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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate


    @@tinab08 - If you friend me on myfitnesspal.com (handle: thekirkshelley) you can see how much exercise I get on any given day. But a big part of it is where you are physically. I was a fairly active fat guy, so doing two three mile walks a day didn't bother me, but might be too much for another.
  2. @@punklandia - make a note of how the chicken was prepared. I had some ground buffalo recently that felt like it was stuck in my "restrictionator" (my new pet name for my sleeve) and caused me to kind of retch. I don't have that problem when I cook it at home. So if the food was really dry, that may be something you want to look at, and use condiments to moisten down the road.
  3. OKCPirate

    this makes no sense.

    @@rgodfrey09 - The 30g max Protein is an interesting "rule of thumb" that is more complicated than you might think. There was a study in 2006 (International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism April 2006) showing that on average the 30g at a meal go towards muscle repair, but what is neglected is that protein can be used for energy too. So it's not wasted to ingest more than 30g. It's not going to kill your kidneys, unless you are really dehydrated. To add to the confusion, everyone is different in their rates of absorption and need. I wish I could come up with hard and fast rules but that's just intellectually dishonest. Common sense suggests you are better off spreading out your calories and protein throughout the day, but getting 50g of protein in one meal will just change where the amino acids are broken down in the digestive system, not waste it. http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/health-fitness/healthy-eating/know-your-nutrients/how-much-protein-can-the-body-absorb?page=all
  4. OKCPirate

    What Are Your Must-Have Foods?

    @@LipstickLady - it's not weird, if you want to get constipated, eat lots of cheese (relativly low moisture, lots of salt). I have nothing against it, have some nearly every day. Soups often have vegies and lots of Water, so it might make more sense that it moves through the pipes quickly.
  5. OKCPirate

    Coke Zero pre op diet

    I'm with @@Inner Surfer Girl The more crap you get rid of on the front end the better. I don't know what is in the sodas but it was a rough couple of days weaning off of them. I would have hated to do it cold turkey in Mexico following surgery.
  6. OKCPirate

    Post # 1

    @@BigHarleyGuy1 - Final few days, how you holding up?
  7. OKCPirate

    What activities are you looking forward to doing?

    @@Recycled - I know the feeling you had at Breckenridge. Last week I kept my promise to my buddies that we would attack a 14K mountain next time we were in CO. That was impossible before surgery, but got it done
  8. OKCPirate

    Bedding Hotties.

    Well in the guys defense, they called it "game" in the men's room before the ladies showed up. I've now had 3 years of dating at 300 pounds and several months at 220 something. The quality and quantity of the women who I have gone out with has increased dramatically. So has the "friskyness" of the women I have dated. I have never had this much sex ever. I don't know if it is confidence, or looks, but same old me with 80 pounds less fat and the ladies seem to like it more.
  9. Good luck Raven, four things you should do during this period of time Plan - Write down your goals, current measurements and what you need Prepare - start walking as much as you can, get as healthy as you can, and get ready for the emotional battles to come Act - jump through all the hoops to get qualified for surgery Evaluate - start trying post surgery food (esp soft stuff and Protein shakes) This is just a short list you will find many great resources on this site and lots of support. And look at the pictures for motivation.
  10. OKCPirate

    "You can't get mentally healthy until...

    @VSGAnn2014 multivariate iteration? Really? You have to know that only applies to females. Males are too simple and shallow to be multivariate.
  11. Just breath, it will be fine. Had the same angst before I left. Then I read posts like "You Know When You Lost Weight When" and got refocused on the goal. You are giving yourself and the people you touch the gift of health, it is important.
  12. @@ritch7094 chewing on ice cubes can be very tough on the teeth. I'd advise against it. Obscure health fact, people who chew on ice often have low Iron levels. (see: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/iron-deficiency-anemia/expert-answers/chewing-ice/faq-20057982).
  13. OKCPirate

    "You can't get mentally healthy until...

    Interesting topic. I would suggest that when you gain control in one area of your life, it tends to bleed over into others. For instances, Suze Orman noted that when people get control over their checkbook, they often start losing weight. A good habit does seem to jump start other good habits. But I think I am the poster child of a person getting the mental side done first, then moving to the physical. Both were a mess five years ago, and as I got more clear mentally, I gave up smoking, WLS etc. Moral of the story - who cares which comes first, pick one and move forward.
  14. OKCPirate

    You know you lost weight when

    Ironically, I stalled for a week when I was at my driver's licence weight. Only week it was accurate.
  15. OKCPirate

    Unexpected feeling

    relax, it will pass. Just stick to liquids, take it slow and sip
  16. OKCPirate

    What am I missing ?

    @@Babbs - "I look down and see the three N's -- Nipple, Navel, Nipple" A quote from a friend of mine.
  17. I was blessed too. I could have left the next day, but was stuck in Mexico for two days. Got board and walked to mall and shopped all day. Found Isopure at their GNC, so that worked out well. I'm very glad for you and can't wait to see great before and after pics.
  18. OKCPirate

    What am I missing ?

    @@Babbs Very hot @@Inner Surfer Girl -- Awwww But understandable. I'm a guy and as long as I'm not on some embarrassing site like Ashley Madison or equivalent, I don't mind being open. With ladies, I'll always give them grace in maintaining their privacy.
  19. OKCPirate

    Just For Laughs or Inspiration

    For the "girls"
  20. OKCPirate

    Cardio or weight training

    @@NikkiDoc - Your work around the house counts. If you get a fitbit or other activity tracker I think you will feel better about it. HIIT training with weights will get your cardio and weight training benefits at same time. You might want to check out this site for more ideas: http://www.coachcalorie.com/benefits-of-weight-training-for-weight-loss/
  21. OKCPirate

    Here's a power move

    Hope you can solder the speaker back on when you want to announce your progress to the world
  22. OKCPirate

    What am I missing ?

    @@VSGAnn2014 - Tough to ignore you Ann, nor would I, you give great tough love @@ezbeinggreen - That is inspirational, good luck on phase 2 @@gowalking - Holy cow, you don't even look like the same person, that's fantastic And I didn't post any pics or even talked about losing weight on FB as I was beginning the process, but did have a bit of fun for New Years to kind encourage others to give their resolutions a shot... But not this year...
  23. @@The Candidate - "Just keep swimming" Dory.
  24. @@Elode - Moved here 20 years ago, 1 year, 7 months 5 days and 12 hours to go, and I can finally move to some place with less allergens (my daughter will finally graduate and I am out of here). Where is he from, and while I love the people in Oklahoma and very proud of the growth in OKC, I do NOT like living in the pollen capitol of the universe.
  25. Yes I have, especially when I go my favorite convenience stores. I walk over to the soda machine by years of rote practice and then stop myself. Oh well 50 years of habits ....

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