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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    Funniest NSV yet!

    Esp when its from a kid that looks like this:
  2. OKCPirate

    Funniest NSV yet!

    @@Elode - dang if that didn't happen to me today. My son was here, our laundry was mixed up because he doesn't take stuff out of the dryer and when I put on my underwear they felt better, checked the tag to see what brand I wanted to pick up to replace the rapidly uncomfortable lose stuff, and realized "dang it's my stud college student, state champion swimmer's underwear." I'm feeling pretty NSV right now.
  3. @@Jazziminna - Yes he does need to step up his game. Remind him the three biggest causes of ED - weight/smoking/lack of exercise. If he wants to be in "the game" he better get moving. I feel like I'm 19 again at 52, so watch out. (yes I am the "reformed whore at the revival service" here...I used to smoke too)
  4. @@Dallas Powell - Iron/calcium should be taken 4 hours apart from each other. I hate to tell you this, but you are heading into the most speculative world of medicine there is outside of hormones and neurology. All you can do is make your best guess and check your blood work. There are some new companies that will give you really good blood work at very good prices if you want to bypass your insurance company. Feel free to message me if you want the links.
  5. OKCPirate

    Anyone into mountain bikes ?

    @@Dub - what I figured out during my short trek into mountain biking was the front shock is actually more important. You want that wheel on the trail. The rear one is for the comfort of the rider. What is cool is when you lose 80 pounds the springs/shocks don't scream for mercy and quit working.
  6. OKCPirate

    Anyone into mountain bikes ?

    @@Dub - I'm looking for a new road bike and holy cow bikes have improved. Carbon Fiber shock reduction is great for my back side. I went for a ride with a friend, last time I did 15 miles (which was when I was 44, 8 years ago) I was dead tired. However yesterday's ride was great. I know I'm smaller and in better shape, but the improvement in bikes is fantastic. You don't need the latest and greatest, but if you are writing off bike riding because of problems with bikes from 10-20 years ago, take some time to look again.
  7. OKCPirate

    Any Lawyers Out There?

    While I agree with @@Bufflehead on the legal ethics, I will tell you that HIPPA isn't the approach to this problem. When searching for legal remedies, you might want to start with your state's insurance regulatory board/agency. HIPPA isn't worth the paper it's printed on since ObamaCare went into effect. Privacy is non-existent when you are dealing with third party payers. Sorry, your data will be sold to providers of Vitamins etc. by the insurance companies. It's a gaping loophole. That's why I self paid and never told my primary care doctor about the WLS because I didn't want the info on my computerized medical record because that data isn't covered by HIPPA either because the taxpayers "have paid for it."
  8. OKCPirate

    Workout supplements?

    @@back2me1987 - good point, I didn't do coffee again until a month after surgery. NOTE: I also didn't do intense workouts until a month after surgery either. You really can't or shouldn't do more than walking the first month post surgery IMHO. I have no problem with my stomach.
  9. OKCPirate

    Not an addiction?

    Came across as a sales job from the Susceptibility scale author. Christie's problems are numerous, he's an impulsive bully...but heck watch the GOP debates and draw your own conclusion.
  10. OKCPirate

    Loose tummy skin

    @@gowalking - I agree completely. There were places I could not go at 305, and it's expanded dramatically when I started doing hot yoga
  11. OKCPirate

    Slow Cooker Recipes

    @@Radar - Doing the Mongolian beef tomorrow, that looks great Well actually I just put in on, find out in a few hours, prep was about 20 minutes And it came out tasting great
  12. OKCPirate

    Slow Cooker Recipes

    @Tssiemer1 I love chicken and stuffing it's so easy my husband can do it. Hey, that sounds like a swipe at my gender...some of us guys like to cook
  13. OKCPirate

    Loose tummy skin

    @@gowalking - "I am very flexible at my size these days and very enthusiastic. Those things are waaay more important than the perfect body." **ahem, cough, cough** Is this commentary, or are you bragging? "I wouldn't worry then. You're not looking for 20 year olds who have no clue." - absolutely true, millennials have no clue. @@bellabloom - You are in the right demographic for guys who don't care, if they do, then you probably will find they are porn addicts who have a skewed view of what normal people look like. IMHO, not 100% true, but seems to be a pattern.
  14. @@swimbikerun - I found it online, I'll let you know in four days when it arrives. @@Stevehud - thanks, that makes sense.
  15. OKCPirate

    Loose tummy skin

    If you date divorced guys who have children it won't be anything we have not seen before. Remember, if you live long enough, gravity always wins.
  16. OKCPirate


    I used to use it. It quit working. Most of it seems to be absorbed in the stomach, so it only lasted 4 hours. I now sleep without it. You see there is very little research on drugs following surgery: http://www.currentpsychiatry.com/home/article/how-to-adjust-drug-dosing-after-bariatric-surgery/8058b4a117930cc02f8fb767d04687fc.html Here are some other experiences: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/244231-ambien-and-the-sleeve/
  17. OKCPirate

    New Sleever / feeling overwhelm

    Yep, things get normal, but can you share a little bit more about your situation so people who have have been there can share?
  18. OKCPirate

    Workout supplements?

    Caffeine before, Protein (at least 25g) following intense workouts. coffee is the cheapest form of caffeine which is most of the supplements. Cretin might be important, but the jury is out as to how long it takes to get into your system, and it might be better just to have red meat a couple of days a week.
  19. OKCPirate

    Knowing my worth.

    @@Babbs "A strong, self assured man likes a strong, self assured woman and mother who knows she doesn't need a man to make her complete. " Darn straight, and well said It works for guys too. @@bellabloom - It has taken me a while to learn what spiritually/emotionally healthy people looks like when you are dating them. Take your time during your healing and really start noting the qualities you see in other couples and people you respect. We are all less than perfect, but you will start seeing certain patterns. When a bottom feeder comes into your life, you will spot them faster.
  20. OKCPirate

    Protein Shakes

    I like using Trader Joe's ice coffee in GNC's no sugar chocolate Protein powder. A little vanilla extract, to really kick it up a notch, half of a Oikos triple zero coconut or vanilla yogurt. Better than a Starbucks frap. 260 calories, 33g of protein.
  21. OKCPirate

    A Trip Down Memory Lane - band removed 4 years ago

    @@CowgirlJane - This is a great post. I'm going to go look through some of my early content on this site and put it in my WLS research file. And all my early measurements too. In five years I hope to look back it and go "huh, was I really that big?" This might be good motivation before going on vacation or feeling like I'm getting off track too.
  22. OKCPirate

    Beverages - Need help!

    I like Wyler's sugar free lemonade, and my secret vice is Monster Rehab (10 calories). It's not carbonated, has some electrolights, and a bunch of caffeine which can crack your day to 11 when you need it.
  23. I looked into it, I found it wasn't worth the expense. My insurance would cover if there were issues when I got back home. The complication rate of sleeve surgery is so low I wasn't worried about it. I had done enough research on the facility and the doctor I wasn't worried about them not keeping up their end of the bargain to take care of problems there.
  24. OKCPirate


    I have had no problem, but I waited 6 weeks to do coffee again, had no problem with five hour energy drinks

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
