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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. @@Graciesmom04 - That's a great tip, I'll add that to the arsenal (is this only for hernia, or did it help after your WLS?)
  2. OKCPirate

    Private Fat loss

    @@4MRB4PHOTO - "Hmmmm, is it OKCPirate or KFCPirate? :)" OKC - for Oklahoma City Pirate - tip of the hat to my alma mater, the East Carolina University Pirates arrrg Never been a chicken *****er (hmmm, but I do love breasts and thighs)* *This is humor, @@WLSResources/ClothingExch I'm typing with two hands (please put down the cutlass)
  3. OKCPirate

    Private Fat loss

  4. @Dub "Did I mention the fine meds students? Lawdy Moma those were some beautiful women with megawat smiles. Sorry.,,,,couldn't help but notice" sure sign you are doing well
  5. OKCPirate

    When do you get a date

    @ - when the guy asks...opps, never mind...wrong topic
  6. OKCPirate


    @@FrankiesGirl - One of my gripes with Big Pharma is nicotine is OK in gum and patches, but not in vaping. Nicotine is an interesting drug, it is simultaneously calming and an amphetamine. The number of receptors seems to increase if you start before 25 (which is why I've always pushed my kids to not use a h*okas, or cigars until they are at least 25). For whatever reason, I'm self medicating on and do not function well without nicotine. I went three weeks cold turkey and my productivity was nil. I pulled out the vaping as a 'Hail Mary' trying not to go back to smoking and after doing it had almost instant clarity of thought again. But the nicotine as insecticide thing is pure propaganda. Sorry it is. Polypropylene glycerol is damn safe as an inhalant and everyone knows it. Dr. Wu's study was with cells from dead kids. "In the lab, the vapor triggered a strong immune response in the epithelial cells of tissue samples donated by deceased children and the exposed cells appeared to be more vulnerable to infection by cold-causing rhinovirus" All he could conclusively say was "if dead kids use this they may be at greater risk of the common cold." Come on. Don't give into alarmism. Especially in context of smoking/not smoking. It's not even close. All I have seen is a bunch of "we don't like it because it looks like smoking." All the while I saw all signs of my COPD go away, and no increase in anything bad in three years of follow up with my doctor before I had my WLS surgery...and there is no smell, I have never had a girl friend complain. There is a huge difference between burning vegies and vaping. 25-30% of American adults are completely addicted to nicotine. They still smoked even though they KNEW its dangerous. Yet since vaping came on the scene, nearly one in 10 of all Americans now vape, reducing the smoking rate to 17%. That is a good thing. It shouldn't be maligned by "maybe it does something." SMOKING DOES BAD THINGS. No if and's or butts. The junk science against vaping is as bad as the crap that getting WLS makes you 4 times more likely to kill yourself. Total BS and when pressed the doctor who wrote the study admitted it to me via email today. In short, please give me real facts and don't pee on me and tell me it's raining. I'm open to real facts. That's why I had WLS. My initial reaction to finding out how effective WLS was vs. Behavioral modification was "Oh BS." But after research, I had to agree, 80% chance vs less than 8%...yep it's worth the money. I am open to changing my mind. But not to non-sequesters.
  7. OKCPirate

    Sex... Oh My God... Sex!

    This could have gone here or You know you lost weight when ...But I'll keep in the guys room When you can have sex in the back of your car at 52, just because you can...yes!!!!
  8. @@CowgirlJane - Anxiety and depression are almost the same thing. I think both are common. (Not picking, just my research from dealing with my ex's issues with mental health).
  9. OKCPirate

    What body type do you have after your weight loss?

