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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    When did you start loving your sleeve?

    About six weeks post op and I had sex for the first time...and I noticed, things had changed for the good.
  2. dinner out? Three meals!!!
  3. OKCPirate

    Interesting NYT article on WLS

    @ - thanks for sharing. I have been trying to find a way to let people know that WLS is not the same as wiring your jaw shut. Too many think it succeeds by being a restrictive mechanism. This fact was new to me: Dr. Kaplan reports that (weight loss) surgery immediately alters the activity of more than 5,000 of the 22,000 genes in the human body.
  4. Yeah, what @@Babbs said. For those of us with long term weight issues, even the best supervised weight loss programs have a very low long-term success rate. Another round of yo-yo weight changes messes with body's weight set point at the hormonal level. If you take care of the emotional issues, along with this tool, your chances for long-term success jump from 5% to over 40%. @@pvechiola please take a look at this: http://theweightofthenation.hbo.com/films/main-films/Choices And the younger the better as far as skin sag and less damage to our joints and organs.
  5. OKCPirate

    For those of you who did not have "food funerals":

    Strangely, no. Not at all. But I fully embraced my new normal, I have really enjoyed my two-year ride.
  6. You might find this article interesting, it explains why WLS is not like wiring your jaw shut...in other words its not just about restriction, but bigger changes in your hormones, hunger signals et.al. But if you have to take care of the emotional issues which got you into this place, or you will find yourself back at square one...http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2014/03/26/the-humble-heroes-of-weight-loss-surgery-stomach-acids-and-gut-microbes/#comment-3309413
  7. The push to onederland begins again. I'm doing the Tony Garza six week fat loss challenge. If I lose 20 pounds, it's free. If I fall short, it's $350. I'm two years out, and I need a new challenge.

    1. defibvt


      I look froward to hearing about your results. I am still about 20 pounds from my ultimate goal, and like yourself, I am about 2 years out!

    2. OKCPirate


      I will be reporting back in six weeks. I checked out the diet plan from someone who had done it previously and my only concern is actually eating as much as he wants me too. but it's exciting to have money on the line, and a group dynamic.

    3. Armygalbonnie


      I have 2 friends who did his challenge and they rocked it! You will too. Good luck. Keep us posted.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  8. OKCPirate

    More information please

    @@hopingforamiracle - what @@Hiraeth said. It's a tool
  9. OKCPirate


    Yes, it is a killer workout, lots of fun, practical and develops agility. Give yourself some grace as you relearn balance, it's tougher than you might think. Spend time learning to wrap your hands and wrists. It will prevent an injury (not that I'm bitter)
  10. @@BigJohn58 - always feel free to share really good recipes. Esp. those which are high Protein, low carb. (and it depends on what part of Italy recipes are from.
  11. OKCPirate

    Genes and pH and microbes

    Thanks. I took a chance and clicked on this and I'm glad I did. Very interesting article.
  12. OKCPirate


    @@Christopher James - I don't know where you have been, but as for me, I've been to heights I've never imagined me doing (well maybe when I was 19 in the Army). The nice thing about hiking is you can nibble on nuts and things which would normally be a problem, but do really well when you are moving under a load constantly. Be very aware of your Water intake and enjoy the air, the views and new found mobility.
  13. @@BigJohn58 - Really? The quality is the best thing. When I can only have VERY LITTLE, I want to make every bite so damn good. I don't have time/space for crap. And I make my inner cheapskate happy because it's the same price. Small amounts of great stuff costs the same of large amounts of crap.
  14. In my profession, most are hobbyists, while some of us are professionals. Many of us who are pros make part of our living demonstrating and teaching. Some have developed tools over the years, which they use very well to accomplish various tasks. Those individuals often make a significant dollar selling those tools to hobbyists in various places they visit. These folks buy the tools, and then wonder why they don't work the same for them as they do for the pro who spent years developing them and learning the best way to use them. They seem to think that the tool comes endowed with some special force field or something to make it work. Personal application is not even considered. It is so bad that a friend of mine made (and sells) a T shirt which says, "I am only one tool away from greatness". Amateurs Practice Until They Get It Right; Professionals Practice Until They Can’t Get It Wrong. Same applies here.
  15. OKCPirate

    It's done...

