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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. The pre-op diet is to shrink the liver. (Fatty livers are a big problem for surgeons trying to cut a stomach). Did they do an ultra sound or CT a few weeks ago to check?
  2. OKCPirate

    New here :)

    That's horrible, did they tell you why you were throwing up blood? where did you get your surgery done?
  3. OKCPirate

    Protein to add to coffee?

    I use stevia with french vanilla (found at whole foods), Vietnamese cinnamon and GENEPRO powder (1/3 of a scoop). 10g of Protein, 30 calories
  4. I am doing about 110g of Protein a day on average, 150 on days when I lift weights (I throw in a Protein shake post workout). Been mixing in genpro (1/3 of a scoop) with yogurt and coffee and eggs at Breakfast. I'm keeping my hair and muscles.
  5. OKCPirate

    ok, first date story/question

    @@CowgirlJane - I am surprised, you don't even look close to 51. But I'm with you, I don't want to date anyone who's not close to my age. At least you get called a MILF, I'd be called a perv.
  6. OKCPirate

    Starting to freak out...

    Yes I did, and my only wish was I had not done the extra day, I just wanted to get home in my own bed.
  7. Way to keep hope alive. Keep at it, and enjoy the ride
  8. I was doing the same program going into surgery. And I had been doing it for a while. If you are fine now, don't change it. What has not been mentioned that your exercise is a positive outlet for stress. So I walked a bunch and was doing some weight and the elliptical machine and it kept me from worry. Good luck.
  9. OKCPirate

    ok, first date story/question

    Tough one, he might have learned that move on one of these sites: http://thedudesociety.com/2011/03/shut-up-and-pull-my-hair/ It sounds like your female intuition is kicking in and you know date two will be intimacy or bust. So the question is how frisky are you feeling? I think this one sounds like romp in hay only, if he was pushing that hard for sex. Not that I think there is anything wrong with it. Completely your call. If you want sex, call him, if not, just let him know, "just not that interested in jumping in the sack this soon, sorry, no date."
  10. OKCPirate

    Clothes for immediately after surgery?

    @ and Dub - No appendicktamies, not going to happen
  11. OKCPirate

    Clothes for immediately after surgery?

    @@gowalking - Get a kilt -- "If it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP" [NOTE: This is an old Saturday Night Live Joke for anyone under 45]. Seriously, I was in Mexico and brought cargo shorts in hospital with elastic in waist band. And then had pants with elastic band for the plane ride home. Just wore t-shirts.
  12. OKCPirate

    Longest Weight Loss Plateau

    For nearly three months, the scale didn't move. My body fat measurements with calipers showed I was losing fat, but scale didn't move until last week.
  13. OKCPirate

    Need advice about the "jiggles"!

    I use this, Under Armor Compression gear. Here is a link to women's models https://www.underarmour.com/en-us/ua-heatgear/womens
  14. OKCPirate

    Help losing stomach

    People lose in different places at different rates. You can't spot reduce (for example, when you measure fat on the arms of tennis players, both arms are the same percentage fat). But I started adding planks to workouts, and while the excess skin is there, the new muscle is providing some support and contour. And surprisingly it made my back feel better too. Try this: https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/the-30-day-plank-challenge/
  15. OKCPirate

    Question for everyone

    I was off pain meds two days after surgery, so when I flew home I drove back from airport on day three. But it depends on your mobility. Can you turn without discomfort? Do an honest assessment of your condition and think about all the motions needed for driving. Can you do them? If your not on narcotics why shouldn't you drive?
  16. @ - Congrats and glad you are still on track. Riding pants because you have less padding down there than you used to. And while you have been putting on muscle, the ones you use biking are different, so add a little bit at a time and enjoy the wind in your face man.
  17. OKCPirate

    Worried about regrets

    IMHO, you should be scared. It's major surgery. It is a change in your life. It will change your relationship with food. Your weight loss will probably change some relationships with key people. As part of my research into having the surgery I watched videos of people who regretted their decision. I wanted to know the worst case. When you watch them, you may come to the conclusion that I did, most of those people were not compliant and didn't follow their doctor's instructions. There are people who have GIRD, and can't tolerate certain foods. I looked at the worst things that could happen and balanced that against the worst things that could happen to me if I stayed at 305 pounds. Once I did that, the decision was easy. The health risks of being fat were very real and going to start happening to me soon. So do your research, I think it was a major motivator to learn as much as I could and made me very compliant. I learned a great deal on how to be successful from the people on this site. And I have to tell you, I have no regrets. Glad I freaked myself out before the surgery, glad I had the surgery, and I have had none of the problems that were possible. But I was careful, and I respected my sleeve.
  18. OKCPirate

    You know you lost weight when

    @@Rosemary140 - Oh, that's what's happening, I didn't put the two together
  19. OKCPirate

    Unsolicited Online Dating Advice

    @@CowgirlJane - I feel your pain. Believe me.
  20. OKCPirate

    What to pack for the hospital

    slip on shoes, ear buds, tunes, laptop was really nice to have
  21. OKCPirate

    Unsolicited Online Dating Advice

    @@VSGAnn2014 - nice @@betrthnever - It was her observation, and an interesting one, though possibly jaded by too many men on dating web sites who think every women on them is only interested in having sex with them. I took it in the spirit of a challenge to exceed expectations. I do think people should work at dating. Have enough respect for themselves and their date to look presentable, be on time, guys should pay the check, have an open spirit to possibilities and enjoy the company of another human being.
  22. OKCPirate

    Unsolicited Online Dating Advice

    GUYS - A lady I was having a "meet and greet" with said something very interesting..."Most men become undatable two years after their divorce. They don't have a women to get help them pick out clothes and their hygiene slides..." What this means is: 1) You need to keep your wardrobe current 2) Don't think you can get away with putting on a ball cap and meet the woman of your dreams at Starbucks.
  23. OKCPirate

    Unsolicited Online Dating Advice

    I'm glad I re-read this thread again. My daughter moved in with me permanently this summer and been re-adjusting and just started using Match again. You know what I forgot to mention about dating - TIME. You have to budget your time for dating. I really had to look at my schedule and figure out how much time I was going to put into meeting people and how much time I would spend dealing with emails and looking at profiles. It's so addicting that I'm putting a timer by my computer so I'll quit.
  24. OKCPirate

    San Diego

    Work through this book on the front end: http://www.amazon.com/Emotional-First-Aid-Kit-Practical/dp/0976852659/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1436729032&sr=8-13&keywords=bariatric+book Your food issues don't go away because of the surgery. Too many people don't deal with the pysch issues and: 1) Sabotage their success by not sticking to the program 2) Switch food addition for another substance or activity
  25. I completely relate to every post here. But what got me was listening to a Mental Floss pod cast on losing weight. And they went after the food industry yadayada but then he shifted gears and said - but the biggest problem is our bodies won't let us lose weight, and only 8% can lose it with behavioral change, but 80% who have WLS do. I remember yelling "I call BS." But I Googled it, found the Cleveland Clinic Studies and realized wow, this works. Spent a weekend researching it, found this site and really tried to find bad results videos (once I can accept the worst possible thing that can happen, I am ready to go forward). Finally found a window of time to have the surgery done and made it happen.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
