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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. @@TakeitorSleeveit I do hot yoga. Not for the faint of heart;-). Use groupons to try different places and see what you like.
  2. @@Dub I was thinking that this may have had something to do with the angles Do they do plastics?
  3. OKCPirate

    Fortune cookie!

    @@mngreeneyes indeed I did
  4. OKCPirate

    Too Good to be true?

    @@FlyInTheOinment you can see what I eat on myfitnesspal.com thekirkshelley I'll friend you.
  5. @@Melvyn96 - Please feel free to mention that you are from Belgium up front in the future. In the US the fear of lawsuits drives up the cost of surgery beyond belief. In other countries this may not be the case, and may actually diminish care. So while I understand what was happening, I couldn't believe it was happening in America...but somewhere else, yeah I could (don't think from that I think everything is great is here, I just said "that doesn't make sense here."
  6. @@Melvyn96 - That is facinating. What a violation of the Hippocratic oath. Feel free to forward your posts to their regulating boards. May not cost them now, but hopefully it will keep them off of any regulating boards in the future.
  7. @@Dub - No kidding, glad I don't have smokers cough any more, that would have been a deal breaker
  8. OKCPirate

    Surgery THIS FRIDAY

    I started trying clear liquid Proteins before surgery. I like Isopure (many don't, but its available at GNC). I think one of the reasons I did well without the drop in energy is I kept my Protein levels up early. See it there is some form of powder or Isopure that will give you at least 80-100g of protein the first couple of weeks. GasX strips (which you can take 4 of at a time) help post surgery. Walk as much as you can and bring some bottoms so your butt doesn't stick out of the robe while you are walking is good too. I brought my old third generation iPod to listen to good books and music while I walked at the hospital. Make sure you have shoes that don't require lacing, but flip flops are not as good as slip ons IMHO. Don't buy new clothes. Find a good consignment store and work out a deal for a 2 or 3 for 1 on your old stuff. You will appreciate it later.
  9. OKCPirate

    Care to share your dating profile?

    @@Daveo - I can't believe I was as big as I was. It's all relative. But the reality is we were, BUT the reality is we EMBRACED CHANGE and we did change. Celebrate that. Celebrate life. And enjoy the celebration.
  10. OKCPirate

    Fortune cookie!

    @@mngreeneyes - I think I can top you...true story BTW. This was my fortune cookie on a first date: Those are her nails, not mine
  11. OKCPirate

    Long Island sleeve

    @@WLSResources/ClothingExch - you may have a new member
  12. OKCPirate

    Care to share your dating profile?

    Don't even mention it until the third date. I think I'm pretty spot on. It's just tough to imagine dating someone one that was at one time that heavy. Even though it's not you now, it will be alarming until someone really gets to know you. In my case I "only lost 90" that's not alarming, that's pretty good. Feel free to disagree but that is my unsolicited advice for the night.
  13. OKCPirate

    Care to share your dating profile?

    @@bellabloom - Strange I only mention it to people I give permission to google me. Only reason I mention is because there are a bunch of images and videos which show me much bigger and I don't want them to get confused as to what is current.
  14. OKCPirate

    Too Good to be true?

    @@FlyInTheOinment - nope don't worry. In three weeks you will worry because you will stall. That is the bodies inevitable response to the weight loss...its NORMAL. (Google 3 week stall). But it sounds like you are doing everything well and you have great support. Three weeks from now when you hit the gym again, keep it light, go up 10% per week, as well you should your Protein and calories until you hit resistance. Then stay there for a week. Then continue. And then please keep posting with your progress. We love to hear of great success. It is encouraging and dang I smile a whole bunch when I hear of people doing good.
  15. OKCPirate

    New body, new set of problems

    @@Tootsietoes - possibly not, but worked for me, but then again I worked for it too
  16. OKCPirate


    @@Leesa926 - by the way check with @@Babbs about weaning off nicotine, she did it and even got off the vape, I never have.
  17. @ - Just out of curiosity what are you doing for exercise? Personally I found yoga very helpful in creating tone and proportion. (Congrats on your 42 pound loss to date BTW).
  18. OKCPirate


    It was funny, two weeks post op I had to do a presentation and work with a top tier US Presidential Candidate. I was sitting next to his wife at the dinner. It was odd working with the hotel staff to make sure the ONLY thing that came to me was SOUP. So yes calling ahead, Google the menu helps.
  19. OKCPirate

    Food has lost its grip on me

    @@Sharon1964 "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. Who in the blue blazes thought "oh that's nice." WHO????? Me, that's who. It seems that food has lost its hold on me. It's a completely strange feeling. Like an alien has taken over me." Umm, that is what my therapist would call sort of a break through moment. This should not be glossed over, but instead analyzed, and celebrated if warranted. HINT - Long term you want to know where the feelings came from originally and what made the change. IMHO.
  20. OKCPirate

    2 year Anniversary

    @@SuperKen - I think I know why, but I'd like to know your thoughts
  21. OKCPirate

    well... that was a lot of drama

    @@CowgirlJane - I'm sorry, I see your perspective and I can see a little into his broken soul. I feel for you during this time. Makes me glad I'm going to do pre-couples theoropy with Noel. We both have enough baggage that I thought it was important to learn to communicate deeply early. That doesn't mean we can't, it's just a way to avoid some of the crap we both bring into the relationship from our past. My thought is much cheaper to get this done on the front end than the back end.
  22. OKCPirate


    @@Leesa926 - I'm all in favor of anyone getting off of caffeine, nicotine, alcohol etc. I'm also in favor of harm avoidance. Tobacco in the forms of smoking or chewing are the most dangerous. Hands down. Snuss, lowers risk. Vaping, no known problems. I hate to tell you this, but it all depends on your surgeon and provider. I didn't hide my vaping in Mexico. They didn't object. And it didn't derail my progress, nor healing. Now the Plural of antidotes is NOT evidence. What worked for me does NOT EVER MEAN it is acceptable to everyone nor every surgery center. I am only sharing my own experience. Please understand that. PLEASE.
  23. @_telia_- BTW, great job. Down 40 pounds is no small accomplishment. And one that should be celebrated.
  24. OKCPirate

    I gave up today

    @@thisfathasgot2go - no kidding, it was $2500 with co-pays and wasting a whole bunch of time, or going to Mexico for $4500 and no waste of time...plus those people in Mexico would finance. And look the reality is that Mexico has a much lower infection rate than they do in the US. WHY? Private rooms. Big rooms. They mop four times a day. No extra equipment. Anyone who's been there no the quality of care is great, just different than the US. Not saying you have to, just offering options.
  25. OKCPirate

    Newly Sleeved!

    @@helladoll Welcome to the bench. I have no idea where you have come from nor what you have faced, but I do almost 100% guarantee that someone here has faced a similar challenge and will give you some wisdom and insight to help you move forward. Congrats for the courage to go forward and to reach out.

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