> KICK MY ASS IF NEED BE This would be a cool tool. But as co-laborers in helping one another succeed, you need a deep tool kit and have the discernment to know which tools to use and where to use them (almost always privately): For some, listening ears and a gentle word in the moment of weakness (Proverbs 25:11; 25:20). Others, a sharing in weakness, doubt and failure; and the hope of renewal (Proverbs 15:2; 19:11). Certain others, the hard face and stern challenge (Proverbs 27:17). Occasionally, reprimand or reproach (Proverbs 9:8,17:10). For each of these, your goal is restoration of the person and, as quickly as possible, a continuation of the work. However, when necessary, you must separate and terminate (Proverbs 14:7). These are tools of leadership and healing; like a doctor’s tools, they should be used for the good of the others always, the patient if possible and never for yourself. Never. I have reaped the bitter fruit of my own failure to heed this last point many times.
  17. OKCPirate

    Is it CHEATING or is it a CHOICE?

    If you are sabotaging your success through bad choices, you are not going to get a hug from me...but I would remind you that Einstein said ""No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." If you are making bad choices, you are going to have to dig to a different level to figure out why. As I prepped for surgery I did a bunch of work on the mental/emotional side of my food issues. If you are having these issues again, time to go back to do that work. Get "The Emotional First+Aid Kit, A Practical Guide to Life After Barbaric Surgery" by Alexander. Very good book I went through BEFORE my surgery. All my sleeve can ever be is a tool. It's not a magic wand. I make choices to go to the gym, get my protein et. al. I remind myself before each lift to do it harder and better than before and make every workout count. You are nothing more than the sum of your choices to date. If you can't thank God, yourself and all that is that you have been given a great opportunity for tremendous change, then go back and figure out why. I am immensely grateful for all the great changes in my life. If you are not, then figure out why. NOTE: I said WHY, not WHINE.
  18. OKCPirate

    Never thought I'd consider cosmetic surgery

    Cube68, did respectably well, ran the whole thing, ran 7 minutes faster than the average runner in the race (there were over 2000). Good luck on yours.
  19. OKCPirate

    Never thought I'd consider cosmetic surgery

    cube68 I found Nike has compression shorts covered by a bigger outer short. That's what I'm wearing in this picture. No jiggle, don't have to show the world everything
  20. OKCPirate

    Isopure drinks

    I really like the green tea, I drink half of one on my way home from the gym. I mixed the coconut with chocolate Protein powder for my mounds flavored shake (it's also good with a splash of rum and pineapple juice).
  21. OKCPirate

    Finished a 5k this morning!

    it is a fun adventure isn't it?
  22. When I started this journey, I had a vision of getting back down to 200 again, or 190 when I was my fittest time of my life at 19, but when I started hitting the gym hard again and putting on new muscle, I seemed to have stalled at 222. And you know what, I am actually quite happy here. I keep getting stronger, the quality of my life is great. I log in my food on myfitnesspal to keep track of my Protein intake, but I mostly eat what I like, I don't need all the meds I used to take. I gave my mom my c-pap because I don't need it any more. I don't need validation from the scale, I am wearing the same size pants I wore in high school again, even my old Army uniform is too big. I'm contented. If my body wants to drop more weight, that's fine with me, but I am mostly going to pay attention to snugness of my clothes.
  23. OKCPirate

    Gym Rats

    For a month following surgery I did nothing but walk. After a month I started to lift again and doing elliptical. I kept weights low and increased 10% per week. I did this three times a week and walked on off days. After a month of careful lifting, I finally started heavier weights, split into 2 leg/ab days and 2 arm/upper body. On leg days I used the rowing machine for cardio (30 minutes) and 30 minutes on the elliptical on arm days. Please use a program like myfitnesspal to keep track of your Protein. You need even more when you are lifting. But Water and protein are vital to keeping your skin healthy. The sag will be less noticeable with muscle tone behind it. Enjoy your new start. I'm becoming a full fledged gym rat. I even added in running and did my first 5K two weeks ago.
  24. OKCPirate

    Couch to 5k

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
