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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. Sigh, just to complicate things further, when you exercise might make a difference, especially in maintenance. http://www.mapmyfitness.com/blog/the-best-time-of-day-to-exercise-to-lose-weight-3769/?spMailingID=48935461&spUserID=MTIzODY4ODIwMjAzS0&spJobID=702946317&spReportId=NzAyOTQ2MzE3S0 There is some evidence that exercising first thing on an empty stomach may prevent weight gain.
  2. Yes, libido improves immeasurably with weight loss, exercise and a quality diet...and it just keeps getting better . I added yoga to my workouts two months ago...<giggles> - my girlfriend really noticed (and loves) the difference it makes. Give it a month 2-3 times a week. A little flexibility can be a very sexy thing. OK, I'll quit smiling now.
  3. Based on my heart rate monitor and some sites I found online which does the math, I burn 594 calories during an one hour session.
  4. Surgery was Nov 7, could have been able to return to work on the 9th, but waited until 11th. Only vomiting was when I tried pizza two months later and didn't chew it enough I had the sleeve
  5. OKCPirate

    How accurate is your calorie counting?

    You need to balance OCD with the reality that if you under-report you will have problems. For instance, if you need 1000 calories a day, and you only under-report 5% that is only 50 calories...right? Well over a year that is 18,250 calories or five pounds of added fat per year. So you need to be as accurate as you can be. I am always tracking Protein, calories and carbs. If I see a bad trend starting, I can go back in the journal and correct. And I use myfitnesstracker site and some of the numbers seem off, and when they do, I check the web. I don't use their calorie counts on exercise, I use my heart rate monitor and then use web tools to figure out the calories burned. I try not to make The Perfect, the enemy of the The Good.
  6. This too shall pass. Remember you are pumped full of IV fluids. It may be a week before those are all out of your system. Don't freak. Two weeks from now when you are peeing and pooping again all that will pass and you will be very happy. Trust me. I've been there too, just earlier.
  7. OKCPirate

    Protein drinks?

    I used Isopure exclusively for the first two weeks and then started using GNC's lean shakes when I was off Clear liquids. Now I use a mix of them, but I added genpro powder for coffee to get extra boost
  8. OKCPirate

    Madly in love but holding back info

    I only tell people that I am interested in dating, "I lost 90 pounds last year" because if you google me, you will find pictures that are me at my heaviest. I let women know the pictures I posted on my dating web site are current. When asked how I did it, "ate less, moved more." And that is technically true and enough until someone really wants to know.
  9. This is kind of the way I feel when I run across these people
  10. OKCPirate

    Any Regrets?

    Only that I didn't do it earlier. 7 months out, not one.
  11. OKCPirate

    Going to Mexico !

    Did the same. When I checked, I found their rate of infection was lower than most places in the US. I didn't know why until I got there. I think it was because: Big private rooms Frequent mopping Less equipment, hence few surfaces to wipe down In short, less was actually more in this case. Hope your surgery is just a walk in the park like mine.
  12. OKCPirate

    Love, sex, and cocktails.

    bellabloom, one of the reasons they think there is a risk of compulsive drinking following surgery is many compulsive eaters change one habit for another without getting to the root issues. What pain were you soothing with food? What were you soothing with sex and attention? I worked through this book before surgery: The Emotional First + Aid Kit: A Practical Guide to Life After Bariatric Surgery, Second Edition Hope that will give you a starting point.
  13. I used these: http://www.theisopurecompany.com/ 40g per bottle. My preference was the green tea. Just sip slow and get used to the signals from your new sleeve. I was surprised that it didn't hurt. Oh, BTW, don't freak out when you get on the scale when you get home because you are heavier than when you left. You might not have eaten anything, but you will be pumped full of IV fluids. It might take a week for all that to get out of your system.
  14. I don't want to be a pile of lose skin at the end of this journey. I am putting muscle behind the weight/fat loss. Diet and exercise all fit together for balance. If you play the right games with your self, it is all really fun. If you are a joy hating fun sucker, well you know, there isn't much I can do for you.
  15. There are tons of reasons why this works for 80% of those who do it and why behavior modification alone works for less than 8%...Two big ones Biological reason: Long term obesity changes the body. It creates systems to support the fat that end up killing you. Insulin spikes, extra coritisol, creating less testosterone. All these cascade into a nearly unwinnable war against weight. Behavioral habits: We all have them. food is soothing. It was a way of dealing with stress. It is in our memories of good times. The surgery changes the hormones, allowing weight loss to happen. It is a tool to help us break behavioral habits. It is only a tool. You still have to eat the right stuff and move. But it is a great tool.
  16. OKCPirate

    Will we have to low carb for ever?

