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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. Hi OKCpirate, I'm sure you've already said it somewhere on the boards before, but I have a hard time navigating here. If you don't mind me asking please, who did your surgery in Mexico and what hospital/facility did you have surgery in? Thanks https://www.beliteweight.com/facilities-details/?id=18. Here is where I went
  2. OKCPirate

    Back in the Game Again

    Not expected by me for sure. (And certainly not by them either)
  3. OKCPirate

    Reporting from my hospital bed

    Congrats, now go forth and walk as much as you can ????
  4. To all the people who lost their "fat loving significant others" I would not have found my girlfriend if I hadn't had the surgery and lost the weight. So the weight loss closes one door, but might open others. You can't help someone who is superficial and you owe to you to be the healthiest you can be. Life is better when it is lived abundantly.
  5. @@Renkoss - I hope your weight loss rekindles the spark. It might not though. Sometimes it isn't about the weight, it's about the relationship. Our bodies often resemble our emotional state (esp. for emotional eaters).
  6. OKCPirate

    Spices, Seasonings, Herbs, and Condiments

    Ginger, garlic, sriracha, my own BBQ sauce recipe (nope, not sharing), mustard's, and my failed* experiments with curry are some of my favorites. Mix a little ginger with mustard with your tuna, and suddenly who needs miracle whip? *I liked it, turns out it hurts my girlfriends GI.
  7. I am glad I was in relationship drought when I decided to do WLS. As a matter of fact I deliberately choose not to date during the transition for this very reason. From what I have read weight loss (or gain) changes the power dynamic of a relationship. If one partner makes a change making them more desirable to the opposite sex, it can create insecurities in the other. It is a game changer. Now many relationships have improved since the weight loss as I read this site, so it really depends on the nature of the relationship. @@Chrystee, you might want to check out John Gottman's work: http://www.chinnstreetcounseling.com/zomerland/zomerland_8.shtml. He may have done some of the best research on relationships I've seen. I'm not about throwing out the baby with the bathwater, but relationships require work, and it does take both. I was happily married for 15 years (the last 5 REALLY STANK), so I'm a big believer in trying to save things. Divorce sticks beyond belief, as well as staying in a crap marriage, so save it if you can without settling.
  8. OKCPirate

    Milk: the Reason I Look Like a Heifer?

    When you take calcium, not mixing it with Iron can make a difference: Most all of your Vitamins can be taken with your Breakfast meal. This includes your daily Multivitamin, B-Complex, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C in addition to others. Not only will this help to start your day off right, but the breakfast meal is often a convenient time to remember to take your vitamins, as many of us consume our morning meal in our homes. In addition, the B vitamins in your multi and B-complex will help to convert food to energy, which can help you start your day off right. There is one caveat, however. We do not recommend taking Calcium along with your multivitamin if your multi contains iron. The calcium may interfere with the iron's absorption. If you take an iron containing multivitamin with your breakfast meal, take your calcium with the other meals you consume throughout the day, such as lunch and dinner. You may also be interested to know that vitamin C helps increase the absorption of iron, so keep drinking your orange juice for breakfast or take a vitamin C supplement with your iron. Calcium supplements can be taken with dinner, or hours after dinner before bed. Supplemental calcium is best in smaller, more frequent doses to enhance absorption. The form of calcium you are taking determines if you should take it with a meal or snack, or on an empty stomach. Calcium carbonate requires the presence of food for better absorption. Your calcium carbonate supplement may be taken with dinner, as well as earlier in the day with another meal such as lunch. On the other hand, calcium citrate can be taken with or without food, and does not require food or stomach acid for absorption. Therefore, you can take calcium citrate at bedtime on an empty stomach, and also in between meals during the day. We would hope that you would have taken your other vitamins earlier in the day, rather than waiting for your dinner meal. You should enjoy the benefits of the vitamins during your waking hours! Read more at http://www.naturemade.com/resource-center/articles-and-videos/immune-health/timing-your-vitamins#8fiCYFLx1HXtZwm7.99 But I have read studies which show too much calcium can be bad in the long term: http://www.alsearsmd.com/2009/11/calcium-supplements-bones/ Not trying to confuse anyone but anyone who has a short cut, one size fits all solution, to a health related problem is probably trying to sell you something.
  9. OKCPirate

    Accurate bmi calculator

    I remember one lady shedding every piece of clothing to get rid of a half a pound to qualify for surgery. So I can see where it might be.
  10. OKCPirate

    Obesity And Socioeconomic Status

    One of my "God and Country Projects" (my code name for pro bono work I do for the good of the community) was to help get a real grocery store on the NE side of Oklahoma City - which is prominently black and low income. One of the things I found when I did senior citizen meal delivery over there was the difficulty in getting fresh produce or anything besides high fat, processed food. So while I see the point in the article, there are other demographics and factors which can contribute to this problem. On a good note, our mayor helped out and there is a major super market in that area now.
  11. OKCPirate

    They seemed sane...Dating horror stories

    Unless you have "cougerish" intentions it shouldn't matter. When you are over 50, you realize more everyday gravity is the big equalizer.
  12. OKCPirate

    Going off at a tangent! Grrrrrrrrr!

