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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    Surgery safety

    @@Annie67 - Don't report the guy. Has her weight yo-yo'd? If she had been working on it, and she's noticing its creeping back up, she may have been really concerned that it's going to happen again. I mean 180 is not like an anorexic getting the surgery. Speaking of that, let's lighten the mood...
  2. @@Sajijoma - nothing but Isopure wimps here...geeez. I actually like it. But only the green tea. How ever I do use the coconut with chocolate Protein shake to get me over my mounds cravings. @@VSGAnn2014 - what flavors? Let's see if we can get some shipping deals
  3. @@Dub - great report a couple of notes... 1) They pump you with so much IV Fluid that you do gain that much weight. This too shall pass as the body heals 2) The general ache is the same thing you feel after being stabbed 9 times and having some of your guts cut (not that I'm bitter about that (one of Noriaga's thugs got a blade under my protective vest during the invasion of Panama, but he's met his maker and I have not, so I'm not bitter). 3) When you start losing weight, start taking as cool a shower as you can, stay out of the hot tub and tanning beds, and moisturize (thank you metrosexuals for getting those products on the Walgreens shelves). You want the shrinking skin as happy as possible. 4) Good doggie. Enjoy the ride. Let me know when you start wanting to watch chick flicks...the hormone dump can be really wild.
  4. I just happened to see this, and didn't notice an answer - generally accepted answer is "no" according to the surgeon I talked to, water/liquids quickly pass through the sleeve, which is why there is the prohibition on drinking and eating and waiting 20-30 minutes after the meal to drink again.
  5. OKCPirate

    Concerned about memory loss

    @@her1981 - FYI, interesting TED talk on memory, not on this topic, but might give some perspective @@BigTink2LilTink - Thanks for sharing your experience and remedy. I'm due for my next round of blood work next week. Be very curious what comes out of it.
  6. OKCPirate

    Concerned about memory loss

    @@her1981 - Thanks, I'll try and remember to look into it some more. (sort of)
  7. OKCPirate

    Does WLS effect our metabolism?

    Keep moving and eating. Stick to the plan, the weight loss will happen. Your body is adjusting. No WLS doesn't seem to affect your metabolism by itself, it's the change in your diet. http://theweightofthenation.hbo.com/films/main-films/Challenges Great special on how dieting affects you.
  8. OKCPirate

    Exercise 'guilt'

    @@dhrguru - tip of the hat to you for the awareness, that's a big part of the battle (or as the late Yogi Bera would have put it...weight loss is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical)
  9. OKCPirate

    Concerned about memory loss

    @@her1981 - OK, worth asking, if you find out anything definitive, please post, I'll be monitoring this thread.
  10. OKCPirate

    Care to share your dating profile?

    @@scubav85 - tough for guys, we out number women by a huge factor, but if you live in a big metro area it seems to work
  11. Dude, I have no experiance with bands, but I'm impressed with anyone who does marathons and 101 mile bike races. Hats off to you.
  12. If it's the same feeling as being pregnant, then you may be dumping hormones out of your fat cells. Oh no, is this the start of an emotional roller coaster ride?...wheeeee
  13. OKCPirate

    My Hubby is Brilliant

    When you get the kickstarter campaign going let me know
  14. OKCPirate

    Feeling some type of way

    I had the same feeling, but then I had to look at my past track record and admit my body will do it's damnist to preserve the fat. This is the best investment I ever made in my health.
  15. @@SlimJill - Hey, thanks for having the guts to admit this. Great first step. As Will Rogers said, "when you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is to stop digging." My next step is to hit Google. You sound like you are defining your problem correctly. Get an accountability person on your team, make a plan of things you will commit to doing, start now getting rid of the crap in the fridge so you will not to make it worse, make gradual and habitual changes for the stress. You had the courage to post this so you want to change, now start making it. And if you want tough love and support, well I won't name names, but we have people here to provide it.
  16. @@jess9395 - I like sprints and 5K's. The risk of injury is low, they are challenging and an upcoming race is always motivation, I have one Sunday and that's why I've been running more than usual.
  17. OKCPirate

    Care to share your dating profile?

    Awwwww thanks!!! I think it makes me sound a little sweeter than I am but oh well!!! I like your too! Your a good lookin' man!!! Well thank you very much, you look wonderful yourself and your kids look great and healthy. I always have mixed feelings about including kid pics but I think in your case it makes sense, you three are a package deal.
  18. @@jess9395 great job, full, half or sprint?
  19. OKCPirate

    Care to share your dating profile?

    @@bellabloom - It works, great job on the profile. It sounds like you.
  20. OKCPirate

    well... that was a lot of drama

    @@CowgirlJane - Do you like (or have you had) "closure" dates? After the dust settles and you realize the relationship isn't working I have enjoyed having lunch to see what went well and what didn't in the dating relationship. It has been interesting to get another's perspective as to what worked, what didn't and any regrets. It obviously doesn't work with everyone (because of drama or tension), but in those cases where there were just compatibility issues, it's nice learning a woman's perspective.
  21. @ - on your C25K program, some tips: When I started I was getting distracted and not paying attention to the timing then I found this cool little site c25kplaylists.com. The music is OK, but the nice thing is the voice prompts to remind me to walk or run. I can concentrate on form and not look at my watch. I just saved the 30 minute song as an MP3 file and put it on my iPod. Speaking of form - http://www.jeffgallo...m/learn/videos/ Jeff has some great tips. Most important take away, short stride, shuffle, feet close to ground to prevent injuries. When I last tried to start running, I didn't do this and ended up hurting myself and was not able to walk for nearly a week. Two weeks of using this tip has lead to pain free running. https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/the-beginners-guide-to-running/?user_id=102838197669437&alt_source=mfp&alt_medium=email&alt_campaign=workouts20151012&utm_source=mfp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=workouts20151012&mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRoksq%2FAZKXonjHpfsX96O0pWKS1lMI%2F0ER3fOvrPUfGjI4DRcpmI%2BSLDwEYGJlv6SgFSrTFMblm0LgLXhP0TD7slJfbfYRPf6Ba2Jw2r%2F4%3D Keep in mind, this is where I started A few months later, this is where I ended up
  22. @@jess9395 - I have this special towel that is only terry cloth on one side to go on top of my mat, I also keep a towel off to my side for my face, and I always bring a change of clothes because I'm a sweaty mess when I'm done...but dang it, I love it. I keep getting more flexible, stronger, and my balance is much better. And it's nice to only have to concentrate on one thing for an hour. I'm not saying Hot Yoga is the best thing since sliced bread, but its a good challenge for me.
  23. OKCPirate

    Concerned about memory loss

    @@her1981 - Have you been taking beta blockers? Earlier this year my doc gave me eye drops to decrease the pressure in my eyes. After 5 weeks I noticed I was forgetting very important things. Turns out memory loss/confusion is a side effect. Took nearly 2 weeks for that drug to get out of my system. Might want to see if there is anything you are taking where memory loss can be an issue. Weight loss can cause changes in how meds work or affect us. NOTE: to make it worse, turns out the eye pressure increase was because of Nasacort. Oh well, that's a few weeks I'll never get back.
  24. OKCPirate

    My surgiversary

    @@Yammi - well done sir, well done indeed
  25. @@Amberina - Great job. Yeah we all say "oh it's just a number" but ITS A BIG FREAKIN DEAL. Congratulations for breaking that barrier.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
