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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    Couch to 5k

    @@defibvt - wow, well the family that sleeves together, stays together...that might become a cliche someday
  2. OKCPirate

    Bummed out

    I gained so much weight when I did the juicing thing. Then it hit me bears love berries post hibernation, to get their fat back. So I started looking into it, and figured out that those bursts of pure sugar (albeit the healthiest version of it) was not a great way to lose weight. Try focusing on high Protein. I do mine in 4 oz. implements at a time. Don't get bummed, all the data is just the opportunity to evaluate and create a new strategy.
  3. OKCPirate

    I have a date!

    What a great investment in yourself. Congratulations. Life is so much better healthy. Just saying.
  4. OKCPirate

    They won't help themselves...

    @@Megdelyn, @@Babbs, @@VSGAnn2014 , @ Thanks for your comments. All I can say is ... Yep.
  5. Great NSV, that's the type of stuff that will seal the deal for many... Invest in one of these: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/345876-ratchet-belt/
  6. You can't over prepare enough. Plan for the worst, pray for the best outcome. This preparation includes: Mental health: http://www.amazon.com/The-Emotional-First-Aid-Kit/dp/0976852659 Looking at videos of people who had problems, so you can make a list of everything which can possibly be wrong. Start finding a Protein supplement you like Have first two weeks of food at your home BEFORE surgery.
  7. OKCPirate

    people not educating themselves

    I just ranted about this...http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/356983-they-wont-help-themselves/
  8. OKCPirate

    Couch to 5k

    Great program, poke around the site and you will find some good tips, here are mine... To get the 5K done I am using the Couch to 5K program. (http://www.coolrunni...2_3/index.shtml) I was getting distracted and not paying attention to the timing then I found this cool little site c25kplaylists.com. The music is OK, but the nice thing is the voice prompts to remind me to walk or run. I can concentrate on form and not look at my watch. I just saved the 30 minute song as an MP3 file and put it on my iPod. Speaking of form - http://www.jeffgallo...m/learn/videos/ Jeff has some great tips. Most important take away, short stride, shuffle, feet close to ground to prevent injuries. When I last tried to start running, I didn't do this and ended up hurting myself and was not able to walk for nearly a week. Two weeks of using this tip has lead to pain free running.
  9. Timely reminder and well said. I like your "non-defeatist" attitude BTW. It takes courage to see a problem, admit responsibility and move toward resolution. Good job.
  10. OKCPirate

    No Sex? WTF

    @@ShadowCub67 - "My advice is to find a lawyer and a therapist and start talking to both." That is dead on right. I would only add some financial adviser. While no fault states make divorce possible, it in no way makes it easy, especially if one of the parties is dragging their heals. But if you do file, please be strategic about it. Here are some of the mistakes my ex made in no particular order: She let the house go...didn't want to help with maintenance etc. What that did was lower the value of the home during the appraisal and that took money out of her pocket. Filed at the worst time financially, if she had held on for another month she would have been entitled to nearly $100,000 more. But our state laws require assets to be divided on the day the petition for divorce was filed, not when it is finalized. She could have called the creditors to find out what they would settle for if payment was made to close out the account. This would have lowered the debt to asset ratio and again would have given her more money. She never understood that our county has a clear precedent on restorative alimony. Know what it is in your state. Make sure you file and have your finances in order as close to the first of the year or the end, so you don't depend on them for signatures and help with the final joint tax year. (HINT - change your withholding to single in advance of the first non-joint tax year. It will really affect your taxes.) There is another option, and that is to negotiate an "open marriage" if you think there are other benefits to the relationship. Take a long hard look at the singles forums on this site. It's harder than you think to find a new mate.
  11. OKCPirate

