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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. I have been shopping around trying to find the right Protein shake and so far I must say I think I like the Premier shakes as it seems to be the one with the most protein which is 30 grams. Go to a GNC and try the clear Isopure. I'm in the minority, but I like the green tea. I started using them as soon as I was cleared to start drinking Clear liquids. I think I would drink two a day which gave me 80g of protein and my energy level really never dipped. The only thing I remember being bad was day 8 when things started moving again on GI side of things. Stool softeners highly recommended.
  2. BTW this was a link shared on another page on the site... https://www.fleetfeetsports.com/training-programs/beginners Intriguing program and much needed. Recomended here: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/358521-help-with-training-for-5-or-10k/#entry4046536 jls123, on 07 Jan 2016 - 22:56, said: If there is a fleet feet store or other running store they often have training programs. Fleet feet has an intro to 5k program called No Boundaries that is tailored to intro people into running. I've done it and really enjoyed it. It helped me to have a group to train with and a coach to guide us and keep us motivated. https://www.fleetfeetsports.com/training-programs/beginners
  3. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/02/10/feds-poised-to-withdraw-longstanding-warnings-about-dietary-cholesterol/ Yep, you wonder why we keep getting conflicting advice from our NUTs and Surgeons...Its because it's much more complicated than just calories in vs calories out. Some of us have problems with cholesterol and hardened arteries, some of us don't. I suspect they will figure out a link between those who thrive on high Protein and those who need carbs. It probably is an odd mix of hormones and genetics that some brilliant physicists who specializes in chaos theory will finally figure out...but because he's not a "doctor" it will take twenty years before they release/accept the results. Bottom line, accept we don't know everything, eat quality food and enjoy. You all are going to die eventually.
  4. OKCPirate

    Serious Man Part Issues

    Oh I forgot about this stuff, I used it when I was heavier, have not had the issue but it's a liquid powder and worth trying. First one is free. http://ytchannelembed.info/watch/aE4VbGxn3t8#.Vo-8JH1b2JI
  5. @@Daisee68 - not a problem. I started on my own in 2004. Everything was fine until I made the mistake of sole sourcing a client and his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer shortly after I had closed off everything but his work. Opps. That sucked for him and my family. Now if I don't turn down three tempting offers a month I know I don't have enough in the pipeline. That's my rule. If I don't, then I know I need more marketing.
  6. @@VDB Old shrinks make the worst patients? I try to spend some of my therapy time helping my therapist and give him time to vent. We have similar life experiences that I know my discussion is going to trigger some memories/experiences in him. I want him to last for the long haul so I gladly give up some of my time to let him get clear. Thanks all of you. I had avoided posting on this topic for some months, but I finally asked for some tips, and your input has been very helpful The bottom line is that I can't accept any excuse I can create to avoid finishing this weight loss. Stress eating is stupid, I have come a long ways, and it is time to go the last leg. I think that overall I need to dump any guilt about my life vs. hers -- As Dub says, I have to take care of myself if I am going to help her. Yes, as Cowgirl says, it causes alot of anxiety, although not at the clinical level for me, but this level of care giving is stressful, period. Great ideas, very very useful to this old shrink.
  7. OKCPirate

    Are you excited about 2016?

    @@CowgirlJane - umm, why did you post this in the lounge? This is a great general discussion topic. I'm totally pysched about the coming year. Last year was a such a great year of firsts (first 5K, first mountain climb, first time wearing clothes the size I wore in college and HS). But it was also one of some embarrassing excesses (yeah, think bedroom). This year is one of deeper commitment and finding my true self and living my higher values. So far so good.
  8. I looked hard at the failure videos and blogs. They all seemed to be people who thought it was going to be a magic wand. People who thought they could eat chips and McD's and still lose weight. I studied the possible complications, and realized the risks were low, especially in light of the very real dangers of being fat. And then I started looking at this site and saw people who were living life abundantly post surgery. So after doing much due diligence, NO. BTW, why by pass? You get the same results from VS without dumping.
  9. What was your exercise routine pre-surgery? What was your energy level then?
  10. OKCPirate

    help with training for 5 or 10k

    @@DavidOso - Good luck with it. I tried C25K at 290 pounds and in week two had an injury that crippled me for nearly two weeks. Much easier at 220. So my advise is to lay a great foundation, use ellipticals and other non-stress/jarring aerobic exercise as long as possible. I'm not trying to dash your dream but your ticker says you are still in the 3's and even at 6' that seems like too much. When you start teach yourself a shuffling stride so you don't pound your knees and hips. Since you are starting at ground zero read http://www.chirunning.com/what-is-chirunning/beginning-runners/ Listen to your body, your knees will thank you down the road.
  11. BTW, do yourself a favor and buy your first two weeks of post op stuff now. Try different Protein drinks (there are clear ones that will keep your energy level high). Better to get that in the pantry now, than wait. If you are lucky enough to have the house to yourself, purge it of all the old crap and just throw it away. I put my daughter's favorites in her own pantry so I don't run across it.
  12. I love working at home. No commute, great freedom. I have a virtual team of 277, but I don't have to deal with all the HR costs. And after converting my dining room into my office, I have the best light during the day and a great deal of space. Won't go back...here's a link to what my office looks like. "https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid=919C44DFA0312E0D&resid=919C44DFA0312E0D%211913&authkey=AFBnlZI5iLMLf68"
  13. OKCPirate

