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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate


    Really the first I have heard of it. I don't do much fruit, but just had some pineapple and tomatoes have not been a problem...but I don't make a meal of them, they are always last in.
  2. OKCPirate

    Fed up

    This is an interesting topoic, which points to a larger problem - we don't know who asked "can I cheat/eat something not on program" akin to one that I hear often with alcohol etc. I have seen videos of WLS failures who obviously went back to potato chips and high fat food. I think much of the touch love and goal shaming I see is a reminder to lurkers that "no you can't eat crap all the time." Yes we said "occasionally" but some of us think others are going to hear "it's OK, eat crap." I don't blame the people on these boards who offer cautionary advise, it is a important reminder. One that often can't be echoed enough. But for the most part I have found the people here to be very forthcoming about their struggles, their successes and very encouraging. We have a nice mix of caring nurturing types and tough love types. Between the two I think the message gets out to those who need to hear it. At least I hear it and appreciate it.
  3. The Emotional First + Aid Kit: A Practical Guide to Life After Bariatric Surgery, by Cynthia L. Alexander
  4. A few years ago before my surgery I noticed less leg hair around my ankles. It looked like it was happening where my socks were, so I didn't think much about it. Shortly before I had surgery someone pointed out that my feet were changing colors when I was standing outside barefoot. I looked it up, looked like poor blood circulation. After the weight-loss and working out, the foot discoloration stopped. But this week I noticed I'm getting my leg hairs are back. I think that is a good thing, but has anyone else experienced this?
  5. OKCPirate

    Is that new leg hair?

    Thanks DavidK - probably why I am getting my back waxed. Kidding - I'm waxing so I don't gross out women.
  6. OKCPirate

    Worst Restaurant Food You Ordered?

    Buddy was in town this week and wanted to go to Nic's in OKC. Possibly one of the best burgers in the world he tells me. (It is is famous: http://newsok.com/nics-grill-the-best-burger-you-may-never-get/article/3809904). So I get the burger...three bites and I'm done, my buddy (tall skinny guy) eats the whole thing. I take the rest home to my daughter who enjoyed the rest of the burger over two meals and tells me "it was good going down, but now I feel like a bad person." Talk about a grease coma.
  7. OKCPirate


    Wow! OKCPirate, you look great! Who did you go with in Juarez Mexico? How was your experience when you arrive there? Everyone looks so good! Motivation!! Thank you - my mom joined me. She is a retired nurse. I was really just planning on heading down alone, but I had too many co-workers and friends freak out that I invited her just to shut them up. It was worth the frequent flyer miles. Dr. Jose Rodriguez Villarreal at the Star Medica. The people were very nice, biggest hang up was getting the shuttle. The cab union leader is friends with the cops union there and they keep giving him a rough time about where he can park when he's picking up people. The facility is good. I was wondering why there rates of infection were so much lower there than in the US. I figured it out when I arrived. Huge room. No roommate. They mop the place every hour. Not as much equipment in the room as there is in the average American hospital, so their are fewer surfaces to clean. My friend's wife had barbaric surgery a few years ago in the US, and her she did get a horrible site infection, not from the procedure but from the facility. Dr. Jose Rodriguez Villarreal Dr. Jose Rodriguez Villarreal
  8. OKCPirate


    I'm not sure what is happening today, but I'm having problems getting notifications and sending multiple posts.
  9. OKCPirate


    I'm curious where you heard it was bad.
  10. OKCPirate

    Anxiety overload

    Nothing is ever guaranteed, but this a great tool, if you respect it. But I really hope your journey will be as pleasant as mine. You are doing something courageous for yourself and the others in your life. I was blessed when I ran across this option. I am doing great, but I am inspired by the people on this board like B-52 and others who are doing great and they are in it for the long haul. Look up: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/195065-you-know-you-lost-weight-when/ http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/344769-fat-related-routines-you-wont-miss/ The posts might give you some inspiration.
  11. OKCPirate