    Geeez, really? Can you say dismorphic body image issues?
  10. OKCPirate

    So many crazy men

    @@FinallyFit50s - good list, plus guys near your age understand gravity wins, so relax, you look great and you are healthy. I'm not kidding that this is a number's game. It's not personal. The search means you have to almost ruthlessly cut lose people who don't match your criteria. I don't mean careless hurt people, I mean you have to stay focused on what's important to you so you are not distracted by the enabling alcoholic who worms his way into your life because you felt sorry for him (See http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/352466-they-seemed-sanedating-horror-stories/). Its a process, it can be fun if you let it. It can be rewarding if you are so blessed. But I am always humbled by the reality that you have to be open for the blessings that fall into your lap unexpectedly. Somehow the universe seems to reward our efforts in unexpected ways.
  11. OKCPirate

    a maintenance NSV

    @@CowgirlJane - That is a s**t week. But CONGRATS on not using food to soothe. I know that is big. Now if you can only find your way to OKC, I'd give you a big old massage and let you relax in the hot tub, you'd be feeling great again.
  12. OKCPirate


    BTW, this is interesting for anyone looking to quit via vaping: http://acsh.org/2015/03/dr-polosa-italian-vapor-and-tobacco-expert-reviews-e-cigs-in-bmc-medicine/ This may be the least harmful way to quit tobacco out there, and it's worth exploring. But what's interesting is that it came without the help of big pharma, and government has not found a way to tax it (nor really regulate it). The rates of vaping are now up to 1 in 10 adults vape, while smoking rates have dropped by almost the same amount of growth. What this means is millions of people are going to live, who would have died due to their addiction to sucking in burning vegetable matter into their lungs. By switching to a Water vaper/nicotine non-combustible product they will save their lives and countless heartache for others.
  13. OKCPirate

    What body type do you have after your weight loss?

    I had the body of a God...I mean Buddha is a God isn't he?
  14. OKCPirate

    Care to share your dating profile?

    @@Elode - Yep the being married thing is a buzz kill on most dating sites, but if you ever long for unwanted attention, put one on Ashley Madison. It will give your ego an inflation like nothing else will. You will be overwhelmed.
  15. @@Dub ...Must be great pain meds...angles and ice chips . Enjoy them, you deserve them. Soon to be back in the saddle again.
  16. OKCPirate

    Concerned about memory loss

    @@her1981 - When you do, please post, I'll follow this one thread to see what you find out.
  17. @@PurpleJazz - Congratulations, great job getting ready so quickly. Please keep us in the loop on your progress. BTW, measure yourself, because in a few months your weight loss will stall. It's just the body catching up, but you will get discouraged, that's when measuring your shrinking arms and waist will be the best indicator you are doing good.
  18. OKCPirate

    Paying out of pocket

    I did self pay in Mexico. Several reasons for it... Lower rate of infection Much lower costs Great results No US paperwork (I enjoy some privacy from the dang government) Less stupid crap that they make you do here for lawsuit avoidance If you do look at Mexico as an option, do your homework just as you would for a US surgeon. And this is advice from guy who was heavy but healthy and who can do his own research, your results may vary depending on your ability to learn on your own, self regulate and really what your health is at the moment.
  19. OKCPirate

    Getting into dating

    @@BigViffer - I agree with you, first on @@CowgirlJane, she is good people, just warning her about lurking with us guys . Second on taking it slow. I'm a little ashamed of some of my behavior post surgery. Things got really great for me about three or four months post surgery. BIG surge in hormones, new abilities and women's attention. I was not quite prepared for it, and had possibly a little too much fun (OK, I was a kid in a candy store). But I sowed my wild oats, and I'm ready to get serious. Would I do it again...yeah. But with the knowledge that is what I'm doing. BUT please be very careful of other people's hearts and feelings. And no matter what women tell you that "it's only FWB" it never is for women. EVER* *Who really knows, but assume it never is.
  20. @@Dub - welcome to the other side. Keep walking and farting. In 6 days you will be scared s**tless because you have not pooped. Don't worry about it, this too shall pass. Won't be pretty, but in a few weeks you will find yourself doing amazing things, like enjoing mush. But in 5 weeks you will really start to feel the power - umm this is a warning to your wife.
  21. OKCPirate