    Miss Mac, very inspiring. Your comments were a BFO (Blinding Flash of the Obvious). I've got my carbs counted on my food diary, time for some experimenting and see if I can get past this stall by altering the carbs. My gut feeling was not enough Protein, but I'll work on adjusting the carbs and see if I can find an optimum mix for me. Strangely I was losing more weight when using steel cut oats for carbs as opposed to berries. But this is worth playing around with.
  17. I am with you Bluesea71, GENEPRO is tasteless. I put it in my pre-workout drink and it dissolved well, mixed well and tastelessly with my eggs. It is worth trying. I have been trying to get my protein up closer to 200g per day, and at 30g a serving this could supplement the 100g I am getting from regular food sources.
  18. Chrystee, great idea, will do that tomorrow night. I find that I double up workouts on Yoga days, I'll throw in a 3 mile run after 5 or 6 hours of re-hydration
  19. Shrinking Peach, thank you, helpful link
  20. Hidden Dragon: http://www.hiddendragonyoga.com/ They have a mid-town and Edmond location. Mon and Wed at 6 they have a beginners level class, with core work. Great stuff. I am usually the only guy in the class sans the instructor so please introduce yourself Soonergal91.
  21. I'll find out more tomorrow when Amazon's drone delivers it, but here is the most interesting thing I could find on the product on the web...It arrived last week, and it is flavorless. Mixes well with yogurt, half a scoop dissolves nicely in my coffee. Finally able to boost my protein levels to where they need to be. My hair is not falling out like it was. So I'm sticking with this stuff. I was poking around on the web about this and found this on one of the body building boards: LARGEbagFrontWEB.jpgHey there guys. I am the Doctor/Genetic Bio-Scientist that invented GENEPRO and am the owner of Musclegen Research. Serving size is 1 Tablespoon = 30g of Protein.. Here is a little about the product and the difference between Genepro and any other protein on the market. We are working with bodybuilding.com to carry Genepro as well as out other products.. What makes Genepro so unique is that we are able to reduce the protein molecule to half the size of normal protein through a process called Electrophoresis. This is a reverse electrical polarity method of extracting pure protein. In essence we take protein molecules that, for reference, are the size of a baseball. We push these baseball sized protein molecules through a Polyacrylamide gel (the gel stays below 87 degrees F) and introduce electricity through the gel. This process removes hydrogen ions, allergens and any fillers or binders so we are able to then bind the protein with a strand of six amino acids called a Hexapeptide which stabilizes the molecular structure. This hexapeptide increases shelf life of the protein as well as balancing the bitter taste that is present with the protein after electrophoresis and actually gives the protein a slightly sweet undertone. The protein is pushed through a filtration system and into a centrifuge which results in a pure protein molecule that is now the size of a golf ball (for reference). You may not be able to fit 30 baseballs into a shoe box but you can fit 30 golf balls. Thus giving us the ability to get 30grams of protein in a 1TBS serving size. This process also changes the caloritic count as well to 3.2 calories per gram of protein. The process as well at the hexapeptide are patent pending and have never been used before in nutrition (it's a genetic process that is used primarily in forensic science). The other interesting fact is that most protein supplements digest in the lower GI and whey is absorbed at only 31% so if you're "taking" 30g of whey, your body is only taking in 9g. Genepro is digested in the upper GI which eliminates gluten, lactose and bowel sensitivity and absorbs at a rate of 94% which makes it 3 times more effective than any other protein on the planet (medical or open market). Flavorless and odorless and can be mixed instantly in any food or beverage (hot or cold) without changing the taste or consistency. Truly the most complex and advanced protein on the planet. Each 1pound container comes with 3 empty, re-useable travel pouches that make it super convenient to use anytime, anywhere and in anything.
  22. OKCPirate

    Unsolicited Online Dating Advice

    ANewBeginning15, I have used almost all of the major dating sites, and POF is the creepiest. It's free, so there are too many people who have such bad money habits they can't get a debit card. Match has the best quality people around...most with a good education, and money stability, but you still might get some unwanted attention. eHarmony does not allow everyone to see your profile, only those who they deem matches, so your selection is limited but it limits unwanted conversations. Remember, it's all anonymous, so you don't have to reply to every "hey babe" that comes your way online.
  23. OKCPirate

    Post # 1

    BigHarleyGuy1, This surgery changed my life for the friken GREAT. No more CPAP, BP meds, dating/sex life so much better. food still tastes great, just less of it. Read the sections "Sex, oh my god sex" and "you know when you lost weight when" and you will get a sense of the hope and change that is possible. Do your own research, but what convinced me to do this was a study that showed the VERY BEST behavior modification programs for weight loss had 8% success rates. Bariatric surgery 80%. I went with the odds, did self pay in Mexico and love the results.
  24. OKCPirate

    My first visit

    If you need motivation look up to long term chains on this site: "Sex oh my god sex" and "You know when you lost weight when" -both will make you smile, laugh and give you hope for the journey. Then you can look up technical stuff at your leisure.
  25. OKCPirate

    Unsolicited Online Dating Advice

    ANewBeginning15, I am serious about four things:#1 - my kids #2 - my work (still have the coolest job on the planet) #3 - regaining my heath via my sleeve given second chance, quality food and exercise #4 - finding someone to share my blessings with me All of these are difficult, requiring time and conscious intention. I can wax philosophic on all of these subjects. But all of these are fun and sources of great joy especially when done well. Not many dating philosophers out there who want to enjoy the journey...most of them just want to get into someone's pants...and that is a shallow goal IMHO.

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