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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    You want to take health advise from Coke?

    Taking diet advice from sugar Water people is almost as dumb as: T
    1. OKCPirate


      Girlfriend's daughter wants to spend time with mom...my daughter wants to go with boyfriend to a movie at the mall, I'm catching up on my TI-VO stuff...how in the world did you know I was alone?

    2. OKCPirate


      And yes I'm ADD as heck, and I multitask

    3. Christinamo7


      I didn't - I just wondered due to your status from - was it yesterday? about the end of school. nothin like a naked pirate to get people's minds to wandering. ya know? we're catching up on the TV we didn't watch during the week also.

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  2. OKCPirate


    One of the things I like about flying on Southwest is you can choose your seatmates. One of the things I don't like is the idocy of people in the C group who don't realize sitting next to a person with big shoulders is dumb. Fair warning, if you have a choice and you still sit next to me, your picture will be posted on social media, just saying.
  3. Well you know know it wasn't "official" back then until a guy said so. And they didn't have lady razors back then so I can see how something could be missed.
  4. @@OutsideMatchInside - Thanks for the clarification. When I had my DXA my doctor said I was at very real risk of osteoporosis...if I lived to be 270. One of the advantages of carrying extra weight for so long was incredible bone density. The down side is you wipe out the cartilage.
  5. After the surgery, it now cowers in fear under my liver. It probably sits and around and thinks "where the heck is that clit thing?" BTW, the GUY who "discovered the clit" was almost executed by the Catholic church. For a very cool piece of anatomy, it has a bizarre history - http://projects.huffingtonpost.com/projects/cliteracy/history
  6. Tell that to my sore bum. If it's not the staples, then what is it?? Your move, know it all. Geez Babbs, what is your husband doing to you at night? Might want to put a camera on him to see if he is doing sleep naughtiness.
  7. @@cseidman - I'm glad someone likes rules and isn't trying to find a loophole for a change. My NUT went through my food diaries and suggested adding berries for healthy carbs. But only after month two and I was adding much more exercise. Congrats and keep asking and learning. We like rule keepers.
  8. OKCPirate

    Long night in the E.R. - didja know y'all are my peeps?

    @@Sharon1964 - well that sucks. Good to know about it in case I experience it and don't give myself a heart attack, thinking I am having a heart attack (think about it, it might make sense eventually). Glad your cardio system is ok. Now this is one of those conditions you can say "it only hurts when I laugh." Glad you are still in the herd.
  9. @@OutsideMatchInside - I thought the RMR measured your metabolism, and that is what changes when you lose weight or am I confusing it with more of the set point? I think he is saying when you know your body's real composition, you have a very good idea of caloric need to maintain?
  10. @@OutsideMatchInside - Thanks for the info. but why does DXA replace the RMR?
  11. OKCPirate

    Dating And The Perfect Body

    Any guy who has been married, gone through child birth and dated women over 25 realizes that at some point gravity wins. If someone wants the airbrushed fantasy woman, run, don't just walk away, run. Thank goodness my girlfriend was able to look past my physical imperfections. We had this discussion the other night, the physical type she is visually attracted to are athletic chiseled types. This I am not. But thankfully she thought my eyes were intriguing enough to spark an interest. I have always felt confidence is the most important thing you bring to a date. If someone is confident enough to smile and make eye contact we at least can be friends. We can be more if the chemistry is good. Good luck, remember 90% of the guys in the dating pool give the rest of us a bad name.
  12. OKCPirate

    They seemed sane...Dating horror stories

    @@FinallyFit50s - I'm actually impressed he told you about his recovery upfront.
  13. Sigh, daughter is done with school for the year. No more naked work days. (Yes, I have a home office)

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Thanks a whole bunch, Pirate. I'm so sorry that my eyes drifted screen-right, causing me to wonder what my own father would have done had he had a home office.

    2. Dub


      Me too, bro. T-Rex just finished his last final today. Gotta act right around the house.

    3. defibvt


      Oh.... Your secrets is out there now!!!

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  14. It sucked giving up my Diet Mtn. Dew habit. Those were some weird withdrawals. Not sure what was in it that caused it, but it was as hard to give up as cigarettes. That said, really had no desire for them again. I had one drink with bubbles 7 months post surgery. I sipped it and tolerated it well.
  15. OKCPirate

    Going to ask mom to move out

    @@Sharon1964 - regardless of your mom's health or issues which may or may not be worked out, you must take care of yourself first. That is why on airplanes they tell you put your oxygen mask on first before putting it on your kid or others who need assistance.
  16. OKCPirate

    Calories in a marinated salad?

