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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. Nope, but I think it will equal out. I base this on studies of tennis players. You would expect their service arm to be significantly different than the other. Not true. It will be fine in the long run barring anything completely unexpected.
  2. @@Dub - Please let us know when you are home and doing well. Just please. Pulling for you man. @@Sharon1964 - get a better monitor his number is...oh wait
  3. OKCPirate

    Care to share your dating profile?

    @@OutsideMatchInside - Eh, change
  4. OKCPirate

    What body type do you have after your weight loss?

    In my mind I am essential nothingness (but I am a guy, so I have that going for me), but I'm probably in this plain of reality a Bart.
  5. OKCPirate

    Bcbs of south carolina

    @@Jennie7607 - God Speed in this. It's difficult navigating through insurance. Keep an eye on Mexico. Look at the cost of your time vs. insurance co-pays. It would have been $2500 with insurance plus hours of their damn stupid classes all at a 3rd grade level or $4500 to do it myself in Mexico. Easy choice IMHO. Rant over. Good luck in you journey, it I can offer any insight, let me know.
  6. OKCPirate


    It's fear and anxiety and the unknown. This is new. Keep reading, quit thinking. You are not unique. The things your are experiencing have happened here. Explore and you will see the connections. It really is OK. Congrats on making it this far. Go the next step.
  7. OKCPirate

    Care to share your dating profile?

    @@OutsideMatchInside - I hate to say this, but sometimes you need to go where the guys are. If my assumption is correct that this is a numbers game, then you need to go to where the numbers are and then weed through the ones who are not your type. Surprisingly some of us have had success on "hook up sites" with very decent people (I will not name names, but I do have it on very good authority that it is possible). I'm not saying it's easy, but you need to go where the guys are and then cull the heard to get to the quality beef...eh guys. IMHO
  8. OKCPirate


    @Leesa926@sarahh2.0 I am very glad for you. Quitting sucks, but it is a great investment in you and your health. Smoking taxes every system in your body, inflames your arteries and eventually makes the most virile guy limp...so don't do it. (umm, not that has ever happened to me, just saying)
  9. OKCPirate

    Care to share your dating profile?

    @@CowgirlJane - damn good observations, but @@RedJoy86, it depends on your area. Try them out and see. Unfortunatly, I have not been able to see local traffic (that doesn't mean someone on this list may not be able to find it). Depending on your part of VA, you might have great success. The answer to all really good marketing questions is "IT DEPENDS." So experiment and see what works. Play around with your pictures, play around with your profile
  10. OKCPirate

    Care to share your dating profile?

    @@Daveo - great safety tip
  11. OKCPirate

    They seemed sane...Dating horror stories

    @@Inner Surfer Girl -ahem, well be glad you didn't go out...ahem...out to dinner with Mr. Phlegm.
  12. OKCPirate

    October 19 surgery date!

    On the plus side, if you feel bad, they have stuff for that at the hospital and they can get you fixed up with different pain meds. It is about time for freakin out. It's OK. We all freak out about this point. Time to second guess yourself, why am I doing this etc. It's just part of the process. If you search around you will get some good packing lists, which will be the next thing you should freak out about. Please understand I'm not being snarky...I've just been there and made the same post last November. It worked out great.
  13. OKCPirate

    They seemed sane...Dating horror stories

    @@CowgirlJane - don't be too hard on your self, it was the 1980's, we locked up people for life because they had a joint, bands wore spandex, women used aquanet, and everyone still smoked...in public Obviously a decade without quality control...but the music was good
  14. OKCPirate

    Care to share your dating profile?

    @@OutsideMatchInside - Match will let you search without paying. So create an account, poke around. If you are in a major metro area and want lots of males, go to Tinder, way more guys.
  15. OKCPirate

    So many crazy men

    @@RILEYSMOM22 would you mind cross posting this over here?: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/352466-they-seemed-sanedating-horror-stories/page-9?hl=%2Bdating#entry3976591 Let's add to the tales of woe, that is bad
  16. @@shellyd67 I'll stay away from cheap jokes like, "No memory loss that I remember..."
  17. OKCPirate

    They seemed sane...Dating horror stories

    I think the coffee date that made me most sad was this lady who was so insistent that we meet, I finally relented and said OK, and she gave me this twenty minute tale of woe, full of health problems, financial set backs etc. Somehow she couldn't see we had absolutely nothing in common, but I guess she was hoping for a pity marriage proposal on the spot. That date was painful.
  18. My fave was from lipsticklady - never trust a fart I'm looking into the Vitamin Patches Some very good slow cooking recipes But mostly I enjoy the encouragement...we are all alone in this together, and odds are your experience is not as unique as you think and you can feel free to quit freaking yourself out at any time. I'll add and edit as I think of them
  19. NSV - made out with girlfriend in back of car, and I fit!!!

    1. OKCPirate


      What a romantic idea Elode. It will be just like high school all over again.

    2. Elode


      Umm no! I have a small Volvo and he has a big Dodge Ram truck with huge Windows. That's the equivalent of being in the open. Old Mr Myers next door would have a heart attack and he's barely hanging on as it is! I'm too much of a chicken sh*t to drive off somewhere because as soon as I do you will see me on the 9 o'clock news either A) murdered by Jason or B) arrested for indecent exposure! I barely leave the house...I'm too kidnappable these days!!

    3. defibvt


      Keep it up... this is a very interesting read!!! Nearly made my day!!!

    4. Show next comments  204 more
  20. @@shellyd67 - Congrats on the weight loss success. Tracking another thread on memory loss, any dilatarious things happening to you? hair loss or memory issues?
  21. OKCPirate

    What body type do you have after your weight loss?

    @@OKCPirate Wow, I see how you give @@Dub right up for the belly rubbing. Hope he wont mind. He can speak for himself, but I do think he would prefer you wait until the hernia is healed
  22. OKCPirate

    What body type do you have after your weight loss?

    @jenn1- they missed thier shot with me and the better hurry if the want to rub Dubs
  23. OKCPirate

    What body type do you have after your weight loss?

    You should have told her "How do you know what I have buried in my backyard?" That would have messed with her head! 1) No wonder woman have so many body issues. 2) No, not "what I have buried" should be "who you have buried"
  24. OKCPirate

    Before photo tips

    I can tell you one that didn't work. I had a tight dress shirt and my plan was to take a pic every week in the same place and see it getting lose. I missed a week, and the next time I tried to get it done the shirt was too loose, after 6 weeks it was useless as a marker. What I wish I had more than B/A pictures were really comprehensive measurements. Would have been great encouragement during a stall.
  25. @@Djmohr - thank you it has been a very fun and rewarding endeavor. Because of the sage advise of the many of the veterans of this site I have had very few problems. So many thanks to everyone who contributes generously of their time to help their fellow WLS losers.

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