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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    You know you lost weight when

    Pffft, that's a new one. I like it. I started buying these newfangled shorts because the things were designed to keep you cooler et. al. but I have had "pant slide issues. Now it makes sense. Thanks.
  2. OKCPirate

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    @@shriner37 - NO never mention you had WLS until you get to know someone really well. Period Dating/non-Dating. Yes there are horror stories with online dating. Yes there are horror stories with WLS. That's life. There are many horror stories in all phases of life, from marriage, parents, to raising kids. Don't miss the point. Online dating sites are just a tool like your WLS. I enjoyed meeting people online. Yes I saw and reported the obvious scammers. Most people I screened online didn't pan out, so what? After years of work and many thousands of dollars I found someone I think the world of and want to spend the rest of my life with. Was it worth it? IMHO, HELL YES. But look, if it isn't worth it to you, don't do it. But don't discourage someone from trying a potentially life altering tool, and respect it just as 99% respect WLS.
  3. I don't know if it a cramp caused due to a diet deficiency or http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/sport-injuries/ankle-achilles-shin-pain/calf-pain. Either one stinks. Non-surgery related, so I'd go to GP.
  4. @@AmyQwith2 - yes, the VS was created to help diabetics who needed to lose weight before the rerouting and they had the same results. That is why it is WLS surgery of choice.
  5. OKCPirate

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    This is a great story. I just argue that not everyone is there to hook up, at least as their goal. At my age most have been married. We are used to having sex as part of relationship. It's not like when we were in our teens and twenties. And add to that many miss the physical intimacy they had when they were married. So keep that in mind and give others some grace. I am not against safe indiscriminate romps, but I recognize that this is not without risks and not for everyone. Sex is NOT intimacy. But for me it is an important element. So I do think it is part of the matrix before committing to someone. It would stink to find out on your wedding night your partners total package doesn't work for you. This does not mean I am advocating sex on the first date. Far from it, I am just trying to give any lurkers some perspective.
  6. OKCPirate

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    At least you don't get the obvious Russian scams. (Sigh). Guys get sooo many. But at least the pics were interesting. ????. And don't think you are the only one. I had one coffee date where she showed up with her oxygen tank. Yes it is a goofy game but it is the only game in town. And when it works it is SOOOOO worth it.
  7. OKCPirate

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    Sigh...I don't want to make you jealous but "The ONE" only went on one date on Match.com and it was with me. That was four wonderful months ago. Now on my side of the ledger, I dealt with many first and only dates...several 'serious' relationship et.al. Its all a crap shoot. So enjoy. At worse you get some cool stories. At best, you get The One. (and she is spectacular).
  8. OKCPirate

    People Suck!

    or as my divorce attorney told me - be happy, and have a great life...that is the best revenge.
  9. OKCPirate

    Pouch test?!?!? Help please..

    The consensus is you really can't stretch your pouch. The stomach is amazing in its ability to stretch. Are you tracking your food? http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ is a great free site to track your food. I'm over a year out and when I am at home, I weigh everything and try to track every bite. If you are really worried, try this: http://5daypouchtest.com/articles/art001.html
  10. OKCPirate

    Weigh Ins

    Once a week. I found measuring to be more helpful. I'd do it as soon as possible. It makes the inevitable stalls more bearable. When the scale doesn't move for weeks, I'd measure and see "yes you are shrinking, chill out." Get one of these to make it easier: https://www.qualitylogoproducts.com/tradeshow-promotions/body-wave-tape-measure.htm?variant=BLANK&gclid=CjwKEAiAoIK1BRCRiMqphvnlwlwSJAAOebPMPcxgZPv87_64oqaz9GwhcTvSTUFEk4GDA0DIIxTNYBoCWJrw_wcB
  11. @@stepbill - Who knows? But congrats, just don't invest in clothes for a while and get one of these: https://www.slidebelts.com/collections/allmens?gclid=CjwKEAiAoIK1BRCRiMqphvnlwlwSJAAOebPMlBMk9DXyL7gruDSoSMCYefTG5HWTT-vTeGMqdbpnvxoCkyfw_wcB Belts get expensive
  12. I'd ask Dub. He had the same problem, but I don't think his dog buddies were as well behaved.
  13. OKCPirate

    Today's WIN!