    Hot new boyfriend loves my sleeve

    @@SlimJill - Congrats and enjoy. It did make me smile.
  14. OKCPirate

    people not educating themselves

    @Chrystee Not for me, I have to keep my carbs lower. However, my point is that a banana is not a low carb fruit. A better option would have been berries. And oatmeal goes against my surgeons low carb recommendations High quality steel cut oatmeal helps keep the brain fog away, so I eat some most mornings (2 ozs.) as well as some blue berries. I stay in the neighborhood of 65g of carbs and 100g of protein per day at 1000 cal. So I don't think this is bad advice from the NUT.
  15. OKCPirate

    Prescription Drug Costs

    @@retzlpa - That is a lot of pain. I'm sorry to hear of your struggles. I have no idea how hard it is for you. I appreciate you sharing that burden with us. As far as your immediate problem, you might want to look at over seas pharmacies (the reason why the FDA doesn't test those drugs is because they are so close to what you find at Walgreen's that Big Pharma doesn't want the word out - see the book Spam Nation). I only hope your weight loss will help you gain control of your life and pain. Once that happens, then the hard work of weening off pain killers will begin. That will be a struggle brother. A little outside the scope of knowledge of this group (though some might have some good advise). Congratulations on your weight loss to date. I want you to please realize that on top of the financial pressures you are enduring, you are also on the big hormone dump. Your old fat cells are are dumping testosterone and estrogen in your system. It will mess with your mind and emotions. That's a reality. Be careful with making permanent choices when you are in a period of transition.
  16. OKCPirate

    Help with anger issues

    @@fernandfj - Might want to get your testosterone level checked. If you have been using T replacement you might want to talk to your doc about throttling back. The hormone dump is very real. One minute I'd be raging and then I would turn on "Pretty Women."
  17. I came home bruised after my last trip to an amusement park from getting slammed around in the rides because there was not enough butt or shoulders to hold me tightly in the restraints! As one who had to take the walk of shame for being too fat to fit in a seat...I'll take the bruises.
  18. When I was moving the Christmas tree I realized it was moving me me and I couldn't figure out why...then it dawned on me "I'm a 100 pounds lighter than I have been." That extra bulk came in handy in some situations. And I'm still trying to get used to the lack of padding on my backside. I used to have a 30" inseam, but its now 29" because there is a much smaller caboose. I don't miss sweating, cpaps, high blood pressure, gout flareups, not fitting into booths, man boobs, feeling like I need oxygen just to have sex.
  19. @@VDB - My ex was hospitalized twice for suicidal idolization. While she was diagnosed bi-polar, I am convinced she's really a BPD (borderline personality disorder). To see what that horror looks like see: https://www.nami.org/Learn-More/Mental-Health-Conditions/Borderline-Personality-Disorder I worked with her for five years which included taking care of four kids, maintaining my job, doing all the meals and clean up. She slowly but surly closed me out of personal contacts, tried to keep me at home. Toward the end I realized I was being manipulated into virtual isolation. Getting divorced was not an easy decision...I took my vows seriously and wanted to stay together in sickness and health. Mental illness is just as real as cancer, but leaving a cancer patient seems cruel, and I struggled with my self motivations for a long time. I realized I needed the divorce for self defense because my blood work was getting worse every physical. My marriage was literally killing me. So I know the challenge, and I decided it was more important for me to be there for my kids for the long haul. Good luck.
  20. OKCPirate

    Serious Man Part Issues

    @@defibvt - these look promising. Support and compression... http://www.ufmunderwear.com/mens-boxer-brief-3-9-medical.html
  21. OKCPirate

    I feel like I look weird

    Took me months to realize I didn't need to turn like I always did to slip into small spaces. I didn't know I did it until I realized I don't have to anymore.
  22. Piping Rock - 1 scoop weighs 28g. 25g of protein. Not a bad little supplement. I do about a half a scoop a day except on heavy workout days when I add an extra scoop into my Protein shake.
  23. OKCPirate

    Do You Eat Breakfast? What Do You Have?

    A more interesting question might be "what do you eat before you go to bed?" I have found I sleep better when I have a tablespoon of Peanut Butter or 1-2 ounces of meat before I sleep. That way I'm not famished first thing in the morning. My first wave is always coffee with Protein powder (as well as Vietnamese Cinnamon and vanilla Stevia).
  24. OKCPirate

    I feel like I look weird

    Hot Yoga gave me the best muscle tone under loose skin. I can wear compression tshirts to minimize chafing while working out but thigh skin is a pain. Next year I'll look into plastics.
  25. OKCPirate


    On day six the spiders start coming out from under the bed in droves...just saying

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
