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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    Unhelpful Adverts

    @@Indieflickers - 5 seconds depends on if I am on my iPhone or computer. I can wait 5 seconds for a free BP app to find out I don't know who invented modern football...and I can resist overt food temptations. Its the subtle stuff.
  2. OKCPirate

    I said "No Way"!

    @@Djmohr Wait a minute...I took your advice, looked up your pics...YOU are wearing boots. The types skinny girls wear. CONGRATS!
  3. I was hoping my girlfriend. But that's of no help to the group. Grill some chicken and steak.
  4. OKCPirate

    Guys, keep your comments to yourselves

    Ahh yes, the COMPENSATION factor. The more jacked up the truck, the more expensive the sports car, the smaller the dick. That's how they roll.
  5. OKCPirate

    Unhelpful Adverts

    House of Cards season 4 will drop on Netflix on March 4, 2016. I want to wait for a free weekend to watch this (all in one big non-appoligitic weekend). Best binge watch if you have never seen it.
  6. OKCPirate

    Travel after WLS

    You can't fly with yogurt, but there are things like muscle milk you can find anywhere. Protein powder is a must. You can almost always find steak, unbreaded chicken to eat. It's not impossible, it just requires some thought.
  7. OKCPirate

    Friday NSV roll call!

    The Impressionists are beautiful, aren't they? Glad you enjoyed. Next time go to the Metropolitan Museum. It's huge so map it out first. The artwork is beyond stunning.Agreed ! and look into the Frick collection....it's unbelievable but I strongly suggest buying tickets online before your visit. The line routinely stretches around the block and then some for same day tickets.I love going to The Frick. This is why I put up with the noise and crush of people...and the terribly high cost of living here. The cultural activities are beyond belief. In fact, after work today, I'm heading to the theater district to pick up tickets for The Crucible. I've never seen an Arthur Miller play...not even Death of a Salesman. So The Crucible it is. It's a great play, esp. around election time...McCarthyism reminder around presidential election time is always a good idea no matter your persausation.
  8. I've had this done. For many women this can be VERY valuable. You will find your bone density and determine the dangers you face for osteoporosis et. al. This can help guide you as far as diet and weight training. Weight training helps build bone and muscle. It was nice having one of these pre-surgery. I'll have another next year to double check my caliper measurements. But it is cool to know when I started this, nearly half my weight was fat, and now it's 18%. BTW, unexpected side effect of high weight I have very thick bones. I'm in danger of hip fracture if I live to 220 according to the computer.
  9. OKCPirate

    need emotional support

    Ladies I know this is the Lounge, but this is topic which might benefit from male perspective too.@@Sophie74656 I suggest you re-post this on Rants. You might gain some insight as to what your husband might be thinking and best way to approach to save the relationship. Or at this point you may just want some hugs and this may be a better place for those (we guys do tend to want to discuss solving the problem, not talking about feelings - not that there is anything wrong with being a woman, but we are different for a reason...heck if we were both the same, one of us would be redundant). This is a suggestion, not instruction, it depends on where you are in your journey.
  10. OKCPirate

    I said "No Way"!

    @@Djmohr - that is soooo GREAT!!!! Absolutely FREAKIN GREAT
  11. @@Chrystee - This is a tough one for women. The new attention is initially fun, but also brings resentment for being objectified. And then you get mad for being ignored in the past while you were fat/invisible. If this really becomes an issue you might want to talk to a therapist about it. We all want "normal" in our lives, and sometimes we need help to transition to a new normal to prevent unconscious self-sabotage. Maybe not you, but others reading this thread.
  12. OKCPirate

    Friday NSV roll call!

    @@gowalking - "Did you see the Picasso exhibit at MOMA? The BF and I went a few weeks ago and I enjoyed it alot more than the Jackson Pollock exhibit." Yes we did. My favorite thing was the Monets. Also seeing Starry Night was stunning.
  13. OKCPirate

    Can I eat this?

    @@Bufflehead - horsewhipping? Usually you have to pay extra for that...
  14. OKCPirate

    Discovering the new me

    It's a common complaint with some. Not sure why, did not have that effect on me, so it's not universal.
  15. OKCPirate

    Friday NSV roll call!

    Hope you enjoyed my town! I was all over the city as well on Sunday. I bet we passed each other without even knowing it. "Enjoyed"? Well I enjoyed MoMA, buying my daughter some Tiffany Earrings, finally getting on top of the Empire State Building. But the traffic, $60 a day for parking, and the Newark Airport left much to be desired. At least the weather Sunday was nice. Found a great place in Fishkill for dinner Saturday, but I did not do a good job of researching food while I was in the City. Left that to my 16 year old daughter, major mistake* NOTE for all WLS person, don't let kids make the call.
  16. OKCPirate

    Friday NSV roll call!

    Spent Friday walking around NYC with my daughter, was on my feet for 10 hours teaching on Saturday and then walking all day in NYC on Sunday and then flew back to OKC. I'm not physically tired, and ready to hit it again today. Dang it's fun losing.
  17. OKCPirate

    Hello...I'm new here!

    If you can afford a few thousand (and most places do financing), you can self pay in Mexico. If was MUCH cheaper than the US. BUT you have to do your own research and follow up. Write me if you have any questions.
  18. OKCPirate

    Comments from only one sex

    @@Briardlady - Geez you live in California, you can be sued for getting someone's gender wrong, or not providing 5 bathrooms in your restaurant to cater to the 5 people in your area going through reassignment surgery. Of course guys are not going to say anything. I have many people who won't say anything until it comes up in a group, and someone mentions it and the ball gets rolling. BTW remember people think about you less than you think. Just be happy in your shrinking skin and enjoy life more abundantly.
  19. OKCPirate

    Calories per day ?

    Track it, but I will hypothesize that is too low. It will stall your weight loss because you body will think you are in the middle of a famine and slow down your metabolism.
  20. OKCPirate


  21. OKCPirate


    From the album: insults

  22. OKCPirate

    The Ex's

    @@CowgirlJane - I would not begin to guess or offer guidance on this, but you do have a good logical head on your shoulders, and I'm convinced that you will figure this out if you want to. I am reminded though of my own personal experience. My first major relationship following my divorce lasted a couple of years. It was turbulent at times. Following WLS we tried to rekindle the relationship and that turned into a train wreck. But I learned that she had some very serious issues and always had, but I choose not to notice them (I was fat, she was great looking, I was needy, so I put up with it). My crazy detector is now in working order, I'm not needy and I have had many more prospects since WLS. That's what hit me when I met 'the one.' I could sense very quickly just how emotionally well adjusted she was. It has been a wonderful slow process of getting to know one another and falling in love. But that was not free, nor easy, nor cheap.
  23. OKCPirate

    Shape wear

    Guys? Shapewear? Guys wear compression garb????. East bay has some great sales

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
