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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. You might want to ask them what your out of pocket costs will be even if you were approved. Even with insurance and dediductables and co-pays it was cheaper and easier to go to Mexico. Not say you should, but it's worth asking.
  2. OKCPirate

    Calorie count

    You need to eat under what is "normal" in order to keep it off. http://www.wholehealthinsider.com/newsletter/factors-affect-weight-loss-maintenance/ I wish I could give you a "number" but it is more complicated than that. Monitor, track and check your blood work. Congrats on getting this far.
  3. OKCPirate

    Left Overs? Since we deal with so many...

    I boil the turkey carcass and make stock which I will use for turkey Soup during cold and flu season. I like to torture viruses with extra garlic and chilies.
  4. This was taken a little while before the surgery. I don't even feel like the same guy anymore
  5. It's official...all XL underwear is gone, now 100%L's

    1. OKCPirate


      I'll look them up. I'm more more interested in my girl friends favorite though ;-)

    2. MrsSugarbabe


      Awesome!! Moving to a smaller size in any garment is always something to celebrate Congratulations!

    3. defibvt


      Awesome... I am down from XXL underwear to mediums.. it is a good thing!!! Congrat's on your success!!! Keep up the good work!

  6. OKCPirate

    Serious Man Part Issues

    You are also getting a major hormone dump (it escapes from the fat cells). Enjoy? It's a reality. Not the worse thing being 13 again (at least down there).
  7. OKCPirate

    Why is coffee bad for us ?

    Cold, slushy and icy. I'm taking the shuttle to the airport tomorrow. It's going to be nuts.
  8. OKCPirate

    Why is coffee bad for us ?

    That's a myth and the NUT should know better
  9. OKCPirate


    I kept a shot glass with water with me all the time. Reminded me to sip
  10. OKCPirate

    Flying while sleeved!

    I flew home from my surgery. NP. I fly every other week. Again no problems
  11. Self pay in Mexico. I loved the service, I see why their infection rates are so much lower than in the US. They don't do crap we do in the US mainly to cover their butts in case of lawsuits. Bigger rooms, less equipment means fewer places for germs. They mop three times a day. I picked a great surgeon who also teaches in the US. It is a great option if you: Can self educate on nutrition and care. Have no risk factors (drugs, blood pressure, heart, liver problems). So for less than $5000 was able to get it done and the results have been great.
  12. OKCPirate


    You are correct, and remember two things - no wrapping paper required, and one and done is wrong. @@gowalking - and IMHO, you redeemed yourself. And like all good gifts, it should make you feel as good giving as it does to receive.
  13. OKCPirate

    No longer in "Mommy Jeans"

    My daughter (16) has been ragging on my jeans. "Oh dad they look like mommy jeans, Get something that fits." So for the first time since the Reagan administration I ordered 36" regular fit jeans. She really liked them.
  14. OKCPirate

    So frustrated!

  15. OKCPirate

    No longer in "Mommy Jeans"

    Glad you are not a guy. I think most of the "skinny jeans" for guys make them look like dweebs, but I'm not an urban hipster...but I could be their dad I guess
  16. OKCPirate

    No longer in "Mommy Jeans"

    Someone mentioned their backsides have shrunk and thus their pants got longer. So I went with a shorter inseam by an inch...and that worked. I was wondering why the back of my old jeans were fraid like they were stepped on...now I know why.
  17. OKCPirate

    No longer in "Mommy Jeans"

    Here you go Kathy...https://screen.yahoo.com/mom-jeans-support-000000467.html
  18. OKCPirate

    Time off work

    I like Isopure and kept my Protein levels high which kept my energy level high. My advise is keep your supervisor ready for the worse and surprise him/her with the best case.
  19. OKCPirate

    Back in the Game Again

    Umm, true confession, while I told myself I was looking for love at the beginning of the year (after some very significant weight loss) I think I was really just looking for fun. I found it. Every first date ended up with great sex. I didn't really calm down and finish sowing all the wild oats until August. You may be resisting because you want the affirmation. I think that's what I wanted (at least for a season). Not trying to knock you off stride and I am certainly not one to judge, but be open to that idea.
  20. OKCPirate

    Note to self: Don't be so competitive!

    Competitiveness is a blessing and a curse, or in our better natures a tool. But if the only tool you have is a hammer, you will tend to see every problem as a nail. So they key is to channel the energy to maximum advantage. That can only be done by mindfully determining goals that work for you. I would suggest that you turn from scale victories to NSV's like biking etc.
  21. OKCPirate

    Pilates or yoga

    You want to wait four week to keep the pressure off your external and internal incision. Respect the sleeve the first four weeks. If you think about it you will see why a stomach is hard to heal. I just walked the first month following surgery and added yoga two months later.
  22. A good friend killed themselves today. Sad and mad. Three kids who have to deal with this, and the loss of a sweet soul.

    1. OKCPirate


      Depression is curable, but can be fatal if left untreated. A sad reality

    2. wannaBthinsoon


      This is so sad. I'm so sorry for your loss.

    3. defibvt


      This is truly sad. I will pray for his family.

    4. Show next comments  162 more
  23. OKCPirate

    Back in the Game Again

    @@bellabloom - I hate to say this, but it's a numbers game. You gotta keep slogging through until you find the right one. Online dating is just a means to meeting a person who might be the right one. I looked up the numbers and there are 2500 single women within 20 miles of me who are between 40-52 with a college degree (my preferred criteria). The hard part was trying to find them. I figured out that 300 of them were using Match.com (some complicated math involved in making that estimate). That was the biggest group of women who I was interested in my area. So that's where I concentrated my time. After my divorce I took a year to get my head clear before I began to date. My first real relationship result could be summed up by saying I wasted 19 months dating/pursuing the wrong woman, but I also learned a great deal from the relationship. However I learned much about what I didn't want and it opened the door for finding the woman I am seeing now. So yes it has been an expensive and exhausting search, but the rewards are so worth it. Congratulations on getting back in the game. Now take heart...the lady I am very serious about was only on Match a week, I am the only one she has been out with following her divorce and our relationship has been a slow and steady increase in intimacy. The only problem is she has no funny dating stories.
  24. OKCPirate

    Real intimacy isn't sex, so how do you get there?

    As a recovering narcissist I can tell you how important it is to learn to recognize the signs. I was married to a Borderline Personality Disorder person (http://www.borderlinepersonalitydisorder.com/what-is-bpd/bpd-overview/) and narcissists are often drawn to them. I've now come to see them very quickly (and run).

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