    Duh...why didn't I think about that. I do weigh meat and such to make sure I am getting enough Protein, but I had been doing dry measure of the other stuff. That reminds me of this story: Thomas Edison's Light Bulb Test Thomas Edison, the inventor of the incandescent bulb, was an incessant inventor. When he needed to expand his staff, he employed an unusual technique for interviewing the engineers for positions on his staff. Every prospective applicant who came in for an interview was handed a light bulb. Edison then asked the engineer to determine the exact amount of Water the bulb could hold. Edison knew very well that there were two basic ways an applicant could determine the correct answer to his question. The first, was to apply several engineering gauges and mathematical protractors to each of the complex angles of the glass bulb. Then, using a slide ruler and applying basic logarithmic formulas, the applicant could calculate the inside surface area of the light bulb which would allow him to determine the total volume of the glass bulb. This approach would take an experienced engineering applicant approximately twenty minutes to solve the answer. The second method an applicant could use to find the answer was to remove the brass base from the bulb and then fill the bulb with water. Once the bulb was filled with water, its contents could easily be poured into a measuring cup or laboratory beaker mug to determine the exact amount of water it could hold. This method generally took less than two minutes. Nearly all the engineers who used the first method to calculate the volume of water a light bulb could hold were politely thanked for their time and sent on their way. However, the applicants who used the second method were greeted warmly by Mr. Edison who asked, "When can you start?
  17. @@Cape Crooner - BTW, good for you to be thinking of this in advance. Winston Churchill had a running problem with Lady Astor and knew he would run into her again. She was a vocal alcohol opponent. So he worked on his best lines in advance. So sure enough, there was a party and Lady Astor LOUDLY proclaimed "Winston your DRUNK" to which he said "And you madam are ugly. However in the morning, I'll be sober." So good planning can be fun.
  18. Talk about the week from hell. Last Tuesday I flew to MI, best case I could get everything done and be back by Tuesday night. Well, I didn't get the best case which meant I was stuck overnight. On the way home Wednesday there was a storm and it closed STL, so I missed my connection home. I absolutely had to get home to get packed for my Thursday flight to Alaska. Thankfully there was a flight to Huston going out of STL, so I could get back home. I had two hours to pack after 3 hours of sleep. And then 9 hours of travel to get to Alaska. So I am toast Thursday night. Friday I find out that the guy I was teaching with in Alaska could not make it because of a family crisis. So now I am teaching for 3 days, eight hours a day (plus mandatory social times). By Sunday I was toast. Monday was the off day. Enjoyed a nice day a little hiking, fresh air and just enjoying the quiet. Tuesday another long slog to get home, finally in the hot tub around 2AM and then sleep. Looking back I think I was justifying bad behaviors. I would have a drink on the plane. My rescue foods I carry with me are nuts and beef Jerky. I ate too many. I didn't eat horribly, but I also didn't track either. When you teach and present for eight hours, you certainly burn a great deal of energy, but no cardio workouts for a week? I know your plans can get knocked around by circumstances. I think I would have stayed on my program if I had gotten home Tuesday or even Wednesday. If my fellow instructor could have been there (I usually run during his 2.5 hour blocks) and would have had more energy to do fun stuff on Monday. So looking back, I'm trying to get some life lessons. No more of the "oh things are going wrong, you deserve a cookie" thinking. I think next time I'm going to have a motivational talk with myself - "dude, you really need to exercise and eat better than usual because you need all the energy you can get." I'm going to be 53 in nine days, I really do need to step up my game.
  19. OKCPirate

    In My Hospital Bag

    You did some homework . See you on the other side.
  20. OKCPirate

    Protein, Protein, Protein

    I agree/disagree. I am three years out and I still can't always meet my protein/water requirements. I couldn't even come close for the first year + and my surgeon only advised 64-80gr of protein. I did the best I could, healed like a champ and reached goal with a 110+ pound weight loss in 9 months. I do agree that you should do protein first and that protein is key in healing and loss, but I am not sure that you have to reach such high numbers to succeed/heal. Yep, I agree. I had a talk with my NUT about my crazy week (see: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/368141-i-think-i-should-have-learned-something/) She reminded me that nutrition is a long term game, "not just one and done." This is why I track. I know some days will be 80g of protein, some will be 120 and some 100. But when I look across a week I can see a trend. But when I see an aberration and see how it fits into the bigger picture this is helpful. You see there are some days when I see major calorie/protein deficit, but the next day there is some extra, and two days later there is a little more, but it stops. Mainly because I remind myself in writing.
  21. OKCPirate

    I think I should have learned something

    @Christinamo7 I think your 50's are going to be some of the best years of your life! You don't know the half of it young lady. The last four years have been GREAT, the last 18 months EVEN BETTER
  22. OKCPirate

    All Inclusive Resorts

    This is actually a great danger. Grazing is what kills most of the success from WLS people (well and drinking empty calories). Please try to be mindful of your eating (log). But it could also be great. I am starting to learn that just because they set up a sandwich bar, doesn't mean I can't turn it into MY salad bar.
  23. OKCPirate

    I think I should have learned something

    @@Christinamo7 - MI, Michigan? you lucky duck! I am so very homesick. Yes Michigan. The weather was great. It was a fun project. I prefer the food in Ann Arbor, but it was a very nice trip to Lancing.

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