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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. I just posted over here: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/354226-to-goor-not-to-go-to-mexico/ I used https://www.beliteweight.com/pricing/?gclid=CjwKEAjwwbyxBRCS74T049iEp0wSJACkO5v1ShIauW78YEBhDqatFyjvC0RbLiEWVnyghCAOLnzNphoC-Jrw_wcB to do the initial research. I did my own due diligence before giving them a deposit. It is a regular transaction. Like booking an airline flight.
  2. $4500 if you cross the border
  3. OKCPirate

    Quest bar,.. Tummy issues?

    Had one this weekend. No problems with IBS, nor flatulence, but I'm 11 months post surgery. These bad boys are not mandatory, pick something which agrees with you.
  4. Be careful with it, according to my dentist, very hard on the teeth, acts like gravel, and you just don't want to crack the enamel.
  5. OKCPirate


    Congrats getting all the IV fluids out of your system so quickly. Keep up with the Vitamins and look for a tasty drinkable Protein source like Isopure. Adds Fluid and protein which you need to heal. Good luck, keep up the good work.
  6. I initially had to set a timer to remind me to take a sip every 5 minutes (which is what you do while your stomach is healing, respect the staple line the first month). It gets easier to chug after the first month, the stomach has healed. Fluids tend to go straight through the sleeve. Glad you are off the sodas, that makes things much easier. No magic bullet, if you have to treat drinking Water like medicine than so be it,make it happen.
  7. I had jury duty today. The DA was an average looking woman, average body shape. The opposing council, was dumpy and overweight. I had to fight hard to look past the visuals and concentrate on what was said. I know that was happening to me when I taught. Too many times after I was teaching for 6 to 8 hours, I'd look like I was on the verge of a heart attack. It's distracting from what I want to teach. This weekend I taught a nine hour class. This is after a day of meetings and 11 hours of travel to the school (and the fire alarms at the hotel going off at 1:30 in the morning). I have energy to spare at the end of the day. No sweat, total energy and focus. I could not have pulled that off at 305. So what's more important, the look or the energy? I think they both go together. In time, the confidence comes (initially you are getting compliments which is usually deflected in a self deprecating manner). I don't see a downside in this at all.
  8. OKCPirate

    Greek yogurt:( yuck !

    The Orkos Triple Zero Vanilla goes great with a chocolate protein shake. (as does the coconut when you are having a Mounds craving this Halloween)
  9. OKCPirate


    Don't miss the best part, you can do great grass fed high quality...when you are only doing 4 ounces at a time you can afford it. Oh, satisfy the steak craving by putting roasts in the crock pot and make it very tender.
  10. OKCPirate

    You know you lost weight when

    @@Jenna1977 - I just completed 20 hours of commercial flying over the last 96 hours, and it is soooooo much better lighter. Don't have to fight for the arm rest, I can cross my legs, the tray doesn't hit my gut when I put it down. I remember one horrible flight where the guy in the middle was a candidate for WLS too, at the point of unavoidable contact was soaked in sweat...gross beyond belief.
  11. OKCPirate

    Care to share your dating profile?

    Glad it worked for you.????
  12. Almost home, been in a plane for 22 of 80 hours, so much better than 90 pounds ago,

    1. Djmohr


      Oh my goodness! I bet that is a huge relief! Travel safe!

  13. OKCPirate

    Coconut oil

    I agree with as moisturizer, also when warmed becomes fantastic massage oil, and when mixed with epson salts will work better than a walk on beach or pummis stone for softening feet. But I do most of my cooking with it now. But I will warn it splatters more than olive oil and it's highly flammable if you have a gas stove.
  14. OKCPirate

    Private Fat loss

    @@hollybower "see it?" See this: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/353620-the-view-from-down-there-a-ladies-room-post/ But it is great to look down and see everything again
  15. Seems to happen in Denver, and I fly there a bunch...and I've never been groped ;-( I guess I'm not good looking... http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/denver-tsa-agents-fired-groping-passengers-article-1.2348961
  16. OKCPirate

    Low Cal Snacks for Travel

    For those of you who are visual, here is what I'm taking on my 12 hours of air travel this weekend (I always assume the airlines will lie about when we will actually take off and land)
  17. OKCPirate

    Very New - Very Lost

    Welcome, I do think you will get a host of information about our Protein fetishes, answers to your worst fears on hair loss and loose skin, you will learn about NSV (non-scale victories). I suggest you look into getting this book: http://www.amazon.com/Emotional-First-Aid-Kit-Practical/dp/0976852659/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1436729032&sr=8-13&keywords=bariatric+book And start here: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/195065-you-know-you-lost-weight-when/ I always look there to get encouraged and refocused on what I am trying to do. Welcome again.
  18. OKCPirate

    Am I the only one?

    @@seaux_beautiful_vsg - here's a link to the proceedure: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/175098-overview It's not a big deal, had to get it done for GERD every couple of years prior to WLS. Strichers hurt and need to get fixed.
  19. @Bufflehead- ding, ding. Oh, and they always get me in the summer because the back of my shirt is wet. Yes those $100,000 units are great at picking up loose skin and sweat...shame they are not more effective than metal detectors (only our government could make security simultaneously less safe and more time consuming...not that I'm bitter).
  20. @@NikkiDoc - Well I have a hatred for the TSA, and I notice they always pull out the hot chicks, so that may be it, you are suddenly hot. But I'd write the TSA about it. There scanner is not supposed go into the skin (unless they were using the old ones which I will not get in). Next alternative is to get the TSA PRE pass (worth every penny).
  21. @@annahdez - When I went one spoon over the line, I'd get flushed and sweaty. Learned to slow down and see if that last spoonful was it, or is there room for one more. Get a coffee warmer, put the plate on it, that way you can take your time and your food won't get cold.
  22. @@Inner Surfer Girl all that and lose skin. Your skin is your largest organ, give it what it wants and needs.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
