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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    I have WHAT?

    BTW, there are many vendors and many options out there. Don't just go with what the insurance company gives you. Once I had a script for a CPAP, I found a great machine that was auto adjustable with the humidifier for less than $300. It had a standard mask, but I found a cloth one that breathed and was much more comfortable than anything else. It's a great devise when you need it. It was a better devise when I gave it to my mom because I don't need it anymore.
  2. I have no patience for managed care nor government involvement in personal choice. All I see with ObamaCare is the compassion of the IRS with the efficiency of the Post Office and sky rocketing prices. This system is an absolute train wreck waiting to happen. I switched to a defined benefit plan that only kicks in for catastrophic events over $5000 ($182 a month). So I make my own decisions, get big cash upfront discounts from my doctor because they don't have to file any paperwork and wait on receivables. Since I don't have any lingering health issues since the weight loss I found many niche health service providers who do testing at significantly cheaper rates. Had my surgery done in Mexico. So there are many options than expecting an answer from Washington DC.
  3. OKCPirate

    Dating Update

    Slow and steady wins the race. There is a theory in relationship psychiatry that the depth of emotional bonding stalls when sex enters the picture, so there seems to be advantages to ignoring the third date rule and keep striving for deeper emotional connection. But it is possible to get into a domestic rut with out the romantic passion. And not every guy has the sex drive that women assume is automatic. So that has to be built into the equation too. Good luck with this. I wish you the same success I am having. We have been seeing each other for five months and it just keeps getting stronger. @@bellabloom - I am going to hijack your thread a little...I had a great Valentine's Day with the girlfriend. We went to a religious conference in Dallas (which really gave us a chance to compare notes on our spiritual lives). Had some great gifts lined up, started with a highly personal book, roses delivered on Friday, and some nice Tiffany jewelry for Saturday and Sunday. I found some great restaurants in the area. It was about as perfect a weekend as I could have imagined. First time in nearly two decades I have really enjoyed Valentines. Romance/great food and drink/true intimacy/sharing of heart and soul. Can't get much better than that.
  4. OKCPirate

    ROFLMAO at new "dating" site -- www.cougarlife.com

    It wasn't a romance...more of a missile misfire. The things that sound important at 28 are not what I find interesting in my 50's (BTW, she found me, she didn't want kids, preferred older men and was a train wreck waiting to happen, two dates was enough to convince me, I do prefer women my own age)
  5. OKCPirate

    Unsolicited Online Dating Advice

    @GibbsGirl I am printing this and hanging it on my 17 year old's door. pffft, yeah there are limits to Axe Spray
  6. OKCPirate

    ROFLMAO at new "dating" site -- www.cougarlife.com

    Sugar babies. Cougars. There is a butt for every seat. Was talked into dating well below my age preference once...what a waste of time. I don't want to date someone who hasn't had kids and can't remember the Cold War
  7. You're saying it should go to the 1st unread post, correct? It seems strange that if you touch on the name of the thread you go to the post you see in the time line, but if you touch where the post is you go to post #1, or is it sending me to the first unread?
  8. I do like it. I'm on iOS. Seems more stable, though I have noticed some incremental improvements in the old version. One question, when you are on the timeline, why when you want to go the post you are seeing, you go to post #1?
  9. OKCPirate

    Online dating

    Here is a section I started to try and get some tips from others: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/336754-unsolicited-online-dating-advice/ Here is the dark side: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/352466-they-seemed-sanedating-horror-stories/ BTW, the web traffic count is really low on delightful.com: http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/delightful.com That means you won't get many dates, or even nibbles there. Match has more women than men, but at least they have a credit card to get on there, as opposed to OKCupid, which is just full of marrieds and people with bad credit or people who are just trying to figure this out (IMHO). Figure out what you want and create a profile which will attract the people you think you are interested in. There are some good ideas here: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/352883-care-to-share-your-dating-profile/ Good luck. Please message me if you have any questions.
  10. OKCPirate

    What can I do with...Brussels Sprouts?

    I remembered this post and used it last night. I have avoided these since I was 5 (my mom boiled them and served them without seasoning). So the girlfrind told me we were having them with dinner, so we used Rosemary, olive oil and sea salt, cut in half and baked. We covered some with blue cheese, some with parmesan and some plain. I really liked the blue cheese. Thanks for bringing this topic up. The cooking tips were timely.
  11. OKCPirate

    Slim By Design

    Sounds like some good hacks. I created the kids snack cabinate on the other side of the kitchen so I don't get those things hitting me in the face when I'm making meals.
  12. OKCPirate

    Ok, bit the bullet and ordered the book

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using BariatricPal Don't miss his point...it's not just those you are interested in...it's getting confidence and practice. But possibly it's easier for a guy because you might attract "boy barnacles"
  13. OKCPirate

