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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. Seven miles of new veins with every pound of new fat you gain. That's part of the reason for the high blood pressure when you are fat. With less of your blood going to support the fat, it has more to support down there. It's a wonderful thing. @defibvt I'd say, keep your chin up, but well that seems to happen spontaneous already!
  2. OKCPirate

    Fears that be...

    @ - Great issues to be working through pre-surgery. Yes there are internal changes which start to become clear as the external start to show. As you become more physically attractive, it changes the power dynamics in relationships. There are many pages on this site about how women get very uncomfortable for a season when they transform and start becoming visible. These are all very real. IMHO, no reason to ignore the benefits to your health and well being, but these are real issues. A shout out for seeing this in advance. I found this book prior to surgery, and I hope you find it useful: https://www.amazon.com/Emotional-First-Aid-Kit-Practical/dp/0976852659. Good luck, and way to be aware of the challenge.
  3. I eat what I want...but what I want has changed since I began the journey...Penn Teller might say it better though:

  4. OKCPirate


    It used to be extremely embarrassing, now only moderately so.
  5. I don't know if I miss it, but was wrestling with a big heavy box that we store Christmas stuff in. I had the boys move it the first year after surgery, but when I tried to move it, it moved me. You can't get around some of the rules of physics and mass. But I am glad tennis balls don't go into orbit around me .
  6. OKCPirate

    Idiot dater (Rant warning)

    @@LipstickLady - Your point is well taken. I have done post in this section where I did ask for women's input. I was thinking this topic was going to go another way, but the best laid plans of mice and men sometimes go askew. And @@BigViffer is going to rank my guy card and kick me out anyway, so we probably won't have this discussion down the road.
  7. OKCPirate

    Idiot dater (Rant warning)

    I really have no objection, esp. when the women give their perspective on the subject. If I'm wrong, I hope they would tell me, but if they are reinforcing a point that we men need to hear, I'm actually OK with it.
  8. Don't miss my CPAP, blood pressure meds, gout flair ups, not being able to do her favorite position because the gut was in the way, not being able to see "down there", the pain in my knee, taking the walk of shame when the roller coaster bar won't come down, not being able to use the tray top on the plane, and the two hours it seemed to take to cut my toe nails.
  9. OKCPirate

    Oh for f**k's sake!

    Happened to me on a blood pressure med. I feel your pain. But my gain was pre WLS but I still feel your pain
  10. OKCPirate

    Idiot dater (Rant warning)

    @@Recycled embrace the way of the warrior poet. It is possible to be strong, virile, protective, wild and wide open but understanding, thoughtful and not a p*ick. Learn it, live it, love it. It will utterly change your life. Highly attractive to secure women.
  11. OKCPirate

    What Is Your Beverage of Choice?

    Whylers Light Lemonade singles to go. 5 calories, but worth it twice a day (32 ozs). And I keep myself to only one monster rehab (10 calories) per day (16 ozs). One cup of coffee per day (8 ozs). All the rest Water.
  12. OKCPirate

    Idiot dater (Rant warning)

    Its encoded in every male's DNA. It has to be taught. But once you see the benifit and how much the woman in your life appreciates it, well it makes it easier. Old dogs are capable of learning new tricks, just requires more positive reinforcement.
  13. This book was very helpful to me on the emotional healing side: https://www.amazon.com/Emotional-First-Aid-Kit-Practical/dp/0976852659 Glad things are going well for you though.
  14. I was sleeved on Tuesday, by Thursday morning I was at the mall across from the hospital. Friday flew home. Saturday I went to an OU football game. However by day eight when I hadn't pooped, well I got a little freaked out. But things eventually worked their way out. Glad its going well for you. I suspect you were faithful in your preparation? If so, please feel free to share with those who want to "cheat" (or self sabotage, or make bad decisions) on the pre-op diet.
  15. OKCPirate

