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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    Self payers

    @@lauralost72 - Most of the Mexican facilities have good payment plan programs. I just paid a deposit and the balance when I arrived.
  2. OKCPirate

    I had to share this

    @@catdaddy - hey, I did not get to the top of the food chain to eat veggie burgers. And why do you hate plants so much?
  3. Two weeks for the pre-op diet. Also depends on if you have any other medical conditions. I would have had mine earlier, but there was only one time in 2014-15 when I had three weeks to recover, didn't need them, but I was planning for worse case.
  4. OKCPirate

    The over 40 crowd

    The last year, going from 52-53 may have been the best year of my life. My first 5K in decades, first mountain climb, more sex than I have ever had in my entire life...I don't think this was all because of superficial external changes, this was because of deep mental and spiritual change resulting from finally getting control of an area which had become a problem. As I am want to say, this is a tool, not a magic wand. But in the past the only tool I had was a hammer, and all my problems looked like nails. With this tool, I am seeing many more possibilities. I wish I had known about this earlier and possibly would not be having the loose skin issues, but if that's my biggest problem, pfft, who cares.
  5. @@ag0177 - right about the same weight and height, but I had my sleeve done when I was 51...I wish I had at 39. The bulk of my loss was the first 4 months. While I am convinced 90%* of weight loss is diet, exercise will speed weight loss along with improving your quality of life and muscle helps with people who skin is still saggy. During the next two weeks, wean off of caffeine and other things that can irritate the staple line in the stomach and do as much walking and exercising as you can (it makes recovery easier, and your body will lose some muscle tissue with the fat). *90% - that is my number, but it is a guess and a matter of great debate, so please don't take it too literally.
  6. Trying to recover from best Birthday weekend ever. Jimmy Buffet concert, romantic B&B...epic stuff

    1. OKCPirate


      It was about as perfect as I could stand. Found out more great things about my girlfriend. Watched the best wedding ceremony I have ever seen. They are creating a blended family, so they asked the kids to come up and they wrote special vows to the kids, promising not to show favoritism, nor separate them from their other parent. Very moving, and needed.

    2. FinallyFit50s


      Wow...great update. Happy belated birthday.

    3. defibvt


      That is the best start to a forever family. thanks for sharing the update!

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  7. Actually, that's exactly what my PCP's wife said once she finally got her hormone levels dialed in. She could focus better, was thinking more clearly and could make decisions easier. So no, it's not just OKCPirate saying that cause he's a guy. I'm still waiting for that side effect to kick in..... @@woo woo - that is not always a positive being dogmatic. One of the drawbacks of having your hormones off is you do get fuzzy in your thinking. This is not a male/female judgement. I have come to respect the differences...if we were both the same, one of us would be redundant. That being said, I like being decisive.
  8. What kept me going through a very long stall on weight was I measured myself. I could see by the tale of the tape I was losing fat, but the muscle mass growth was keeping wieght steady. So be prepared to measure fat loss with clothing sizes and a milo tape measure. Let me edit this by saying.@@heather5565 - damn good list.
  9. OKCPirate

    Feeling Judged

    Me either, but I'm really libertarian. We have both major political parties interfering in different aspects of our lives. There are moral crusaders of all stripes trying to tell us what is best for us. And I am completely befuddled by it because I either don't care, or care enough to offer support, but only to someone who wants it. “One of the most cherished of all rights is the right to be left alone.”― Supreme Court Justice Brandeis
  10. OKCPirate

    Feeling Judged

    George Bush Sr. tells the story when 60 Minutes tried to do an interview with him on the eve of W's Gulf War and he said, "no." The producer said, "you don't undestand sir this is 60 Minutes, this is history." Bush replied, "no you don't understand, I no longer give a sh!t, I'm going fishing." I remembered that story when my ex wife was complaining about something, and if dawned on me "I don't have to participate in your drama." That was a liberating moment. So ask yourself "do I have to participate in the drama", and "do I give a rip?" If NO then don't. And be sure to feel good about it.
  11. OKCPirate

