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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    Men measuring their manliness against other men's manliness?

    Well, it really does when you suspend belefe that WLSResources/ClothingExchThe problem startent when WLSReources/ClothingEchah didn't really explain that she wasn't talking about. Two of us thought she was talking about guys looking at other guys packages. However after the clarification it was clear she was wondering if guys were like women and were as judgmental, especially with clothes. But she didn't give us enough info to realize that that is what she was looking for. So we as guys started doing the old "penis comparison thing" Opps, our bad, but no mia copa here. I is what I is. You have no one to blame but @@bayougirlmrsc who promised "oral exams" Look it up for yourself.
  2. Ah, but then they'll compare the amount of carbon dioxide that's produced per pound of fat and compare it to the amount of corn products we needed to consume to STAY fat and I'm willing to bet our personal carbon footprint will reduce our individual contributions to climate change, making us greener citizens! Science But, what about the fact that the obese die earlier and therefore leave a smaller carbon footprint. You have to take that into consideration: Politically Correct SCIENCE
  3. I'm with you GIRD and the resulting scaring is dangerous too. I wasn't suggesting stop taking, I'm just going to reach out to my extended network of people who's names end with MD, and PhD and see if they see anything that looks serious and if so, do they have an alternative.
  4. Hmm, glad I remembered this thread...http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/353029-concerned-about-memory-loss/ This is interesting. I'm getting concerned about some signs that I'm losing some of my mental acuity, and I've been taking those for years. I'm going to have to tap into my MD network to see what they think.
  5. Great, now they are going to blame WLS for global warming and the government is going to ban it. ;-(
  6. OKCPirate

    Men measuring their manliness against other men's manliness?

    @@WLSResources/ClothingExch - Oh, do we check out the clothes and "look" of another guy? Yeah, but I do it all the time for both sexes. Your clothes are your uniform. If I saw this creep, I can't help but judge him harshly.
  7. OKCPirate

    Men measuring their manliness against other men's manliness?

    Yep, that's why things exploded with the "small hands" fiasco in the GOP presidential primary. You don't want to be the kid in middle school with a micro-penis. But what's really important is balls: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/active/mens-health/11461172/Size-matters-the-benefit-of-having-big-balls.html You can tell who has the smaller package by catcalls (any lady who'd ever thought a guy is compensating by being loud is right) http://www.aol.com/article/2015/10/22/science-reveals-alleged-connection-between-catcalling-and-testic/21252630/ But checking out package size has a long history: http://www.artofmanliness.com/2011/04/01/bringing-back-the-codpiece/ If you want to see how it is not done...http://www.hulu.com/watch/388106#i0,p66,d0
  8. @@nikki78 - Age, weight, your level of physical fitness all play into this. I would have been fine leaving the next day, but I flew to Mexico for my surgery. It was done on Tuesday, and Wednesday I was walking to the mall across the street and Saturday morning I was at an OU football game. But I was really prepared, got in the best shape I could, had all my food ready for the first month. I prepared for the worst, but it went great. Now, if they have to repair any hernias, that is a great deal more complicated on recovery.
  9. OKCPirate

    Unfounded Statistics & Percentages

    @@4MRB4PHOTO - That was good advise on the potassium supplement by the way. It is potentially very dangerous and shouldn't be taken unless the doctor recommends based on blood work. Very rough on kidneys when done wrong.
  10. OKCPirate

    Men measuring their manliness against other men's manliness?

    @@WLSResources/ClothingExch - where was the exchange? Time point in the episode?
  11. OKCPirate

    Burger commercials piss me off

    Another victim of food porn. This man is a victim! Quick Mrs. Obama, fix this. (Edited to add smiley face so hopefully people will know this is a joke)
  12. OKCPirate

    Unfounded Statistics & Percentages

    @@4MRB4PHOTO - If you do the math, you realize half the population is below average (and the bottom half seems to account for most of the online comments, I can't prove this, just my opinion). But even a stopped watch gives the correct time twice a day. I do try to be careful not to base my health on sites where they are selling something, or the person writing it doesn't have the expertise to draw conclusions. Caveat Emptor.
  13. OKCPirate

    Online dating

    @@maggie409 - It was really a tongue in cheek suggestion. I am completely with you on excluding smokers. I dated one person who was in her 20's last year (Full disclosure: she reached out to me, she didn't want kids and liked older guys). That said, it reinforced my view that I prefer people my own age.
  14. OKCPirate

    Food related regrets...

