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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    It's done...although with last-minute changes

    @@PorkChopExpress - BTW, when I went to In-and-Out, you can get it as a lettus wrap (I only ate half and one of my daughter's fries). So it is possible, and it was a nice treat.
  2. OKCPirate

    Hi folks! Be gentle I'm a newbie!

    @@startinganewme - Enjoy the ride. Terms to know: NSV - non-scale victory Stall - the inevitable point where you body catches up on fat loss and readjust your metabolism and causes you angst for a few weeks thinking you are doing something wrong. Stalls happen, don't sweat it. Hormone Rush - Since hormone's are stored in fat, you might get some strange emotions or urges you have never felt before. It's normal, but it may explain why you want to have sex more often, in strange places, with strange people. Panic Points Not pooping for a week to 10 days post surgery. Ehm, it will all come out in the end. You will worry, but don't. New attention from people, which may bum you out because you feel like the same person, but people are treating you differently. Eventually you will find your new normal and the feeling passes. I'm sure others can add to the list. Congrats.
  3. @@Dub - I'm glad you are finding your new normal. And I'm REALLY glad it's a fun normal.
  4. OKCPirate

    Back Hair

    One unexpected side effect of getting smaller is the hair follicles are closer together on my back and arms. That really concentrated the back hair. For a blond guy, I can look like a dang gorilla if I don't watch it. I've tried: Laser removal (its supposed to be permanent, but apparently I have the wrong color hair for it to be effective). Waxing (painful as hell, and I have to use benadrill to keep from having welts) Nair (burns like heck, even when I follow the directions to the letter, and it stinks up the house) I'd shave it, but couldn't reach all the spots. Until now. This thing works: https://www.amazon.com/MANGROOMER-Yourself-Electric-Back-Shaver/dp/B000HQ0L2E Very helpful. Not going to suggest it is going to get you "smooth" but at least it will get you presentable. If your significant other wants smooth, invite her to the shower.
  5. Oh the heck with social media, go look at the moon

    1. highfunctioningfatman


      I wish I could but it is raining cats and dogs!

    2. ShelterDog64


      No moon here last night, just clouds and rain!

    3. defibvt


      Yes it was a beautiful sight... tired of social media and main stream media spin...

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  6. OKCPirate

    I need a MUCH better fig leaf!

    TMI, but I usually don't worry about underwear, but when I do, I'm enjoying the new synthetic heat reducing and slight compression of https://www.amazon.com/Jockey-Underwear-Travel-Microfiber-Trunk/dp/B00BJX0UT8/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1479169268&sr=8-3&keywords=jockey+travel+microfiber+brief
  7. OKCPirate

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    I like Scott (Dilbert) Adams take on the elections, which were spot on and surprising to me...http://blog.dilbert.com/post/152955248046/i-answer-your-questions-about-predicting-president Then I ran across a very interesting book on Trump's win: https://www.amazon.com/MAGA-Mindset-Making-America-Great-ebook/dp/B01M8K6BG8/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1478813437&sr=1-1&keywords=maga+mindset He gives credit to Trump for taping into four key engines: 1. Appeal to Nationalism 2. Rejection of White guilt 3. Unapologetically masculine 4. Rejection of the Politically Correct culture In short, Trump ain't a conservative, but he sure tapped into some core values. But, Trump will be forever demonized in the press:
  8. OKCPirate

    Sex is fun!

    Have fun @. It will help you both live much longer, better and healthier lives. And heck, it's just dang fun.
  9. OKCPirate


    @@TheRev - Well next time I am in CO, I'll have to go see the "budtender" and see what has worked for others.
  10. OKCPirate


    No carbs, no calories, no need for inhaling burning vegetable matter...no problem in my book. I picked up some THC Patches for a friend with breast cancer going through chemo...it was the only thing that allowed her to eat and sleep. But I have yet to find any topical s which helps my GF's knee pain. If anyone has a suggestion, please let me know. (She just had an MRI on the knee and there is no more cartilage there, so she is going to get a participial knee replacement.)
  11. From what I can tell, it becomes an issue during the transition and slowly becomes part of the new "normal." Just don't let it take over. When things are new and exciting, we can all fall victim to the "grass is always greener" temptation. But I will say, getting attention is a rush.
  12. OKCPirate

    Not sure I'm strong enough

    My divorce process took nearly 9 months. Many, many ups and downs. I tried to put my self back there going through the changes which resulted from surgery, I think I would do the surgery. But here are the cautions: 1) There can be a real change in mood do to the hormone dumping that occurs when you lose fat. 2) Can you stay focused enough to stay on program and avoid emotional eating? WLS is a tool, not a magic wand. The reason why I would have done the surgery knowing what I know now... It is a good focusing tool. You probably have a sizable investment in time in getting this set up. As you take control in one area of your life, you tend to get more control in others. It is a major positive, which will give strength during a tough time. It would be nice to have someone watching the home front/kids. Doing it alone is tougher, even if they are not supportive. This is my $.02 without really knowing your specifics (and I'm not trying to pry). Just some very general things to consider.
  13. OKCPirate


    @@Dashofpixiedust8 I am very glad for you. Congrats
  14. Isopure clear. different flavors at GNC. Not for everyone, but if you don't throw up in your mouth like you did when you voted on Tuesday, you can chug them down, 40g of Protein and hydration is a good thing...like democracy,
  15. OKCPirate

    How did WLS effect your marriage...

    @@shedo82773 I'm sorry to hear that. I hope things get better. Don't be afraid to explore hormone therapy (testosterone might get your groove back). Exercise seems to help women. Check out the Meston Lab sight...http://www.mestonlab.com/ there are some ways to kick things back up if you are interested.
  16. OKCPirate

    How did WLS effect your marriage...

