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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. That is a great point. That helped during my stalls...BTW, this makes the job much easier: https://www.qualitylogoproducts.com/tradeshow-promotions/body-tape-measure.htm?variant=BLANK&imageID=37698&gclid=Cj0KEQjw6Ya5BRDdyOewyo_Z_64BEiQA-fVKez4PBIecKLaU8m-FHCs6CtjJdq60af-w8Ld0E8aqYBEaApNA8P8HAQ
  2. OKCPirate

    Leading up to my death?

    I didn't fear death, but I'm a single dad, so I had all my estate planning up-to-date. Prepare for the worst but realize the odds of any complication are really, REALLY low. I never heard of a death, but with this many people getting it, the odds that a fat person will die having any surgery are what they are.
  3. OKCPirate

    My Story

    @@Mr.Cat Respect your sleeve and remember it's a tool, not a magic wand. Tough love out of the way, good luck and enjoy the ride. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Be sure to check out the men's room. If you suddenly want to watch Chick Flicks (and that is not your usual taste), it's just a normal hormone dump which happens during rapid fat loss.(Just saying because I wish someone had told me early on)
  4. I had an idea where I took pics in a shirt that was too small and would take a new one each week, the problem was within a few weeks, the shirt fit and then got too big, but I never got the right effect.
  5. OKCPirate

    Self Payer in Florida

    The private rooms in Mexico are great. Mine was in Juarez. I think the quality of care was great, the cost savings spectacular.
  6. OKCPirate

    Saving Money?

    It is almost embarrassing how cheap dates have gotten. My girlfriend doesn't eat much, and I sure don't. We have gotten into the habit of splitting a plate. I don't drink when I eat, and she just has Water sans ice. Think about it...if I go out by myself, I take home my left overs and get 2 additional meals out of it. So if I spend $30 on average for dinner...Before surgery, three days = $90. But post surgery, 3 days is $30, saving me $120 a week, or $6240 a year. I think this should pay off my surgery in a year in food savings. 3/4's of my kids are out of the house, so I now go to Whole Foods, get really great meat, but a pound of grass fed beef lasts nearly all week, not one meal. So that is a major savings, tastes better and better for me.
  7. OKCPirate

    Hubby not being supportive

    Einstein said "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." That said, arguing about the surgery apart from the benefits is false discussion. I suggest you read this thread for inspiration: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/195065-you-know-you-lost-weight-when/ And have your husband read: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/219760-sex-oh-my-god-sex/ Keep your eye on the prize and good luck.
  8. I used clear isopure protein drinks from day 2 post surgery...my energy level never waned. So I don't think your experience is unique
  9. OKCPirate

    Damn Stomach! Leave ME! The last Hurdle...

    I have hip bones and visible shoulders again, but need spanx, eh compression shirts, to tuck in my sagging stomach and my inner thighs flap. Wouldn't change a thing, at least until I have a few weeks available to recover from plastic surgery
  10. Stop by a GNC and try isopure clear liquid protein. Not everyone's taste but I liked the greentea flavor I'd sip one of those a day. 40g of protein which kept my energy up
  11. OKCPirate

    They seemed sane...Dating horror stories

    @@roundisashape - My sympathies. I experienced the same thing before surgery (one of the reasons I began the whole journey). It was a great deal of fun to see her again recently at a social event, with my very girlfriend (who happens to be smoking hot IMHO) and she barely recognized me. Hopefully this will motivate you as it did me to get in better shape. It was damn sweet BTW.
  12. OKCPirate

    They seemed sane...Dating horror stories

    Ditto for guys. Low self-esteem exists in both sexes.
  13. OKCPirate

    They seemed sane...Dating horror stories

    I loved this parody ad on SNL http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3348313/SNL-spoof-sees-desperate-daters-sign-Settl-online-dating-app-women-looking-meet-normal-guys-characteristics-willing-overlook.html
  14. OKCPirate

    Online dating

    Saw a new dating site on SNLhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3348313/SNL-spoof-sees-desperate-daters-sign-Settl-online-dating-app-women-looking-meet-normal-guys-characteristics-willing-overlook.html
  15. Depends on where you get it done. I had it done in Mexico. They don't share data. Most doctors in the states use a damn computer network that the government funded and exempts itself from patient privacy laws we think we have. (Big pharmaceutical companies tap into it as well insurance and government). So I didn't tell my primary care doctor and it's not on my record. All he knows is I have done a good job losing weight.
  16. OKCPirate

    Coming out as poly

    Better than a mouth full of Vaseline or baby oil. LOL. That is almost like condemnation by too faint praise.
  17. @@gpmed - I "came out" around the 3rd date. It has turned out to be a great thing. We usually split an entree when we eat out now. It works out great.
  18. OKCPirate

    Coming out as poly

    @@Sharon1964 - what did you think of the edible massage oils?
  19. OKCPirate

    New to well everything...

    I self funded my sleeve and had it done in Mexico. 4 times cheaper than in the states, and the facility was better IMHO. I wouldn't recommend band or balloon in Mexico because of the need for adjustments. I know you don't want to consider soothing permanent, I didn't either, but when I started to grasp how the body keeps working to put my fat back on, I started to consider the sleeve. Have not regretted it. Good HBO special on the problems with keeping weight off: http://theweightofthenation.hbo.com/the-quest-to-understand-the-biology-of-weight-loss
  20. OKCPirate

    It's funny to hear what someone used to think...

    right wing sarcastic attorney...NICE? Well, I've got 2 of the 3 (I'm not an attorney, but I play one at the capitol often enough) and unless you have really worked hard to tick me off, most people are going to say I'm nice. @@CowgirlJane I'm just listening in to your semi-private journal here, but he does sound like a great find. I hope it works out.
  21. OKCPirate

    Coming out as poly

    This is going to be an interesting cultural discussion. The Supreme Court's ruling on homosexual marriage started a ball rolling that will be tough to stop down the line (see this evocative Slate article: http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2013/10/16/is_polyamory_a_choice.html?wpsrc=theweek) I was initially very appalled about this idea until I read: Sex at Dawn (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7640261-sex-at-dawn). Interesting take away, when men have sex outside marriage their testosterone level increases, which increases longevity and actually makes for better sex with the spouse. I think the poly lifestyle is a much better option than leaving a spouse you love, giving away half your stuff and ripping up the relationships with your kids. For a funny, though interesting fictional book is Nookietown (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25663809-nookietown). I think the author looked well at the pluses and negatives of the idea. The biggest problem is "s*ut shaming" from other women who look at at this as a threat (IMHO because they feel threatened and are projecting their insecurities on others, but that's a different discussion).
  22. OKCPirate

    BAM....and there it is.

    @@gowalking -- Well that was rude and mean. And vicariously pisses me off. I think I'm channeling some old scripts with my ex. She knew my old wounds and could reopen them faster than anyone else. Thankfully she is so far out of my life that her aim is completely off.
  23. OKCPirate

    Ab exercises.

    @@csawesome - Yoga. That created the best definition for me. If you do it, take your time, enjoy the practice and try to give yourself six weeks (2-3 times a week), that it is when I really started noticing results I could be proud of.
  24. WLS can affect absorption of nearly every med, add to that hormone dumps from rapid weight loss, and some meds are weight specific. Medicine is an 'art' as well as science. Your body, and your brain is complicated so please give your doc some grace as you work together to get a handle on this. With my ex wife, I kept a journal for her because if she went to see her doc on manic day, then "everything was great" and visa versa. The more hard data you can give your doc, the better. Good link here: http://www.drpritikothari.com/weight-loss-surgery-and-medications/ and take a look on crazymeds.us.

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