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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. If you can physically handle it, I'm experimenting with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). The idea is to deliberately work to muscle failure by working hard in short bursts. The fatigue creates a huge increase in lactic acid and has been shown to increase the hormone levels for muscle growth and fat loss. It looks like it is not recommended for the long haul, but for a month long period. It hurts, but only for 20 minutes . But thanks for the liquid diet idea. I will keep that one in the tool chest.
  2. OKCPirate

    not losing inches?

    There are several factors which can affect this, your muscle, skin, where your body stores fat depends on cortisol and other hormones. You can't spot reduce (if you could, you would see huge difference between Serena Williams racket/non racket arms), but staying hydrated, protein/diet and exercise will eventually get the inches off.
  3. Thanks for bringing this up. I had a similar experience, but didn't put it together until now. Makes sense. But it stopped in March. Thanks for bringing it up.
  4. OKCPirate

    "What are you doing?!"

    I always say "I eat less, move more." If someone is serious about it, I'll let them know privately.
  5. OKCPirate

    2nd thoughts

    Did it at 51, I was active but saw the warning signs that in less than a decade I'd be hit with all sorts of negative stuff from the weight. I prepped and did it. In the 220's after starting off 2014 at 305. Everything is better. No regrets.
  6. OKCPirate

    My Libido has Increased After Surgery!

    Did for me too. It will only get better http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/219760-sex-oh-my-god-sex/
  7. OKCPirate


    Try Isopure clear at GNC. 40g of Protein. Hydration and protein. Helped me.
  8. OKCPirate

    Someone slap me please!

    Here's some motivation - the only time I puked following the surgery was when I tried to eat pizza, Lost my desire for it after that.
  9. Start getting in better shape now. I walked, lifted, and did as much as I could 5 times a week getting ready for surgery. Started practicing eating slower for lunch. Watched many videos, talked to people who had been through it. Oh, but best work was preparing for the mental changes with my therapist and worked through this book: http://www.amazon.com/Emotional-First-Aid-Kit-Practical/dp/0976852659/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1436729032&sr=8-13&keywords=bariatric+book If you drink, like I did, you need to assess how to wean yourself off. Ditto cigs, and slowly cut the caffeine. Don't try to cram it into the final week, you will feel horrible, just put it on a calendar and do it in a controlled manner. Followed the pre-op diet to the letter Shopped two weeks before surgery for the foods I would need for the first two weeks. Revised my will and power's of attorney just in case something went wrong Tried pureed meal ideas before surgery so I had some meal plans. The result of this work - flawless surgery, up and running a day later, no real drop in energy, and ready for the change. Its been a great ride. Off BP meds/CPAP and the sex is incredible, but that's in a different forum (look up sex, oh my god sex in the men's room if you need motivation).
  10. OKCPirate


    I started green tea after surgery, didn't do coffee again until 2 months out. But I had a quick surgery, no complications, kept it slow to see what I could tolerate. I don't do cream in coffee, but I have taken to putting half a scoop of GENEPRO in my coffee with stevia and Vietnamese cinnamon.
  11. OKCPirate


    Had one of those WTF moments about the same point, woke up the next morning and pee'd for 20 minutes, (two flusher - http://www.hulu.com/watch/4850) and all was well. No worries.
  12. OKCPirate

    Sleeve + menopause + IUD = weight loss stall?

    I'll point you in the direction of hormonal studies and weight loss and then duck out of the powder room http://www.laparoscopic.md/bypass/hormones http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22692670 Bye ladies
  13. OKCPirate

    So I've noticed...

    @@Elode - no doubt, women are tougher on each other than guys. And its tougher for women to handle attention - lack there of, and too much. First time I saw that was from nurses who were in Viet Nam. When they were in theater, they were they only American women around and they were getting too much attention from young hot guys, but when they got back state side they felt ignored because the circumstances had changed. Many became very depressed. But reality is what it is. So you can be mad about the situation, or become philosophical, but the reality is what it is. As to bat arms, start googling about High Intensity Training with weights. Very high weights, pushing to muscle failure. It will put on muscle faster than any other method out there and takes about 25 minutes twice a week. It is actually much more effective than low weight, high rep methods. Now the downsides of HIT: you need to increase protein, you will stall weight loss (not fat loss), and it hurts like crazy for 20 minutes. We were sleeved about the same time. I've been at the same weight for about two months, but still lost another two inches off my waist and dropped 5% body fat, so I quit looking at the scale for validation and just stuck to weekly caliper tests to let me know if I'm doing something wrong. I now run 3.2 miles twice a week, two hot yoga classes every week, and two HIT wieght sessions. Tuesday's I take a break . But I am digging the attention and its easier getting dates. I'm a single guy...I WANT the attention .
  14. OKCPirate

    How accurate is your calorie counting?

