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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    My Pre Op Diet Was All I Needed

    Great, now I'll take down the details of my sex life...just kind of ticked me off and I suspected that the troll has never had the pleasure, so seemed like a fun place to twist the knife a little.
  2. OKCPirate

    Protein intake

    The short answer to your question is you can run a Protein deficit for six weeks or so without major heath consequences. They body adapts but usually with lots of hair falling out ;-(. But that's not where you want to be. So keep trying shake mixes, or get some genpro and mix it in with yogurt and your puree. Tasteless and it dissolves well.
  3. OKCPirate

    My Pre Op Diet Was All I Needed

    Glad for you Chuckster. You beat the odds. Only 8% of those who try for long term weight loss achieve it with diet,exercise, support alone. Part of the problem is the set point our bodies keep trying to get back to - see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e26JKMpSNSo. 80% of those who have WLS achieve the same results as you did. So I played the odds. Working very well for me and many others on the site. But like many have hinted at, the WLS doesn't do it alone, got to work the program, it's just a dang handy tool that works for many. I didn't climb up Longs Peak in CO because of it. I didn't do my first 5K because of it. But it was a dang handy tool to get me to the point where I could make these things happen.
  4. Hmmm, @@Babbs, I always order Water, and just don't drink it. It's easier on everyone. When I eat eat out, I always get three meals out of it, so that doesn't peeve me. I guess what bugs me is when people don't mention the weight loss. Usually because they are being polite. I keep wanting to say "come on dude, I lost a good size child since you last saw me." But mostly I just smile and enjoy.
  5. OKCPirate

    I miss salad!

    No, I waited a couple of months before raw vegies and I took it very slow. Got to give yourself time to really heal. But I'm eating my vegies now.
  6. OKCPirate

    Did you name your sleeve?

    Dibs on "The Restrictionator"
  7. In your meme - @@The Candidate, which character are you? Or did you switch since the surgery?
  8. OKCPirate

    Greetings from the newly sleeved!

    Those aren't weird noises, they are your new sound track ...just kidding, the plumbing will get back to normal as you go along. (Or maybe my hearing is off or I got used to them)
  9. OKCPirate

    Greetings from the newly sleeved!

    Congrats Brenda, enjoy the ride. I hope you enjoy the new normal in your life. Can't wait to see the before and after pics.
  10. OKCPirate

    Another... Who knew?!?

    To each their own, I'm glad I researched my mush menu before surgery and avoided baby food jars. But take your time and learn your body's new signals about fullness. Respect the sleeve.
  11. OKCPirate

    Excerise Help

    Virtually anything is better than nothing, but I really like this guy...http://www.coachcalorie.com/ Here is a good starting article to whet the appetite: http://www.coachcalorie.com/benefits-of-weight-training-for-weight-loss/ Just take it slow to start and remember to increase your Protein as you move into heavier weights. Since you had your surgery in April you should be fine internally, but you don't want to hurt yourself. If you are brand new to weight training, get a trainer for one or two sessions to have someone coach you on the proper form and range of motion for lifts. This is especially true with compound moves. I found that if you master the mechanics of lifting with the lighter weights, and get good form, you will be ready for the heavier stuff which will give you the most gains in a 4-6 weeks. I hope you enjoy it. The benefits are tremendous, not only does weight training build the muscle which will minimize some of the lose skin issues, but also strengthens your bones. Pick up 20 pounds and realize that's what you used to carry 24/7. Your body is under a reduced load and will reduce resources going to bone development unless you stress that system. (NOTE: This is an oversimplification/summary of complicated medical research, but if you need the science behind it, GOOGLE IT). Good luck.
  12. OKCPirate


    I don't want to get into the calorie counting discussion again, there was a very good thread on that subject here: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/343297-how-accurate-is-your-calorie-counting/ Lots of good information and strategies from many members and veterans.
  13. OKCPirate

    The end of a relationship

    Post divorce, I took a year off all dating and just worked on my issues and made sure all the sticky residue of my 21 year marriage was gone (16 were happy, the last 5 were hell). Part of the work I did was to really think about what would I like in my future partner. That is something many of us don't do. We don't give ourselves permission to really think about what would make the right person for us and too often we get caught up in the wrong people because that's what we are used to. Best book I found to help me get some understanding on this and what a really good relationship should look like was: http://www.amazon.com/Mapping-Terrain-Heart-Tenderness-Capacity/dp/1568217900 Mapping the Terrain of the Heart. I highly recommend it before you start looking for the next relationship. @@VSGAnn2014 - that is great advise
  14. @@haleyk - well done, Very punny
  15. OKCPirate

    Help please.

    "Can I have a coupon please" I'm not looking forward to seeing the price tag on this next year.
  16. OKCPirate


    No rules against bringing portable protein with you.
  17. OKCPirate

    Running after surgery

    I just walked for the first month, and then elliptical, light weights and slowly built up. But it was cool doing C25K and doing our biggest annual race in Oklahoma. (Finally, after saying next year I'll do it - again and again and again).
  18. OKCPirate

    Hair loss noticeable/problematic?

    I noticed mine was thinning when I started pumping up the exercise in January and by February I was noticing a bunch in my comb and around my computer. At that time I was looking to get 80-90g of Protein a day. I started looking for ways to get more protein, and now I'm getting over 120g a day minimum. hair came back, no more problem.
  19. But I'm really proud that I can once again wear my old Army uniform
  20. @@Faith41 Holy cats, you look like a completely different person. That is incredible.
  21. OKCPirate

    Tomorrow is my Surgery!

    You should feel freaked out. It's big. But man is it sooooo worth it on the back end. Breathe deeply...
  22. OKCPirate

    Spanx for men?

    No problem @mmyers1962. I am a hairy guy and use these all the time. Try this for the back hair: http://www.amazon.com/MANGROOMER-Do-It-Yourself-Electric-Back-Shaver/dp/B000HQ0L2E
  23. OKCPirate

    since we are in the guys room....

    From what I understand, testosterone and other hormones are stored in the fat you have been losing and flooding your system. Can cause some interesting mood swings and that non-stop randy feeling. It will normalize. Yep, saw my schlong getting longer, part of it is it is no longer in a big fat pad. And you are getting healthier and the sex is getting better. I used to be all sweaty, out of breath and it wasn't enjoyable sometimes. I'm 52, but I feel like I'm 19 again. Get your wife into yoga. While an intense workout can knock a guys libido down, she will produce more testosterone which will increase hers. And trust me the added flexibility is a plus. And enjoy the new positions you can get into now.
  24. @@BigTink2LilTink - never thought of giving the pouch a name, great idea.
  25. OKCPirate

    Marriage/Relationship change

    BTW, as a further incentive for your hubby: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/345874-fun-use-for-big-clothes/ ???? I'm glad to hear these stories of spousal support, too often I only hear the Negative stories.

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