    Ok, bit the bullet and ordered the book

    Had not read the book, but what you are saying is accurate. First hand experience. Very deep dating pool and many options (more if you are not picky about conversation). I like the point about the man paying. That is one area I am highly old fashioned on and I think a woman has control issues and is not ready for a relationship if she insists on paying (and that test has been proven correct every time it has happened). I make roughly the same as my girlfriend, and while I pay for the meals and buy tickets she makes up for it in the long run by picking up occasional big ticket items. So neither of us feel dependent on the other nor used. But I always consider it a privilege to pay though I know she could. Very interesting point about trying to float several guys at once. BTW guys know when they have been put in a holding pattern by a woman who is juggling several. If we stick around consider it a compliment because we think you are worth it.
  14. OKCPirate

    Ok, bit the bullet and ordered the book

    The guy who suggested this on his "game" site is a cad, but I think his advise was spot on...he suggested setting a goal of 10 approaches to someone of the opposite sex a day and record them. What went right, what didn't. And he suggested approaching people you really are attracted to, people out of your league and people you are not interested in. The idea was this will build your confidence over time. There was an unexpected side benefit, it helped me at work and being more social. So just a suggestion. If you are going to think like a man, try looking at some of the guys sites who try to teach guys how to "score" with women. There are nuggets of information about how to meet people. Helps you see it from a guys perspective. (Yes I looked at the women's sites trying to figure them out too).
  15. OKCPirate

    Sriracha sauce!

    My daughter mixed it with ketchup, now there is spicy ketchup in the kitchen. I mean you know your addiction has gotten bad when you add it to ketchup.
  16. OKCPirate

    Help with Nutrition + Weight Training

    I toss in an extra protein shake (25g) within an hour of an intense workout.
  17. OKCPirate

    Mid life crisis after WLS

    @@goblue9280 - Been there, done that, I think I even have some designer t-shirts. (Black Lexus 350 SL, highly recommended). Except for being 15 years older (I have four kids) and being divorced, yep went through that period. It was fun, but glad to settle down with a new normal and new girlfriend (hopefully the last one) and realized I got out of that period of my life with credit intact and no STD's. Don't think of it as a mid-life crisis, its a rediscovery of yourself, your potential and over all stud factor. As to the C25K program, unless you have not updated your weight ticker, I think you should wait around 40 more pounds before trying. I did it at 280 and really hurt myself. I stuck to the elliptical until I was under 230 and then did the C25K program and it was the first pain free running I have ever done. I also learned to use a shuffling stride to keep from banging my joints to death. But it worked. No complaints, no injuries.
  18. OKCPirate

    Help please everyone

    @@amynova - does sugar free jello have calories?
  19. OKCPirate

    Eating before surgery

    I had apprehension that I would not be able to eat normal food again...forever. That's not true. I just eat REALLY great stuff in smaller sizes. Wrap your mind around that, might take some of those cravings and fear eating away. BTW, you can AFFORD really great food when you only eat four ounces of meat at a time. Yeah baby, you can go to Whole Foods, get the organic grass feed stuff, and tell them - four ounces please . Great stuff for the equivalent cost of a pound at the grocery store of lesser stuff.
  20. OKCPirate

    3 months out and cheating

    OK, so you are a FUB (Fallible hUman Being). You are not stretching your sleeve, you just delayed progress. Kick yourself once, and get back on program.
  21. OKCPirate

    Help please everyone

    Is this pre-op or post op?
  22. OKCPirate

    Husband left me!

    Major life events reveal character, and now you see his. My heart hurts for you, but also for the innocent kids who got their trust damaged too by his selfish insecurities. I would be careful about kicking or hitting things while thinking about this pain. It tends to groove in negative thoughts and creates a pattern you don't really want. (I always thought it was helpful until my therapist explained how damaging it was). I found walking to be a much better way of dealing with the frustration and pain. It is a great place to meditate and get re centered and your kids are going to need you. BTW, if you can, a therapist would be very handy...before surgery. You see in the next 60 days you are going to experience a hormone roller coaster. Not your fault but all the hormones stored in fat get released very quickly. It's nice to have seen someone before it starts so they can remind you that you are not nuts, but undergoing a temp transformation. It will also help you make some better relationship changes. During my hormone dump phase, I started looking really good again and it led to a period of promiscuity that I'm not real proud of today. I was four years post divorce at that point, if it was right after, I think I would have been less proud.
  23. OKCPirate

    3 weeks post-op today!

    @@Islagirl#1 - Congrats. I love the positive attitude. Respect the sleeve and this great tool can do wonders.
  24. @@Katnroyal - thank you and all the others who paid for it. I think I accomplished my mission...the commies were a problem, and after 12 years of service, the Soviet Empire crumbled, so I was done
  25. @@Dub - OKCPirate .....I told you I was a Viking before I became a Pirate...I was too (DH Conley HS - http://wp.pittschools.org/dhc/). I was glad I had my old Army uniform. It was a nice affirmation when it fit again. I went to one veteran event, and while I could get my arms in it, I couldn't button it up ;-(. Can now Congrats in getting into your old jacket. I was a strong dude back in HS, but I know I could kick his butt today...age and cunning beat youth and speed.

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