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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    How insensitive...

    Well that sucked. Give her some gourmet Protein powder for Christmas.
  2. @@migalo - My GF and I usually just split a meal. Makes dating cheaper. And look, you can go to Whole Foods, get a 1/4 pound of grass fed organic whatever and that's 2-3 meals. The surgery pays for itself quicker than you think.
  3. Should have written down the spice amounts. Ground turkey chili came out great, not sure if I can replicate it.

    1. OKCPirate


      I will have to look up that crust recipe

    2. defibvt


      http://damndelicious.net/2016/07/13/best-cauliflower-pizza-crust/ This is the recipe I found, first time followed it as written, second time I added a extra egg, and the crust turned out better (held together better, which might be because of the size eggs I have).
    3. OKCPirate


      Thanks, I'm going to try it.

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  4. OKCPirate


    which procedure did you have?
  5. OKCPirate

    When could you eat fish post-op?

    about four weeks out. Suggestion, keep it moist initially.
  6. OKCPirate

    Gastric Sleeve Eve!

    If you are not freaking out a little, you didn't pay attention to the material. It was really dang easy on the back end to me, but everyone is a little different. I hope your journey was a great as mine and I wish you much success.
  7. OKCPirate


    I use https://www.drugs.com/cdi/omeprazole-magnesium-delayed-release-capsules-and-tablets.html If you have GIRD symptoms, talk to your doc about stretching the sphincter in your esophagus via Esophageal dilation. See: http://www.healthline.com/health/esophageal-stricture-benign#Diagnosis5
  8. Might be a contributing factor. It's difficult for me to control concentration and ADD people have difficulties with impulse control. I'm not saying it's the reason, I'm suggesting that in some it is part of the problem. Now while I am very high on the ADD scale, that does not mean I am hyper active. I have met very few people who are truely ADHD who are fat. They usually have so much extra energy they burn excessive calories all the time. I read an article about a guy who was 5'10", 290 pounds and a triathlete. The man was a model of control. He didn't waste a movement. No leg fidgets, nothing like that at all. As a result, he conserved energy and stayed fat. So fidget your way to thin? Good book title?
  9. OKCPirate

    Does it make me a horrible wife

    @@mrsNilla - "men can't read hints" PREACH IT. Learn it, live it, love it. Truth. We are not mind readers and if you are faking, you will forever get the stuff we were doing when you faked it. Just saying. All that said, the men who love you want to know what you want, I know you want to be desired and feel that if he "really loved you he would know" but he probably really does love you, but he doesn't know what he doesn't know. OK, end of that rant (for now).
  10. OKCPirate

    Anal Sex Concern

    Here is a link to the online file, you can download it and insure it's virus free: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/wt0ib922m75c9/Tammy
  11. OKCPirate

    No passport or birth certificate

    @@Brenda Sherwood - check with homeland security. They can give you real info since they deal with that all the time. One of the dumber things I did was crossing over the border for dinner one time, and I realized I had brought cash, but left my wallet in my hotel room in the US. So I am walking back over hoping they will let me back in, I explained what an idiot I was to the border guy, and he asked where you born "Shaw AFB, in Sumpter County SC." He looked at me and said, "well you can't make that one up, hop on over." Glad I didn't say Cleveland, or NY.
  12. OKCPirate

    Anal Sex Concern

    @theantichickh yep. Well said I try to be open but I still get embarrassed occasionally. The old APE (American Puritan Ethic) rears its ugly head in my thoughts and I'll turn beat red
  13. OKCPirate

    Anal Sex Concern

    Well thanks for having the guts to ask the question. I'm glad there is a place to ask it, and I think you got some quality responses. Just remind your guy, lots of lube, take your time, or you will only do it once. BTW, my favorite Bob and Tom Show moment on this subject is here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/3bn868d1j311bvm/Tammy_Thanksgiving.mp3 If that link doesn't work, there is a download here: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/wt0ib922m75c9/Tammy
  14. OKCPirate

    Does it make me a horrible wife

    Are you irritated because his requests to offer help require you to think? My SO seems to appreciate me just doing things rather than asking. For instance, taking care of the dinner arrangements so she can really relax. (That does NOT mean I don't want her input). If this sounds like your source of irritation, coach the boy up. If my girlfriend hadn't told me how great it was for me to plan out dates for her I would have never known. Just a suggestion though you might just be venting and if so, never mind;-/
  15. OKCPirate

    Sexy Halloween costume?

