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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. No carbs, no calories. Once American women figure this out, it will be legal everywhere. Just saying. (After being in professional politics for 30+ years I have figured out that what women want eventually becomes the law of the land. Doubt me at your peril. It just takes longer than it should because males make up 90% of the legislative bodies and every married woman knows how well we listen).
  2. OKCPirate

    Addicted to BP

    Umm, no...it was because of http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/219760-sex-oh-my-god-sex/ But you have to know your target audience.
  3. OKCPirate

    They seemed sane...Dating horror stories

    @@Oregondaisy - sigh, well when you do the math you realize half of all males are below average.
  4. The original question was interesting, will he give me more attention and will the increased attention be a negative? Guys are so visual that he might (as well as other males BTW) give you more attention. Please be aware you might be upset if he does or does not. That to me sounds like a no win for him. BTW, please be ready for the hormone dump from the fat you are losing. It can do very strange things to your emotions. Affects both sexes. (I was enjoying chick flicks last year). So please give him and yourself some grace during this time of transition.
  5. I do it, but I'm a guy. Don't ever do anything like that unless you are 100% comfortable doing it. I mentioned my weight loss on FB, but not how. Only explained how to people I know are really struggling.
  6. The way things are progressing with the lovely Miss Noel, my time on Match.com will hopefully be coming to an end soon. But I don't know why I didn't think about this earlier...There has been discussion about creating a dating site for WLS people, well why not just share a link to your dating site profile here. Mine is: http://www.match.com/Profile/Display/About/?lid=450&uid=VF5xK49Gklufqiad26V30w== At least by looking at others you might get an idea on how to improve your own.
  7. OKCPirate

    Guy's Room - Calorie target 9 months out?

    I am stuck at 222. It bugs me at one level because I have been doing so good for a year. But I met with a buddy of mind who is a plastic surgeon. He explained that he expected me to lose 22-30 pounds after getting rid of the excess skin. Might be a reality to face. (BTW, please feel free to see what I eat and exercise at myfitnesspal.com - thekirkshelley. Usually over 100g of protien and mostly 1200 calories)
  8. OKCPirate

    Does your significant other smell different?

    Oh no, I think you are really on to something. But don't over react. You are probably experiencing hormone dumping. DO NOT - make any real-estate purchases/sales, major business/stock sales/buys, or relationship changes for the next four months. Message me if you want the link to the studies to back this up, but I do know the science behind it.
  9. OKCPirate

    Real intimacy isn't sex, so how do you get there?

    @@Oregondaisy - online is the real world...it's just more time effective than random chance. However we met on Match.com. We did a coffee date at Panara Bread. And then we became Facebook friends and found out we had hundreds of mutual friends...(why none of those bastards fixed us up is a longer story) but things have very slowly progressed to the point where I have pulled myself out of the dating pool, and am utterly fixated on THE ONE. She is stunning, intelligent (and out of the dating pool guys).
  10. OKCPirate

    Care to share your dating profile?

    @@Oregondaisy - Hopefully I have found the ONE and I am done with dating and will never EVER have to have another first date/kiss et al. (Yes she is is really that spectacular). Here is what I had on my old profile which I took down: Making meals together is a great metaphor for a great relationship. Its all about the right ingredients, timing, communication and cooperation. If we can cook in the kitchen, we will sizzle in the other rooms of the house. I have a great challenging and fulfilling job. I get to travel and make a difference. I've been enjoying making some positive changes in my lifestyle, eating better and doing 5K's. I even climbed my first Colorado mountain last month. I want to meet someone who is also active, but not someone who only wants to eat twigs and grass. I have four wonderful kids, three of which have left the nest and one who starts college in two years. She is now driving, which frees things up for dad. I have been divorced over four years, have dated and had a serious relationship which didn't work out, but I still friends with most people I have dated and enjoy getting to know new people. Please do not reach out to me if you not one for touching and kissing. I am not talking about on the first date, but I am serious. I enjoy holding hands, cuddling on the couch, kisses that go on for days. If you think those days are behind you, then we won't be dating for long. I like to help, give little gifts and be the hero who kills the spider. If you are too independent to open your life to someone who wants to share in even mundane tasks, then we are not going to be a good couple. And please make sure all the sticky residue from your past is gone. I didn't date for a year following the divorce to make sure I worked through my issues and I hope you have done the same. Life is adventure and I would love to find that one person who I can't wait to see, who lights up when we are together but is also confident enough to be her own person.
  11. OKCPirate

    Too big to fly?