    This thread got me interested in further research on the subject, I found this article and the references fascinating... http://drinks.seriouseats.com/2013/10/cocktail-science-do-alcohol-calories-count-digesting-spirits.html And add to it the problems of figuring out your caloric set point that HBO highlighted in their documentary on the weight of the nation special...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i_cmltmQ6A It is made even more complicated by the changes in hormone levels due to surgery and weight loss changes our body and makes us more efficient metabolic machines. http://www.hindawi.com/journals/grp/2013/528450/ This all points to one important thing, we don't know everything. So to the point of this thread, don't go nuts trying to figure out each calorie, but, it is a guide to help you lose and a good tool to aid you. But we are very complex critters. So eat well, just less of it and hang on as we keep learning new things. And keep listening to the many successful people on this site and their advise, I do.
  15. No longer having to plan on how to cut my toenails. Used to be a logistical hassle - leg up, breath, suck in gut, bend, gasp for air No more.
  16. I quit tobacco two 1/2 years ago (25 years smoker of Marlboro Reds and skoal long cut straight dipper)...went cold turkey for four days and then used nicoreette because the damn spiders wouldn't go away with out nicotine . Switched over to vaping and that has worked well for me. No smell and all my COPD symptoms went away, while my doc has not endorsed it, he can't find anything wrong with it either. I have no idea why my body loves nicotine so much, but Vaping has been the least harmful method of delivery. No non-smoking girl friend has been bothered by the Vape, so I'm good.
  17. OKCPirate

    Go Outside And Play

    Running, biking and hiking. I started doing push ups/dips and other exercises during my runs just to break things up and increase the challenge.
  18. Start a diary on this. This information will be very helpful to your medical team. Document when you lost/forgot something (date and time). Keep a food log too. If it's a nutritional deficiency, they will be able to spot it. If it is something more, at least this will be safely ignored. There are so many possible things that can be going on, just saying it's just food is dangerous. Please be patient with your docs... when you present with memory issues you are getting into a murky area of medicine where the "art" is just as important as "the science." The more hard information you can give your docs the better they will be able to help.
  19. OKCPirate

    OLD dating after surgery, and question about ghosting

    Congrats on all the positive changes you have made. Trying to find a long term partner via dating is a process akin to preparation for your surgery and life after. At some point you might want to explain the surgery, but I wouldn't lead with it. Enjoy getting to know someone. Your sleeve doesn't define you. It was a positive change you made. Here are some hints I created on online dating...http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/336754-unsolicited-online-dating-advice/ It might be helpful. Finding the right person is trial and error. Just because one person doesn't work out doesn't mean it is the end of the world, it is just one person making a decision about what is right for them. You will be doing the same thing.
  20. OKCPirate

    Intimacy after sleeve

    No problems with it so far...oh wait, I'm not gay...not that there is anything wrong with that...but I've enjoyed it, and so has my girlfriend.
  21. OKCPirate

    Unsolicited Online Dating Advice

    I'm glad for you Oregondaisy. Congrats, you had to work hard to find someone when you live in a rural area.
  22. OKCPirate

    Unsolicited Online Dating Advice

    VSGAnn2014, I didn't know Gary, but everyone I know who knew him would echo your impression of him and would add other less than flattering remarks about his lifestyle, but many respected his marketing talents which were extraordinary. I love the example as a very good template of what seems to work. Very good points about getting the conversation going. I find it interesting that sometimes a short email gets the conversation started and sometimes a longer introductory email works. I have tried both with equal success. As always it depends on the recipient. But the main thing is to get the conversation going. I am experimenting with sending long (1000 characters), if no response waiting two weeks and trying short (less than 200). I'll post if I come to any clear conclusions. One thing I do know guys - "hey babe" does NOT work as an opening email.
  23. OKCPirate

    Unsolicited Online Dating Advice

    bikrchk, thanks, and it's possible to get a Google phone number. It's what my family uses when we sell stuff on Craig's List. It protects you until you actually meet. You might also want to create a dating email address too. One that is not linked to any of your social media profiles. I think 99% of the guys on online dating sites give the rest of us a bad name sometimes .
  24. OKCPirate

    What about the boobies!?

    I remember my ex-wife's lament when she was done breast feeding..."I used to look down and see high beams, now I look down and see the three N's - Nipple, Navel, Nipple" Sleevie - "oh hunny I don't think men will ever get it!!" - we get it. Two things I will never offer my opinion on to any woman - what she should do with her hair and what she should do to her breasts. That is so tied into how a woman presents herself to the world that a dumb comment could be really devastating. But I don't think women will get that when a guy loves you, he really doesn't care, those bad girls are always fun. We love 'em, but I'm willing to pay what ever the price so the women I love will love the girls too.

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