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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    Airport Security Curiosity

    Sweat and extra skin will set off the body scanners, the staples are not metalic so that won't be a problem.
  2. OKCPirate

    So the honeymoon is over?

    @@Momcat - Here is a study that shows something very important: As a person becomes fitter and gains muscle mass, it is correct that he or she burns more calories at rest. However, some exercise enthusiasts have insufficient energy intakes, which do not meet the demands of their exercise programs. This imbalance may eventually reduce resting metabolic rate. https://www.unm.edu/~lkravitz/Article%20folder/metabolismcontroversy.html @@JamieLogical is correct muscle uses more energy than fat, but this summary states that it is not particularly significant.(50 calories a day). But over the course of a year, it adds up. But don't think you will see weight loss results quickly. But there are other plusses, including making loose skin look better.
  3. OKCPirate

    So the honeymoon is over?

    Here is Mayo Clinic's recommendations on upping metabolism... http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/in-depth/metabolism/art-20046508?pg=2
  4. OKCPirate

    So the honeymoon is over?

    I really don't know. I haven't seen much evidence of that. If I were in that situation, I think I'd try increasing calorie intake VERY gradually at the same time as increasing my cardio intensity. And then do some strength training to build more muscle, since muscle increases metabolism. And increase the Protein. Your hair and muscles will thank you.
  5. OKCPirate

    Body image and sex

    @ - bad phrasing on my part. I hope no one was "settling" with me. @@OutsideMatchInside - yeah, baby, yeah..."silver fox" I like it.
  6. OKCPirate

    So the honeymoon is over?

    @@Momcat - I think so. I'll let you know in six weeks when I'm done with this experiment. But there is evidence to suggest that your hormone levels are going to stay the same, so you do have that going for you.
  7. OKCPirate

    Body image and sex

    Well I have been dating the past couple of years, five, three pre-surgery and 2 post...and the POST has been significantly better. As I lost weight, my confidence increased (and confidence is the most important thing you bring to the bedroom. I am not happy with the loose skin, but it's so much better than the alternative. It is so much more fun to see what is going on "down there" and I can do things and get to places I could not before. But I realize I'm a guy, and my sex doesn't have the same body image issues as women. That's just reality. May I suggest that you will probably be dating guys in their 40's. 90% will have experienced childbirth and the physical changes to their spouses body. Gravity wins, and only those who are porn addicts don't realize it (run, don't walk, from anyone who is ever critical...just saying).
  8. OKCPirate

    Relationship Worries - Please Help

    Be aware it changes the "power dynamic" within a relationship. As you get healthier and better looking, your confidence will increase and his comfort will drop. Sorry, it does change things. To put your head in the sand and say it doesn't it is an invitation for disaster IMHO. What this means is he needs reassurance and you need to be aware of what your priorities are. Communicate. I don't know you but I have seen people who changed their relationships because they realized they really were selling themselves short and were sticking around with bad partners because their self-estime was low due to their weight. And there are some partners who left because they felt they couldn't compete with a hotter spouse. These are all complicated issues. There isn't a "one-size-fits-all-solution" on this one. It is all communication, trust and commitment. This is serious work. Good luck.
  9. nice to meet you too because smoke is rough on the incision line of healing subject. I quit chewing and smoking tobacco two years before surgery, but I took up vaping. That wasn't a problem and I even did it in my hospital in Mexico without objection. I really would not even think about smoking for a month post surgery. Let it heal. For anyone who doesn't realize the difference: Vaping is warming a liquid to a gas which can be inhaled. Unlike smoking, this does not mean combustion. There are very real, known dangers of inhaling burning vegetable matter. Many tars and carbon monoxide. These dangers do not exist with vaping. That said, can't say vaping is 100% safe. It's just too new. Best evidence to date shows no known effects.
  10. Since rec is legal in your state, I say absolutely try it. Oxycodone is bad news. My suggestion is to go to a shop and tell them what you're looking for. They sell strains with a higher CBD content specifically for pain control. A nice CBD oil or tincture may be exactly what you need. Doesn't hurt to go ask - find a shop with good reviews. NOTE: High CBD equals less THC (what gets you high). CBD's are legal in all states but check, because it changes weekly.
  11. It depends on the strain. For anyone who grew up in the 60/70's please realize the world of pot as you knew it doesn't exist. The last decade of medical pot changed everything. Now that it is legalized, it is tested and it's corporate. There is often very good science behind the strains and effects. I'm not a user, I just do so much regulatory work in CO and other states that I'm just kind of amazed out how the industry has grown. On the plus side: No carbs, and No calories On the down side: Much more potent On the down side: Kids On the plus side: Discussion is no longer "you can't do this because the political class says you can't" but now "hmm son, why do you want to?"
  12. OKCPirate

    So the honeymoon is over?

