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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. I'm sure some men have, but I am always reminding myself how very different the thinking is between men and women. You were particularly descriptive of an issue that men should be aware of, but often are not. Jenn, I doubt you are the only one. I am amazed at my own transformation. I still remember the first time I didn't recognize myself in a reflection. The journey has been transformative on the inside as well as outside.
  2. note to guys... read this without a sneer and you will begin to realize what crap women go throubh
  3. OKCPirate

    Back in my boat!

    Mine isn't proper. She's ancient and but I love her. Her name is Princess Otter and we have been so many places together I can't let go. Kayaking is awesome- there is something very therapeutic about bobbing around, watching the world float by. I'm pretty sure these guys were laughing at me doing absolutely nothing in their backyard. ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1466128160.068513.jpg Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App It's all good so long as I can tote a Glock to deal with the local gators & snakes. We have Water snakes in Oklahoma that look very much like water moccasins. I was shore fishing and talked to guy in a float tube about it (he kept popping the snakes with his pole when they got close. He said, "only 1 in 4 can kill you." geez, I'll stay on shore here. But if I was in a better climate, that sounds like a very fun day.
  4. I posted last year about how much fun it was to take some of my old shirts and letting the girl freind know, it was OK to just rip this off me if she wanted to. It turns out, that is something she has always wanted to do. So let the buttons fly on those you don't want to alter
  5. OKCPirate

    When online dating didnt work out....

    Daveo you might want to check out the tips here http://theartofcharm.com/dating-tips/online-dating-advice-men/
  6. OKCPirate

    When online dating didnt work out....

    Before investing in an online membership check and see what the web traffic is to the site. This is a numbers game and without traffic you will see many fake and inactive accounts. http://www.alexa.com/
  7. I have really come to love traveling with my SO. It stinks having to pack for a trip when she can't be there. ;-(

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Pirate, you set me up here to make a difficult choice. Do I tease you because you and your sweetie feel like teenagers over the T-shirt thing? Or do I exhale a sigh of relief that it's only T-shirts that you wear before sealing in a plastic bag and handing to her? I knew there was something weird about the water in Oklahoma.

    2. OKCPirate


      It's just one of those things about her. If it is that easy and it makes her happy, I'm going to do it. After being told so many times "sorry no chemistry" no I have a women who really likes my pheromones, I will do what I can to keep her happy

    3. Valentina


      Never let go! Never let go! Never let go! So happy for you and your Special Lady.

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  8. OKCPirate

    Low carb products

    @@smg - great list, do you have a problem with Stevia? That is my favorite sweetener by far. Rice => Quinoa Totally with you. If you have not looked into this complete protein grain, you really should (and while you are at it, look up Chia seeds). I'd add plain greek yogurt as a sub for sour cream. Also look at playing with spices. You can often get rid of the "I feel deprived" head hunger with the right spice (at least I can). Ginger is mandatory with every fish dish. Be very careful with all nuts. Very easy to go over calorie count. And Beans (the musical fruit) - I make my own refried beans (using black beans) using coconut oil and salsa. Lots of Protein, and flavor.
  9. OKCPirate

    Does everyone but me have a nutritionist?

    @@cseidman - I rent my own I self paid and found a very good NUT, at a great price because she didn't have to do any insurance paperwork.
  10. OKCPirate

    Options for my smoker?

    Geez how much food porn can I see in one day?
  11. OKCPirate

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    @@KindaFamiliar - Just not worried about you. You are who you are and when you are not feeling in that F it all mood, you make some good observations, so I'm fine. Of course I just came back from Lotus Land (Southern California) so I am in a particularly mellow mood...hope everyone is digging my pouka shells.
  12. OKCPirate

    Cycling Nutrition question

    Can you eat and drink while you ride? I have not done things at your distance, but long mountain hikes up to 14,000 feet are huge calorie siphons. I was doing Cliff Bars all the way up, but I'd do small bites nearly all the time.
  13. @@sleeverv - Liza Maria Pompa Gonzalez? Please check again with her staff. She seems reputable based on a simple google search.
  14. @@mlgok - I used to use genpro, but they changed the formulation, and it doesn't blend as well as it used to. I now use PipingRock.com's version. Dissolves well in everything and is tasteless except in plain Water, does well in coffee. But in your case, think about adding it in yogurt. I just looked back at my food diary and week 3 I was at 50-60g per day. I didn't really push up to 100+ per day until 2 months later. That is when I was increasing exercise and with new muscle, I noticed hair loss which increased my interest in increasing Protein.
  15. @sleeverv-before you do, find out if you don't have another problem, or if this is just his standard protocol. BTW, who is your doctor?
  16. OKCPirate

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    This could be fun, we could do the research for someone who hasn't, and do cut and paste answers and store on the veterans forum. "Noob needs answer 3 please" I will take it upon myself to start making some suggestions for team leaders to put together stock responses: LipstickLady - snark, tattoos and piercings VSGAnne2014 - tough love Dub - Anything to do with grilling/smoking/all things meat Sharon1964 - all things poli It is a just a beginning, feel free to further hijack the thread Sharon1964
  17. OKCPirate

    What made you get a tat?