    @@jintycb - that is a good point. But can we talk about relationships and dating?
  13. OKCPirate

    Protein after workout?

    20-25g within 30 minutes post-workout is what I've read is recommended and that is what I shoot for. I take a half of bottle of Isopure. I prefer to drink my Protein so I'm getting hydration and protein.
  14. OKCPirate

    How long does it take to fall in love?

    @@Katrinakit - interesting question to ask us. But not the worst group to ask. We are people who have taken action to save our lives, but we also had issues that led to WLS. So keep that in mind as you look at the responses. Personally, I can find myself head over heals rather quickly and can get very infatuated quickly. But I'm ADD [sQUIRREL] in an off the chart way. However through therapy I have learned to self correct and see dangerous and negative things that are attractive but not good for long term relationship. I know that I am attracted to Borderline Personality Disorder (http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/borderline-personality-disorder/index.shtml) women. Now I spot it quickly, even though I still really attracted to them. And I admit, I thought I was completely in love with one for a few weeks last year until I self corrected. Now, I have found someone that I think I am very healthy in love with. What's the difference? It was a slow growth. Everything I learn about her is net positive. I don't have any nervousness nor trepidation (i.e. I used to feel like I was walking on egg shells in past relationships worried I would do something wrong, now I have no fear.) If you really want to explore the topic, the best book I have found on the topic is: Mapping the Terrain of the Heart. My therapist just suggested: http://www.amazon.com/Seven-Principles-Making-Marriage-Work/dp/0609805797
  15. OKCPirate

    New Member from NC

    Welcome, if you poke around in the archives you will find a wealth of information. My suggestion is re-post with a specific question in your subject line if you want more response. For instance "Dang I'm nervous" will get more attention than "I new." Or heck "I'm a black woman who needs a bud" might get more response. Suggestions after looking at this site for a while. Welcome and congrats on starting this journey.
  16. OKCPirate


    Nope, but I'm here what more do you need? (I'll email you privately).
  17. OKCPirate

    My "Butterfly" day ...

    Good luck young lady. I hope you will find that it was worth the wait. I'm glad I did.
  18. Gas X strips. So glad I brought them. How long is your stay? I was so glad I found a GNC across the street because as soon as I was cleared I went over and got some Isopure Green Tea drinks to keep my Protein up. Bring your favorite with you. Makes you feel much more energetic.
  19. @@Daisee68 and @@Elode - the best plastic guy I know in Oklahoma is Paul Silverstein http://www.paulsilversteinmd.com/ He has offices in OKC and Tulsa. [note: he is the co-inventor of the burn treatment Silvidean, which he has never taken a penny in royalties for because he has always considered it his gift to humanity, and he works at the burn center for free to help people recover from that trauma...just saying what type of person he is]. He told one friend of mine who thought she needed a boob job "those are perfect, see me in 10 years." He is very honest in his assessments. He doesn't need the money, he just wants what is best for you. So if you want my recommendation, this is who I am going to see next year.
  20. OKCPirate

    You're Cheating

    But, can you tell me how you really feel? I don't want you to continue to sugar coat things LSL
  21. OKCPirate


    I suspect it will be a year, but it depends on your dedication to your diet and activity level. This thing is not a magic wand, but it is a very impressive tool. Treat it with respect and your chance for a new life and great rewards await. Be aware, with great fat loss comes great hormone dumps, your husband with love and hate this. (just saying)
  22. OKCPirate

    What have I done?

    @@kristennichole - be aware, your fat stores most of your hormones. Major weight loss...Major hormone dump. I was crying during chick flicks the first couple of months following surgery. Followed by testosterone surges that were really interesting, well scary actually. (NOTE: Ladies please, I know the danger of bringing up hormones, but please bear with me) This is a reality they don't always warn you about, mainly because we are all so different. It hit me hard, but its not the same for everyone.
  23. I would have gone alone to Mexico if all my friends hadn't freaked out. So I paid for my mom to come out (retired RN who speaks Spanish). It was a waste of time, except to catch up with her. You will be fine alone.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