    Concerned about memory loss

    I did a google search: Thiamin Vitamin B1, also called thiamin or thiamine, is one of eight B vitamins that assist the body in converting food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose) and is used to produce energy for the body.10 Thiamin and the B complex vitamins assist in fat and protein metabolism and proper functioning of the brain and nervous system and are essential for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver.10 Bariatric surgery can exacerbate or increase the risk of thiamin deficiency and lead to beriberi, a disease caused by a lack of thiamin. Patients at high risk of developing beriberi include those who have preexisting thiamin deficits, low nutrient intake, had a malabsorptive bariatric procedure, or have episodes of chronic nausea and vomiting. Early diagnosis of signs and symptoms is extremely important. Gastric banding patients also may be at risk, particularly if they experience intractable vomiting because thiamin has a short half-life, meaning that thiamin stores last only a few days in the body. Untreated thiamin deficiency may lead to Wernicke’s encephalopathy, a syndrome characterized by visual abnormalities such as nystagmus and lid ptosis, ataxia, peripheral neuropathy, memory loss, confusion, apathy, disorientation and, in some cases, death. IV infusions of thiamine with dextrose are recommended to treat patients with thiamin deficiency.10 Symptoms of thiamin deficiency include burning feet, neuropathy, and chronic vomiting. Treatment can involve patients taking B-50 complex vitamins, 300 to 400 mg of total elemental magnesium for maximum thiamin absorption and appropriate neurological function, 20 to 30 mg/day of oral thiamin to address early symptoms of neuropathy, and 50 to 100 mg/day of thiamin administered intravenously or intramuscularly for more advanced signs of neuropathy or protracted vomiting.10 Exercise caution with magnesium supplementation greater than 490 mg/day since this may cause diarrhea. Moreover, magnesium supplements may be contraindicated in patients with chronic kidney disease. http://www.todaysdietitian.com/newarchives/111412p50.shtml http://www.robinskaplan.com/services/medical-malpractice-attorneys/failure-to-diagnose-and-treat-complications-of-bariatric-weight-loss-surgery The syndrome, called Wernicke encephalopathy, affects the brain and nervous system when the body doesn't get enough vitamin B1, or thiamine. It can also cause vision problems, such as rapid eye movements. The study found that the syndrome occurs most often in people who have frequent vomiting after the surgery. It usually occurs within one to three months after the surgery, although one case occurred 18 months after surgery. The study reviewed the scientific literature for all reported cases of the syndrome occurring after obesity surgery. A total of 32 cases had been reported. Many of the people also had neurological symptoms that are not typical of Wernicke encephalopathy, such as seizures, deafness, psychosis, muscle weakness, and pain or numbness in the feet or hands. "When people who have had weight loss surgery start experiencing any of these symptoms, they need to see a doctor right away," said study author Sonal Singh, MD, of Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. "Doctors should consider vitamin B1 deficiency and Wernicke encephalopathy when they see patients with these types of neurological complications after weight loss surgery. If treated promptly, the outlook is usually good." For treatment, patients are given vitamin B1 through an IV or injection. Of the 32 people, 13 made a full recovery. Many people continued to have problems, such as memory problems, weakness, or difficulty coordinating movement. Singh said more studies are needed to determine how often the syndrome occurs after weight loss surgery. He said some doctors prescribe thiamine supplementation for their patients after weight loss surgery, but recommends that national standards be set for all doctors to follow. Hopefully you will remember to check into it. Sorry little gallows humor.
  22. OKCPirate

    They seemed sane...Dating horror stories

    Hopefully this guy will not show up at your next date
  23. OKCPirate

    An interesting first..

    It will probably speed up your weight loss, but yep it is weird to tell me, get more calories
  24. Consignment shops (high end) and goodwill. I went through so many sizes so quickly it was staggering. Buy cheap until you stabilize. When you go from this To this in a few months you will be glad you didn't spend much Oh and get a ratchet belt...http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/345876-ratchet-belt/?hl=belt#entry3893733
  25. OKCPirate

    Care to share your dating profile?

    @@FinallyFit50s - thanks for sharing, you look very young and trendy in the last picture, that may be attracting the "boys"

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