    I had my sleeve done in Juarez, Mexico
  12. OKCPirate


    Ignore this one, I must have hit the wrong key
  13. OKCPirate

    Anxiety overload

    Until there is a shortage of BBW hookers, I don't think anyone should worry about the sex slave issue. I'd just concentrate on walking, eating slower and trying out Protein drinks.
  14. @Alex Brecher - There may be a greater use of sleeves than the statistics show because people like me are willing to pony up the money and get it done in Mexico.
  15. OKCPirate

    Anxiety overload

    My surgery was in Mexico, and most of my friends thought I was nuts, but when you do self pay, they offered the best service for the best price. My facility was great and the care was wonderful. I was scared to death as the date got closer, but so dang thankful when it was done. It is a process. There will be change. The sleeve is just a tool, not a magic wand. It is a new beginning and there is a great deal deal of discovery ahead, I was blown away at the many self discoveries I made about my relationship with food that I didn't know I had. Be open to the truth and doors will open. May sound kind of New Age, but this is a physical as well as mental and spiritual journey. Fear is just a signal that something new is about to happen. Good luck and congratulations on having the courage to begin a new chapter in your life. You can archive the "fat years" soon.
  16. OKCPirate

    2nd thoughts

    From John VDB-- " Go Octavia16, go, you will love the results of this surgery...it is already changing my life. I walk my remaining unmarried daughter down the aisle in two weeks, doing it much healthier than 12 weeks ago! You have to be courageous to have this surgery." This touched my heart, that's great and congratulations to you and the new bride. Not only can you walk her down the aisle, but you can dance with her too.
  17. Has anyone tried the Icelandic yogurt? http://smariorganics.com/ Here is a link to the calories and other information: http://smariorganics.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Product-Request-Form-v72914.pdf
  18. OKCPirate

    Fat confessionals

    @ShrinkingPeach Thanks for sharing that. The last few years with my ex had me so beaten down I didn't really care about my health for years (she was bi-polar). In the four years post divorce I slowly started making better health choices, quit smoking and all tobacco and eventually finding this. It's been a heck of a ride, but I agree, I not only would like to live longer, but want to live better too.
  19. OKCPirate

    One week and freaking out

    BTW, this was what I wrote the day before my surgery: Thanks for all the encouragement. Tomorrow's the big day. After losing 16 pounds on the pre-opp diet I was really second guessing this decision. But I know the 16 pounds would be back on before New Year's without this. Many of the challenges I think I will face have been addressed in this topic and it seems manageable. I'm glad that I'm doing this before major health problems happen and I "have to do it." Can't wait to start dating again in a few months and do some before and after comparisons of the women who respond on Match.com. From what I understand, as you get closer to a healthier size, your confidence as well as energy improves...and women are highly attracted to confidence (not cockiness). This is one of my top eight reasons for doing this surgery. The top reason is still health. I see little yellow flags popping up, if I stay at this weight I'll either have heart troubles, knee problems or diabetes. So I am mentally prepared for a crappy few weeks, encouraged by some solid weight loss followed by learning a new normal. Looking forward to not being the fat sweaty guy.
  20. OKCPirate

    One week and freaking out

    I was scared to death as the date got closer, but so dang thankful when it was done. It is a process. There will be change. The sleeve is just a tool, not a magic wand. It is a new beginning and there is a great deal deal of discovery ahead, I was blown away at the many self discoveries I made about my relationship with food that I didn't know I had. Be open to the truth and doors will open. May sound kind of New Age, but this is a physical as well as mental and spiritual journey. Fear is just a signal that something new is about to happen.
  21. OKCPirate

    Inspirational Quotes

  22. I knew Mrs.Dixon's reaction was possible based on everything I read, that's why I was so scared going in. Very blessed that I had a great and easy experience in my transition. I'm not being judgmental, but I've always been curious what causes the different reactions: 1) Just different genetics 2) Quality of surgeons 3) Preparation of patient 4) Attitude/suggestibility of patients Too many variables to really study, but if anyone finds some clues, I'm curious to know.
  23. Just how nice a good hug feels now. My arms and theirs can really reach around when the gut is not in the way. It feels great.I didn't know this when I started, but it really is nice to physically feel more connected with my kids and friends.
  24. Packing for CO trip - off to do my first 14,000' climb. Last year I was winded walking around downtown Denver ;-)

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