    Weightlifting Post Surgery

    Energy has not really been a problem with weight lifting and exercise. Remember you have a bunch of it stored in the fat. The first month post surgery I just walked. Then I added in more cardio machines and light weights for another month. But I felt I had laid down a good foundation by the start of month three and went to heavier weights. My rule is you increase the weight by 10% per week until you hit muscle failure and stay there until you are comfortable going up 10% more. Oh yeah, add in an extra Protein shake when you start building more muscle.
  12. @@shykneehighknee This is a facinating area. @@LColandrea is right about the different strains. One of the interesting things about legalization in Colorado is now there is REAL scientific testing of pot. How much THC is in it (akin to proof on liquor) as well as other factors. Also the medical pot people did a great job on showing how different strains affect people differently. I happen to do a great deal of work in Colorado, and I'm amazed at the entrepreneurial/regulatory effect of legalization. If you have not taken time to look at the sites dealing with pot, take a look: http://www.thecannabist.co/2014/03/09/tests-show-thc-content-marijuana-edibles-inconsistent/6421/ This is a very different era and one worth watching. It changes the discussion you have with your kids over drugs. It's not a "You can't because it's against the law." Now the discussion is "why would you want to? What do you hope to have happen?" I think it could be very productive. That's my hope. My worst nightmare is very different.
  13. This is my first holiday season post sleeve where I can eat. My ex-wife had always done the holiday meals and I always allowed her to do the big meals for the kids because she said she liked it. Well this year she didn't want to. So I did the big family spread (think about it, 52 year old single guy, doing his first thanksgiving meal solo). Some little things I did out of WLS habit that were actually really good: 1. Used FAGE plain yogurt where sour cream was called for 2. Used stevia in place of sugar 3. Nothing canned. Did everything from scratch so I could control the food All the food was good to great and the kids loved it. I ate more than I would in a normal day, but MUCH less than years past. But its a holiDAY. Not holiWEEK. So no guilt, nor shame. And the kids were glad at least one parent stepped up to make them a great meal. So any favorite recipe hacks you want to share? Any special stories you want to pass around the bariatricpal table? In 28 days we have another big holiday coming up.
  14. Nice little easy appetizer hack...little smokies makes a turkey version 2/3's less fat (http://www.hillshirefarm.com/products/turkey-lit-l-smokies). Use some left over cranberry jelly, and bbq sauce put in crock pot and forget about it...good eats.
  15. OKCPirate

    They seemed sane...Dating horror stories

    @@JustWatchMe - That is a great story
  16. OKCPirate


    I trained myself to sleep on my side long ago because of a compressed disk. Use a pillow between your knees. Practice ahead of time.
  17. @@2goldengirl - good luck, embrace the chaos.
  18. OKCPirate

    Guy's Room - Calorie target 9 months out?

    @@fly-high - I found vanilla stevia at whole foods. Works great. I also read about the health benefits of good cinnamon from Viet Nam, and I started using it too.
  19. Great batch of turkey vegi soup. Tomatoes, onions, sriracha sauce, left over green Beans. Season with some other holiday favorites. Took entire turkey carcass and all the elements I used for stuffing the bird, put in Water overnight, strained it today. Added more left over turkey meat. But used some fage yogurt and made it creamy just before my first bowl. Highly recommended.
  20. Well, lessened learned here, that's why we post these things I made this: http://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a33955/orange-cranberry-relish-recipe-wdy1112/ It goes great with vanilla yogurt, I mean REALLY good
  21. And my old family tradition...put the turkey carcass in a stock pot overnight. I now have turkey stock for Soup during cold and flu season. Green chili turkey soup will cure what ails you.
  22. Some things I learned on my solo thanksgiving adventure... Don't use a dremil to make whipped cream Than left over maple bourbon rocks in cranberries
  23. @@2goldengirl - My late sister was a horrible cook. Her first attempt at a ham was bizarre. Her glaze was more like enamel. We literally used a chisel and hammer to break it open.
  24. BTW, this also works in reverse. I am very attracted to my significant other because she takes such good care of herself. She is the first woman I have dated that is in better shape than I am and it challenges me to up my game to keep up. We would have never met before WLS (she would not have been attracted and frankly I think I would have been too intimidated).
  25. Intesting question. Especially when you realize that all of them change at different temps. I have to wait 10 minutes to let it cool or it gets egg like. Piping rock isolate

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