    Day 1...Liver Reduction

    I can't tell you how helpful it is to your recovery to be really faithful. My surgeon thanked me because he had a very easy straight shot to my stomach. If I tried to wait to the last minute it would have made it tougher for him to get around the liver. I was out of surgery in 25 minutes. Less anesthesia made it much easier on me.
  16. I was single too. I eventually used my frequent flyer miles to fly my mom to join me (she is a retired RN, with survival Spanish skills so that helped). But to tell you the truth, I really didn't need her but it was worth it to get all my friends and family members off my back. There were two other singles on my floor and they were fine. You will really need to be light duty for a month. Talk to HR. But if you sell them on the idea about how much better you be much lighter they may go for it. In the interim, try to lose as much as you can and pack on as much muscle as you can. At your age you might start seeing some results very quickly. I walked an hour a day and started lifting to get ready to go. You don't eat much for a month (pre-post op and very little for several weeks there after so you will lose some muscle mass during that time. Good luck. PM me if you want to know about Mexico (oh and make sure you have your passport now).
  17. @@B-52 - I think the only difference between us is I by God's grace made the changes you did earlier just a few years younger than you. But I still struggle. I realized a few months ago that I was drinking too much, and had to really work to stop it. I'm now noticing I'm not exercising like I should and making the changes and decided to push myself to do a 10K instead of the 5K race I was planning in a couple of months. Often it's the chuckleheads that pop up on this list that actually make me go, "ick, I think I need to make sure I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing." But yeah, most of the time I shake my head and want to yell "damn kids, get off my lawn."
  18. OKCPirate

    Idiot dater (Rant warning)

    Akin to the old joke "sure it's a crooked game, but it's the only game in town." Or as Sam Kininson said, "geez it's love women, or find the hind quarters of guys attractive...thanks for the big choice God." I personally love the journey. I love trying to figure out women and my GF in particular. Not claiming to have figured everything out, and ultimately everyone is the same, in that we are all different and I think people are capable of change and growth. It's challenge, a Quest, a journey. Even the dumb experiences are ultimately worth it IMHO. (But SGC, remember, women have to put up with men, so it's a two way street.)
  19. OKCPirate

    Exercise before surgery?

    As much as I could. You are going to lose muscle as well as fat the first month. Some put on as much as you can
  20. OKCPirate

    Rave.. that made me laugh

    look in Amazon. You roll on them to loosen your muscles. The harder plastic ones you use like a rolling pin. Great before a run
  21. OKCPirate

    Idiot dater (Rant warning)

    @@WLSResources/ClothingExch Umm, I am posting in the Guy's Room. I did that for a reason. I would have phrased everything differently in Mars/Venus or Single forum or Rants. I don't mind ladies chiming in, except on matters of style when it comes to addressing other guys. I hope I have been respectful to others in tone in various forums, but in a very NY fashion let me say "hey don't bust my balls for talking like a guy." Just saying.
  22. OKCPirate

    Idiot dater (Rant warning)

    @@WLSResources/ClothingExch - Oh, you are correct, I forgot to add to let her lead when she wants to. My GF puts together dates, and I let her run it. She has a plan and I'm in it for the ride and let her enjoy giving. So guys please don't take from my rant that you have to run over her and always be in charge. I'm sorry if I wasn't more clear, this example was just for obtuse guys who don't realize that women do enjoy being taken care of.
  23. OKCPirate

    Rave.. that made me laugh

    BTW, get the hard plastic ones Ms. Petite. Much more effective.
  24. OKCPirate

    Positive WLS NSV

    @@B-52 - Just saying man, two years ago you were a very calming inspiration before surgery. Your story keeps me thinking about what can and should be. For any newbies, please feel free to share about your formally thick medical files. That one always makes me smile.
  25. OKCPirate

    It's done...although with last-minute changes

    @@PorkChopExpress - you asked about weights...about one month post op, started very light. Went up 10% per week. It's a good thing. Keep your showers as cool as you can, lots of Water, stay out of hot tubs and tanning beds and moisturizers seem to help in the winter. You want healthy happy skin. I looked my best when I did yoga 3 times a week (dang studio closed, so I need to find a new one). Glad you are doing well and finding a new normal. Old clothes fitting is a great NSV. BTW, look into calipers and tape measures to measure body fat. As you gain muscle, you may not see the scale move, but having the body fat percentage go down was a nice way to monitor progress.

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