    It really depends on the state of the relationship before the surgery. No doubt it changes the power dynamics of a relationship. If a spouse has issues and a fat spouse, then some will think "well they won't cheat because no one will want them." Then the spouse loses weight and becomes attractive, and suddenly the perspective changes. All that said, for both spouses of both sexes...Please don't do anything for the first six months. The hormone changes are dramatic. Let everything settle down before making major relationship changes. I was a major sexual idiot for a few months following surgery (I am single). Realize that can play into the dynamic too. So, there are many factors at play in relationships following surgery. Very few people seem to realize the power of the hormone dump and how a change in appearance can affect a relationship. Ultimately...do it for your health.
  17. OKCPirate

    Self Pay in the U.S.

    I used belight in Juarez, great experience. My mom's a retired RN, she went with me and she was really impressed.
  18. coffee (after it has cooled a bit), if you want it to mix in cold milk, you need to use a blender, stirring won't do it. I also add to my yogurt.
  19. OKCPirate

    Suit - Sport Coat

    Better consignment stores have great suits at really good prices. When I needed to get "a real suit" for an event, and I wasn't sure if I was done changing, I purchased separates (pants and jackets) so if either size changed I could switch. Biggest change? Inseam. My butt has shrunk so much my pants all needed to come up an inch. BTW, be aware that while in past you might have preferred pleated pants for the extra room, they may not work for you now. Also where you wear your pants can change. I used to have my belt line under the gut, not now. Speaking of belts...https://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=adjustable+ratchet+belt&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=153670451678&hvpos=1t4&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10463558448349875284&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1024290&hvtargid=kwd-70284717029&ref=pd_sl_2bive3jwze_b Ratchet belts are great because you can trim them as you shrink.
  20. OKCPirate


    Yes, there is actually some science behind the statement: but be careful, WLS is a tool, not a magic wand. It is possible to have WLS and not get any results because of the food choices people make. http://www.todaysdietitian.com/newarchives/082508p56.shtml http://www.medpagetoday.com/endocrinology/obesity/43097 http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/578906_2 On the other hand one study showed that following RYGB, ghrelin levels fell during the first postoperative day, increased after 1month to preoperative levels and rose further at 6 and 12months. This transient suppression of ghrelin could possibly be due to vagal dysfunction and subsequently with weight loss ghrelin secretion increases to higher than preoperative levels.[28] A study on ghrelin concentration in obese patients prior to and 5days and 2months following BPD demonstrated that unlike after dieting or RYGB, only an initial reduction in ghrelin concentration was observed. However 2months following BPD, when food intake had nearly completely resumed the values returned to the preoperative levels.[29] This is consistent with the hypothesis that ghrelin production from the stomach is greatly influenced by the direct contact of ingested food with the gastric cells. This finding is, however, conflicting with evidence showing that small intestinal nutrient exposure is sufficient for food-induced plasma ghrelin suppression in humans and that gastric nutrient exposure is not necessary for its suppression.[30] Given the current data it is difficult to fully understand the mechanism involved in the release of ghrelin after bariatric surgery. The degree of hyperinsulinaemia is a known major determinant of ghrelin suppression amongst obese subjects.[31,32]Changes in ghrelin release following surgical weight loss might depend on the degree of preoperative insulin resistance and the degree to which insulin sensitivity is restored. The degree of vagal dysfunction following the surgical procedures may also contribute to the changes in the observed ghrelin levels.
  21. My rule is anything "mission critical" goes with me in my carry on. So always keep your meds with you. Pack very light, you don't need much. You don't want to carry anything heavier than 25 pounds. Remember liquids need to be in bottles less than 3 ounces. You can get travel bottles at the drug store. Depending on your airport, plan on getting there 1-3 hours before take off...Check here: http://awt.cbp.gov/ I always take an empty Water bottle with me so I can fill it when I get through security.
  22. OKCPirate

    Emotional roller coaster

    Congrats and good luck. Just a reminder that you have another issue you need to be aware of...sudden surges of testosterone (it is stored in fat, and it can come out quick). SEE: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/358457-help-with-anger-issues/ Poke around in the guys room. http://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/431-the-guys%E2%80%99-room/ Also this forum might be helpful too: http://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/1253-emotional-mental-and-spiritual-health-and-wellness/ There are many here who struggle with many things, and for the most part you will get some very good and supportive advice without much judgement, unless you want to do something incredibly stupid like Celebrate your surgery with pizza and beer, then all bets are off
  23. OKCPirate


    OK, I keep hearing this. References to there being a window of opportunity for weight loss following surgery. Is there actually science to back this up? Or is this almost a perception as the most pounds always go first and then the struggle for the last X pounds begins. That is with or without surgery, no? Thanks! Sent from my SM-G900W8 using the BariatricPal App Generally speaking it is the first six months following surgery: http://gastricbypasstruth.com/life-after-gastric-bypass/the-first-6-months-your-honeymoon-period/ The hunger hormones in your stomach are gone, and you are usually the most focused on diet and exercise, plus it really is cool to see the weight come off and you start to do things you haven't done in years...and then there are those real crazy things that happen when the hormones stored in fat come out all at once. So it is a strange mix of physical realities and emotions.
  24. Thanks for commenting on this guy. Is he the one that we had the go fund me project to help that lady go to TJ to sue?
  25. OKCPirate


    Everyone's experience seems to vary. If you don't deal with the issues which got you to where you are, transference can be an issue. Look up the book, "The Emotional First Aid Kit for Bariatric Surgery." While I'm not against it, I do always say "get to your goal weight first, and then have that discussion." Post surgery you have a limited window of time where you can really lose weight quickly. Don't pee on that gift.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