    10 days from now when you finally poop and you go through your final round of second-guessing yourself, you will start getting excited. BTW, DON'T weigh yourself for a few weeks. You have gained a bunch of IV Water weight. And your body is not going to start letting go of it's fat cells for a little while longer.
  16. OKCPirate


    You do it when you can do it. I had mine on the one day I could for 18 months. My schedule was just that fixed. Stick to your surgeons plan. The idea isn't so much the weight loss but to shrink your liver. I did it so well my surgeon was done in half of his normal time which made recovery easier.
  17. Last minute concerns? Uhh, yeah. If you didn't have them about permanently modifying your body, then you have not been paying attention. But I knew why I was doing it. After it was done and I was up and walking around the floor of the hospital I have not looked back with regret once. I am fairly certain this would not be the case if I had that tattoo.
  18. The moodswing for a woman of 26 years with Gastric-Bypass was caused by a drop of the blood-sugar-level, they call it hypoglycemia. She sometimes get those low level and the she becomes irritated, faint in the head, and starts sweating. After taking Naltrexone she gets the same moodswing, but no sweating. Now she takes the Naltrexone with quick sugar of grapes and … tadaa : OK ! Naltrexone and Hypoglycemia are connected : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281644521_Naltrexone_for_treatment_of_impaired_awareness_of_hypoglycemia_in_type_1_diabetes_A_randomized_clinical_trial https://www.google.be/search?q=naltrexone+blood+sugar&ie=&oe=#q=naltrexone%20hypoglycemia Has anyone else had this problem? What an interesting solution to the sweating issue.
  19. OKCPirate

    I'm calling BS

    @@Who'sThere - I'm with you. The spirit WAS willing, but the flesh was weak. Thank goodness my mom was with me in Mexico as support (just to keep my friends and family quiet). If not, I might have created an embarrassing international incident with one of the cute nurses, dang I was unnaturally randy post op and for several months following.
  20. OKCPirate

    I'm struggling with muscle loss.

    @@theantichick On top of that, it's how much bad/metallic breath can you/your partner put up with. One of the bad side effects of ketosis is the metallic taste in your mouth and the horrible smelling breath. Sorry, just saying.
  21. OKCPirate

    I'm struggling with muscle loss.

    Two years out, and I am as accurate as I've always been (former MP, always shot Expert with the .45 and M16). I will echo everyone's call for getting back to 125g of Protein. But I will add this...get 25g within 30 minutes of the gym. It seems to help with recovery. I happen to like Isopure clear and I drink half of one on my way back from the gym to rehydrate and get the protein. I will also echo the fact that you don't have the mass you used to have. I had a box of Christmas stuff I used to be able to move around throw me across the floor because I weigh a third less than the last time I moved it.
  22. OKCPirate

    Heart rate recovery question

    @@The New Kel The view was great. That was my first 14,000 climb up Long's Peak in CO. Lost six pounds that day.
  23. OKCPirate

    Heart rate recovery question

    At the rate you are going, you will get your heart strong again. Think about the stresses your body has been under the last few months. Fat moving out, the organs are getting in the right places. It's not an automatic transition. But when I really started to stress myself with the C25K program is when I saw the best results in cardio function. I finally get close to full recovery in 5 minutes. Now hiking at altitude in the desert, that will wipe you out. And it is dang near impossible to keep enough Water in your system and that will cause some flutter in the heart. When your electrolytes get out of balance your heart will race. Add to that the strain of the lack of 02 and it gets a little worse. But you are doing great and getting stronger. Enjoy the challenge and the view...
  24. OKCPirate

    Foodie Life Post-op

    It is soooo much cheaper to be a foodie post surgery. You no longer need a pound of organic grass fed beef, 1/4 of a pound can make two meals for me. Restaurant meals = three meals. Do the math. I figured my surgery paid for itself after a year based on the savings in dining out.
  25. OKCPirate

    I hate Zales commercials

    @@Jazzzyjay - That process was the worst time of my life. It took about a year to get to a new normal. During that time of healing my body, soul, finances, house, kids et.al. I did NOT date. Why go into a potential relationship with all that sticky residue. There are bottom feeders of both sexes who will worm into your life if you are not careful. Once I had some clarity and perspective I put myself back on the dating market. BTW, waiting until you are healed is not only the responsible thing to do for yourself, it is also a nice thing to do for others. Too soon after a breakup and you might just smash another human beings heart by accident. Good luck.

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