    Seat belt extender...NOT. I have extra!
  14. OKCPirate

    Night Sweats?

    I assume this is a new phenomenon? I had them when I was heavier mainly due to sleep apnea. It is not a typical post surgery complaint. Hormone dump is a probability, or it could be one of those woman change things that happens around menopause. This is the Mayo Clinics advice on night sweats: Schedule a doctor's visit if night sweats: Occur on a regular basis Interrupt your sleep Are accompanied by a fever or other symptoms
  15. OKCPirate

    People Suck!

    The one blessing of communicating with my ex is that I have learned to do just that. I now respond to her barbs and snipes as I would if she was saying something that a normal person would say. My lack of participation in her drama drives her nuts sometimes. This is in keeping with Proverbs Chapter 25 v 21 and 22: "If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; And if he is thirsty, give him Water to drink; For you will heap burning coals on his head " I now comfort myself by thinking "isn't it fun to think her head is smoking."
  16. OKCPirate

    Scared and ????

    http://www.bariatricpal.com/user/182976-miss-mac/ - Best Winston Churchill quote - “There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at with no result.” As a Vet I can attest to it's truthfulness.
  17. OKCPirate

    People Suck!

    @@usedtobeaskater - I'm reminded of Lady Ester (tea totaler) and Winston Churchill... Lady Ester - Winston, you are drunk Winston - And you Lady Estor are ugly, however in the morning, I'll be sober
  18. Let me comment for any males reading this - I noticed hair loss 4 months post surgery, increasing Protein HELPED. Glad I made a point of going to 100g plus before trying Rogaine. Once I started getting more protein to go along with the heavy muscle building workouts I was fine. Now I am 52, and I am blessed with great genes (we keep producing hair, up until the time we have heart attacks). So I say the later for full disclosure.
  19. OKCPirate

    Scared and ????

    Been there, freaked out, lived and wondered why I freaked out. November 2014 was my date. It has been wonderful. I'm 52 and only regret not doing it earlier.
  20. OKCPirate

    Real intimacy isn't sex, so how do you get there?

    It's still going strong. Fantastic holiday season. I knocked her off her feet during New Years and she wowed all of my work friends this weekend at a conference. This relationship just keeps getting better all the time????
  21. I finally met someone who got me out of the dating pool. It is interesting that this wasn't some crazy hormonal charged ubber romantic chance meeting thing. It has grown slowly from someone I was attracted to someone I want to grow a relationship with. We have a tenancy to define intimacy as sex. I think it is much more than that. While sex is important, its a servant to intimacy not the master. What I am finding as this grows is finding the right person was vital. Duh? Well what I didn't realize was how important it was to find someone who was really emotionally healthy. For me it turned out that it was important to find someone who had suffered trauma and overcame it. This is why I'm posting this insight here. For many of us who have undergone major transformation via WLS we had issues with food and the weight literally and spiritually blocked us from people for years. If your goal is true intimacy, I think this a consideration you might want to put on your list. In the back of your mind when you are getting to know them, listen to their stories of how they overcame bad things. It might be the point of connection that might lead to the deep intimacy we all crave. So what I am hoping to start is a conversation on growing truly intimate with another human being. What were the things that made you comfortable enough to be vulnerable? Can you do it too quickly? What are the joys and risks? How do you nurture it? I think negative experiences and lessons learned are just as important as the positives. While I have posted a great deal on dating and finding the right person, there was always a goal. I am sure I have crossed that goal line, now its taking it to the next level, so veteran or newbie I'm curious about how you see intimacy and how you grew it, or blew it.
  22. OKCPirate

    Inspirational Quotes

    I agree that guys will say this, but woman have much more regret with what they DO, not what they didn't
  23. OKCPirate


    @@NewNewMe - congrats on the weight loss. C25K is a great program. Challenging, yet doable. I put some of my favorite tips here: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/356960-couch-to-5k/
  24. Yes, and from what I've read 2-3 poo's per day is a sign of good health. Especially if you eat at a regular time. It is 24-48 hours to go from mouth to out. The eating doesn't trigger, it was its time to leave.
  25. @@BobbyD - that is excellent. My fitnesspal.com site does it too (saves me time looking up all the numbers). Check it out. You can friend me at thekirkshelley if you join.

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