    I'm with you. But I am seriously thinking about the Roman numerals of starting and goal weight, something small on the inside of my upper bicep. CCCV/CXC. Be nice to see for motivation at the gym. I'll let you all know it if I do it.
  18. OKCPirate

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    Not trying to be snarky, but isn't that what the VIP area is supposed to be about? If it isn't, it could be.
  19. OKCPirate

    What Are You Most Proud of?

    When your ex-wife (who used to openly mock me about getting the surgery)* says to a mutual friend, "dang if he had been that hot 5 years ago I would have never divorced him." That is a nice sideways compliment, but coming through this process I really realized just how toxic that relationship had gotten and how my health had declined. It has been a great journey getting back to healthy. And it is amazing how changing one area can lead to changes in another, I'm not perfect, but at least I'm on a better trajectory. *NOTE, I would have never told her, but we still have minor children, so I felt having elective surgery in Mexico was a good reason to let her know.
  20. @@Alex Brecher - aww, stick it in your ear Alex... And that is an example of how something that seems funny to you can quickly go sideways. Nice post Alex and "Let's keep it classy here"
  21. OKCPirate

    What made you get a tat?

    @@krazy kat - come on, we want to see a picture (you knew it was either going to be me or @@KindaFamiliar who was going to ask)
  22. I wish California had a less idiotic government. I'd love the climate, most of the people, but the nanny state drives me nuts. But it was great visiting again.

    1. OKCPirate


      And I don't live there for a reason, though I would love to. Looking at Florida, no income tax and if you get the right area, they leave you alone.

    2. OKCPirate


      UCLA man - I just got out of my hot tub. Yep, stark naked. I'm in Oklahoma. I have been sampling some stuff I picked up in CO ;-). And you know what? The people here leave you alone when you are not hurting them. The problem with too many people is they just want to look for a reason to complain. And it sucks that it happens in CA which is the place where no one should ever complain. You can be utterly be out of your mind and it would take years for anyone to figure it out because it is so dang nice to be there. I complimented most of the people who live there, I love the vibe of the place, I just hate the dang over reaching government, lighten up.


      Note: I do hate the damn California refugees. I noticed this while doing projects in AZ and NV. There are many California refugees who leave because of costs and taxes. Strangely they move east and start demanding the same expensive services to be paid for by other people in a new state. Umm, how many budgets can you bankrupt? So hopefully Trump builds a wall to our south and along the CA border. ;-) -- And to those who don't know me that is hyperbole (if you don't know what that word means, please Google it, or just don't comment).

    3. Alex Brecher

      Alex Brecher

      I'd live in Cali or right across the border in Mexico if my kiddos weren't in NY. Hoping to move out there once they're a little older.

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  23. @@Jess3/25/16 - Good luck with this journey. If you have had addiction issues in the past, they don't go away because of the surgery. Congrats on getting off drugs. Sobriety was the first gift you gave yourself, WLS the second. It sounds as though you need some very personal guidance in this journey. The hormone dump threw me off my game for a while. It got better, but recently had a 'post-hormone dump' emotional issue which required treatment. It was not WLS related. So just because you had WLS, doesn't mean other issues can't pop up, they do.
  24. OKCPirate

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    That is a great rant [can I eat half a deer? he he he] But the other side to this is it does create fresh content which seems to help with search engine optimization, so they may be annoying redundant posts, but they also drive in new people who are interested in improving themselves. On another board I am on, the people are not particularly supportive and sometimes really vicious. I can usually spot the "trolls" but I have PM'd the ones who were rough in their response to me if they seemed to have a point. When it was no longer a public "who has the biggest attitude contest" they often have good points that have been helpful to me. Am I trying to be their "online buddy." NO. I am not here nor there on the internet for electronic friends but for information. Possibly I have developed tougher skin, or I just skim past the snark, but I really have been impressed with the supportive nature of this site. I have found it to be remarkably honest and very real sharing of struggles in relationships esp. with the changes that come from WLS, as well as the food and health discussions. But the encouragement keeps me coming back. I do love hearing about people's successes.

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