    Thankfully NOTHING. Now I can only take two bites of pizza or bread, so I have learned to really enjoy those two bites.
  15. OKCPirate

    No if, ans or butt?

    Reminds me of a joke. A university of Texas guy was at the beach, and noticed this guy from OU was getting all the girls. He asked what his secret was. The OU guy told him "wear a tight bathing suit, but put a potato in it." The next day the OU guy goes to the beach and hears cry's of horror and disgust, so he looks and yells to the Texas guy, "Put the potato in front you idiot."
  16. OKCPirate

    1/4 of a pepsi

    I have no desire to go back to soda, but I did have a beer after my last 5K (hey it was a free craft beer). I sipped it like it might be radioactive, but my stomach didn't explode. But it wasn't as good as I remembered.
  17. OKCPirate

    Is It True What They Say???

    Not any more, @@bayougirlmrsc has chickened out. ;-(
  18. I am all in favor of the recreational legalization -- No Carbs, No Calories. Once America's women figure this out it will be the law of the land. (Women always get what they want, eventually, I make this statement after working professionally in politics for 30 years). I made sure a friend who is suffering from breast cancer got some and it has proven to be very helpful stuff.
  19. OKCPirate

    Does your lady feel safe? (what do women want?)

    Wow, that's almost as hard as asking for directions. But you are right: NOTE TO GUYS -- Ask. That is all.
  20. OKCPirate

    Does your lady feel safe? (what do women want?)

    Well you can't leave us just hanging here. Was it everything she said it would be??? Umm, yes I think I can leave you hanging
  21. I'll be teaching in San Diego in June, if you are interested in being effective in politics, I'll hope you will consider attending: https://goo.gl/iX2LqL

    1. OKCPirate


      It's my old hometown, so I have a long list of things to do and people to see

    2. Christinamo7


      oh extra nice! I am going home in July to hit the beaches. nothing like it.

    3. Cervidae


      I just got back from a three-week stay in San Diego. It's my favorite place in the world.


    4. Show next comments  120 more
  22. OKCPirate

    Does your lady feel safe? (what do women want?)

    @@4shiggles - <sigh> Well at least you found out about "Mr. Please Yourself" early. (90% of guys give the rest of us a bad reputation). My pet theory on the early sex thing is that in the post divorce crowd is that is what we had been used to for decades. We'd go out on a "date" with our spouse and we would have sex. Add to that, we are not in a regular relationship so it is very hit and miss in that department. Please don't think this only happens to women. I had lunch with one lady who I liked after the "coffee date" who put her hand on my thigh, looked me in the eye and told me how much she "liked anal sex." Really tough to finish chewing after that revelation. Take your time, don't create some time table based on what women's magazines say. And I hope you enjoy the experience. I have 12 women whom I have dated but are now friends, who are thrilled to death that I finally found THE ONE. (OK, they might be glad for all women that I'm out of the dating pool) My best online dating tips are here: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/336754-unsolicited-online-dating-advice/ completely free and unsolicited advice, so feel free to ignore.
  23. When I am in Colorado (altitudes over 6,000') I wretch if I eat anything starchy. It's odd. I don't have this problem when I'm closer to sea level. It's happened twice, so I'm now very conscious of it. I don't know if its my diaphragm working harder to get air in but it is very real. Feel free to validate my experience flat landers And, NO I wasn't smoking anything
  24. Interesting, but not surprising. When you get that big, if you didn't have issues, you will certainly develop them. I hope she finds the point of balance in her life.
  25. OKCPirate

    Does your lady feel safe? (what do women want?)

    Oh yeah, that was his other point, women are not monolithic but instead complicated. But come on, isn't it comforting when a guy does little things that make you feel safer and appreciated?

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