    IBM OR IRS?? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Wells Fargo account manager is also scary right now
  16. OKCPirate

    Must-Haves before surgery

    I used a Mr. coffee cup warmer to put my plate on to keep things warm. Also, pick a meal to practice slow eating (I did lunch). Shot glasses made great sipping cups for Water. Start trying Protein shakes. Stop by GNC and try Isopure clear. If you can stomach it, it is great for protien and hydration the first two weeks, but not to everyone's taste.
  17. OKCPirate

    Fried chicken

    Chew well. If you eat fast, it will result in a horrible retching. At least that was my result.
  18. OKCPirate

    1 Month out!

    @viri87@Asmundson69 Congrats to both of you. Enjoy the new freedom that comes with being lighter. Pick up a 30pound weight and realize you had been carrying that 24/7. I hope you will slowly ramp up the exercise. Think about taking colder showers, and look into everything you can to make your skin as healthy and happy as possible. Look into yoga. That helped me sculpt the best bod I could get. Enjoy the process, realize as the fat goes away, a huge number of hormones dump into your blood stream, it might get a little freaky, but it will pass.
  19. OKCPirate

    You know you lost weight when

    I think women crossing their legs with panties flying off is sexy too. Just saying.
  20. OKCPirate


    Change your focus. Don't think of it as "win/I got the job, lose/I didn't" Think of it as "my goal is to help this person doing the hiring to make a decision." When you realize that with that as a goal, you can't lose, the pressure comes off you. You don't think of yourself as a self conscious piece of meat, but as a fellow human being. The new confidence will ooze out. BTW, I know this works because I applied it to my time doing fundraising. I initially went into it thinking, "if they don't give, they are rejecting me." And that was NOT true. They just didn't like the offer or the program, or they couldn't give right now. Once I went in with the "I want them to make a decision" mindset, bam, everything changed for the good. I couldn't lose. I was confident and happy.
  21. OKCPirate

    Sexy Halloween costume?

    I miss college sometimes. Back in the '80's downtown Greenville NC was the place to be for Halloween and East Carolina University knew how to Celebrate the day. I have learned this has changed over the last few years, but in the day, it was fun. My senior year I was working at a convenience store until 11, as soon as my shift ended I put a shooting target over my work shirt, with a bunch of fake blood, with the tag line, "great shooting Tex..." (little ghalos irony since two other clerks were just robbed). But the ladies could get wonderfully dressed up for that day. Sigh...oh for a night of my old 21 year old body and 53 years of experience.
  22. It was an odd mix. I have several business partners I had to explain it to, and they were understanding, with a couple of exceptions. Until they realized that the one "negative case" they thought they knew about turned out to be a positive example of someone completely changing their life for the good. My kids were great, my mom found out and was completely nervous until I promised to fly her out, and she was very helpful. A retired RN from San Diego who speaks survival Spanish...she actually came to really like the facility. It was like what she loved about nursing before she retired. Uncluttered rooms, lots of time with the patients, no insurance forms. So eventually, everyone was won over.
  23. OKCPirate

    Getting in Protein

    I shoot for an average of 100g of Protein a day. But some days it just doesn't happen. But it is my eating priority.
  24. OKCPirate


    Stevia, great stuff. It was hard getting off of artificial sweeteners in diet sodas. Over time you will find you will enjoy non carbonated beverages.
  25. OKCPirate

    Left leg weakness

    Or drugs like Welburtin, get it checked out.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