    Social Isolation

    @@Inner Surfer Girl- One of the more interesting studies I saw was "wine isn't a miracle drug." They figured out people who drink wine tend to be more social and that lead to the extra longevity. I know a guy who is on the super heavy side. He likes people and gets out when he can, but just the incredible amount of weight he carries wears him out. He doesn't have the energy to be the social person he wants to be, and that seems to be aiding the downward spiral. And yes, I shared with him my surgery story. I don't know where "rock bottom" is for him.
  12. @@azsoul - you are going to get home, hop on the scale and go "WTF" I have not been eating, but I gained wieght. It's all the IV fluids. Pick up a bag, now imagine 8 of them in you. And because of surgery, your body doesn't want much to get out in case it needs it. HOWEVER, in a couple of weeks when you start pooping and peeing again, you will wake up with glee, and then there will be a stall. It's normal. Just follow the rules, all will be fricken GREAT. Just saying.
  13. Just one sip at a time. I have two 32 oz bottles I keep with me by my desk, they are mysteriously empty by the end of the day.
  14. I like pipingrock.com whey Protein. I use it to supplement my coffee, Protein shakes and yogurt. No flavor, dissolves well as long as you let the coffee cool a little.
  15. @@Kindle - Congrats. Very good call. You will like testosterone. Scratching your crotch and not worrying about farting is fun. Seriously, I have been reading about people who were basically without testosterone for a while, and then it gets supplemented and bamn, they are suddenly decisive, their sex drive rises, and clear thinking...it is GREAT stuff. (well in moderation, had an 'overdose' during puberty, don't want that much again).
  16. OKCPirate

    Grilling at the beach....what to eat?

    OK, I'm hungry and in desperate need of an ocean.
  17. OKCPirate

    Difficulty Swallowing

    Yes, but it was never anything I would have put on WLS
  18. OKCPirate

    Need prayers please.

    Time and time again I have seen many people speculate on causes of problems, and they are usually wrong. Hopefully some prayer, some time for perspective will help. I didn't run out, but I remember one time when the pressures of life got me so bad that I told my wife at the time, "I'm going to that monastery for the weekend and locking myself in one of their cells with a Bible and no cell phone." It was actually a good call. Got some perspective. Figured out why I was feeling out of control. It can be a good thing as long as your not stupid. I'm glad he didn't isolate himself from the kids.
  19. OKCPirate

    1 day down 13 to go

    @@anabahs7878 - I had the same thing. I think it was ending a bunch of processed foods, esp. diet soda that got me. Start getting rid of sugar. There are great tasting yogurts without it. This is also a great time to experiment and try foods you will use on week three post surgery. Really try HARD not to cheat. The goal is to shrink the liver so the docs have a straight shot to your stomach. I was glad I did it, because instead of being under for the normal hour, he was able to get it done in 30, much less recovery time.
  20. OKCPirate

    Shower + Incisions

    Just be sure to use a clean towel and washcloth until they look like they wounds are sealed. I got Water proof band-aids at Walgreen's and put those on for the first week just because I'm paranoid. It wasn't a problem though, the glue worked well. But heck, I shaved my chest and stomach because I didn't want bald Patches. Talk about itching.
  21. Great Birthday weekend lined up...Dallas/Jimmy Buffet, then CO for a wedding of an old friend (which will actually be like a family reunion with people you want to hang out with).

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      A very merry birthday to you. Have a super time.

    2. KristenLe


      Happy Birthday, @OKCPirate!!! I'm not a Jimmy Buffet fan - but his concerts look like they're a good time!

    3. defibvt


      Sorry just seeing this... living outside of the BIG D, heard all about the Buffet concert... hope you had fun! Happy Birthday!

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  22. OKCPirate

    Dating And The Perfect Body

    @@FinallyFit50s - That is a nice compliment. If you look healthy enough for a 5K. Come on before surgery would anyone have even mentioned that to you? BTW, add a Zombie Run 5K to the list. They are fun, and actually you run faster when its a game of tag.
  23. OKCPirate

    PB2 Who Knew?

    I have used it almost exclusively in Protein shakes. Some chocolate Protein powder and add a little PB2. Esp. when I am kind of missing the Reese's and Snicker's.
  24. OKCPirate

    28 grams of Protein in 4 oz!

    @@NewSetOfCurves - I see GNC stocks it which is really good. They have been the best in pointing out the spiking problem: http://www.gnclivewell.com/realprotein/ http://www.forbes.com/sites/alexmorrell/2015/03/12/lawsuits-say-protein-powders-lack-protein-ripping-off-athletes/#274dac671039 It doesn't mean they have researched it deeply, but they don't want cheap competitors in their store either.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