    Keeping your eye on the prize (why you are doing this and what you can expect down the line)...last year I was on the verge of needing the extender of shame...I spent time researching the seats that would give me the most room...this weekend I had over a foot of slack on my seat belt. Your life will change for the good.
  12. @@CowgirlJane "I think what I am starting to wonder, as time goes on, if I really want a deep relationship for the next phase of life. Like- is it really worth it. And....I don't have a harem dammit. (I don't really want a harem*, all too complicated for me, but I couldn't let that remark pass)" Can't speak for everyone, but I do not want to live celibate and lonely... women have a much greater social network of support that guys just don't have. Yes dating has been work, but looking at it now, it was also been an opportunity for growth, healing and clarity. For instance I didn't have mental health on my list of things I thought was important until I found a very nice person who I discovered had some very latent mental health issues that needed to be dealt with so we discussed, mutually saw the need that we needed to stop seeing each other. But it was all for good in the long road. And despite all the ups and downs, it was fun, because I chose to make it so. Even the crap is funny now. *No woman does, that's why only guys have them. Think about who has the power at bar on Saturday night and you realize why.
  13. @TheNiceVoice...Welcome. I was scared s**tless a few days before. Best thing that has ever happened to me (well not including my kids, I will include my divorce).
  14. OKCPirate

    Feeling better, and motivated!

    And you will enjoy the flight soooooo much more more when you are lighter. See the extra the airline left me on my seat belt
  15. OKCPirate

    new to this

    @@chonti13 Welcome, congratulations on the loss to date, that is fantastic...if you ever wonder if this is worth it, I always read: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/219760-sex-oh-my-god-sex/?hl=%20sex http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/195065-you-know-you-lost-weight-when/ and then I suggest poking around to see who has posted on a subject before starting a new thread Not that I'm bitter.
  16. OKCPirate

    You know you lost weight when

    @@loriemoms - yeah no kidding. Most of my shirts HAVE to be tucked in because they would be down to my knees if they were not. (Note to ladies...many big guys need X-Large shirts so their shoulders and arms fits, not their waist)
  17. Ummm, I know I'm kind of a softy, but this just made me really mist up. It hit me...a year ago the woman whom I have fallen for, would not have given me the time of day romantically. To be fair, a year ago she would have not attracted me either. She is so physically dynamic that we would not have connected. But three months ago we met, and the attraction keeps growing. Yes she's seen me naked, she sees the lose skin, but she feels the muscle underneath it, she runs and bikes with me so she knows I can keep up with her. But what has been important was we moved beyond the physical to the intellectual and emotional intimacy and this is where we have really connected. But it would not have happened apart from the physical transformation. It is important. It's a game changer. It is a huge NSV.
  18. @4MRB4PHOTO@enjoythetime - MYSELF Great answer
  19. @@CowgirlJane - We are roughly the same age, we have both been through similar physical changes. I have dated heavy for three years dated lighter for almost a year (and I think that is when I really sewed my post divorce wild oats)...but found someone three months ago that has so resonated with me that I canceled all my online dating profiles, gotten rid of the harem (the code word for all the women who just enjoyed occasional sex, but didn't want a relationship) and just have focused on THE ONE. This is really exciting. It's worth the effort. I can't describe how wonderful it is when you finally find someone who you really look forward to seeing, and can just enjoy talking about everything...but feel comfortable with them not being in contact because you just know they are busy. It is so dang cool to be with someone who you just want slow kisses to go on forever. It was worth every heart ache, bad date, idiot, liar and mentally unstable person I have run across, because the wrong ones for me made me realize I hit the jackpot. I know the good, the bad and THE ONE. The journey begins.
  20. OKCPirate

    New me

    @@aligrace94 Sweet!!!! Great job
  21. OKCPirate

    Surgery Today!

    @@losing100# - Godspeed through the process, walk and then walk some more.
  22. And I will be danged if I know why that happened on my iPhone app, but I agree it is funny. Let's see if I say it again and again.
  23. Elode, 35, way too young for me, but you may have to reach out to my girlfriend for massage hints for your husband
  24. Hell, I'm self pay, if he wants to come to Oklahoma, I'll make time Hell, I'm self pay, if he wants to come to Oklahoma, I'll make time. Hell, I'm self pay, if he wants to come to Oklahoma, I'll make time.
  25. OKCPirate

    going nuts.....

    Congrats, but I'm a little lost on your weight loss and the ticker (you probably have not updated your status). Here are some of my questions: 1) Have you had any recent blood work done? Vit. B and D deficiencies checked? (Both can create some muddled thinking) 2) Glad you are getting counseling especially with the eating disorder history. Are you seeing a NUT? 3) What is your exercise? I was surprised how much that affects my mental stability, and I'm wondering if I am the only one.

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