    @@indyjeff - you are welcome and I very much enjoy the input of @@OutsideMatchInside and @@JamieLogical and others who really do some interesting research.
  13. Now this is some good news...WLS effects continue five years https://newsroom.clevelandclinic.org/2016/04/04/final-stampede-results-glycemic-benefits-bariatric-surgery-persist-time/
  14. OKCPirate

    So the honeymoon is over?

    @@OutsideMatchInside - You might ask them if WLS changes the numbers. It really gets odd: http://theweightofthenation.hbo.com/films/main-films/Choices
  15. @@fatgirlfreed It depends on who you are. If you can do your own research, and have a strong support network, it works very well. I am really glad I had mine done in Mexico. I thought the facilities were great. Huge room, very few surface areas for dust/germs to gather on. Rooms/halls mopped 3 times a day. No wonder the rate of infection was so low. But I had a good NUT here, I knew what I was getting into, did emotional work ahead of time and kept up with my therapist during the journey. So know yourself. And there are great sites to evaluate surgeons and facilities.
  16. OKCPirate

    So the honeymoon is over?

    @@OutsideMatchInside - This is interesting...I understand the physics of RMR and DEXA scans, but has this been tested with WLS vs non-WLS? I think there a hormonal component which seems to break down the math. @@JamieLogical has a very good point about what many of us have done to our metabolism via yo-yo dieting. It doesn't seem to always be simple math. But you may have some info I'm not aware of.
  17. OKCPirate


    It is nice that the remote stays where I put it, I can crank up my tunes, leave socks and underwear on the floor. But throw caution to the wind and try some new food. My GF can't stand curry, so when she's out of town, out comes the spice rack. Live large. Think of it as FOOD PORN.
  18. OKCPirate

    Who Dat?

    Two years and a couple of months post surgery and I am in that "new normal" area. For the last 18 months, I have been buying size Large shirts, 36" waist pants. My weight has been consistent. I pushed myself early to do a 5K and climb a mountain. But 2016 was busy. I met a spectacular woman over a year ago and was more interested in building the relationship than trying some new physical challenge. Last October she did a six-week 20-pound weight loss challenge (which she really didn't need to do, but she felt like she needed to reset her system). I didn't have time then to join her, but she did well, she lost 18.2 #'s, and her abs are killer - she is 54 and can rock a bikini, I find that impressive. After the program, she had an accident and needed knee surgery just before Christmas. Because she was in such good shape, her recovery is going better than expected. That was a wake-up call to me that I can do better than just being average. So I decided to jump start this year by doing the same program she did. Four weeks ago I already started doing the C25K program again to get ready for another race in April. So things are getting moving again. But today as I was cleaning up old files and I found a picture from 10 years ago, and my first thought was "who's that?" I didn't recognize myself. We joke in the beginning of our weight loss journey that we often have a moment where we don't recognize ourself in the mirror, well one cool thing to look forward to is getting to the place where you don't see yourself as the fat guy anymore. And even when you don't, it's also fun to push yourself a little further and strive for an even better normal.
  19. OKCPirate

    My horrible experience at a restaurant.

    @@LittleBill I totally agree. I had a horrible experience at a restaurant in OKC which I found out was part of a local management group. I did a check of Quicken account and I documented that I spent over $5K at their establishments in the last year (hey, I was single and date a great deal). I let them know how mad I was, never heard a response, so I organized a boycott ("let's avoid this place during Lent" - it was an issue with me showing a date a vaping device, and the waiter went ballistic). The company is publically traded, so when I noticed his companies 20% drop in revenue during the boycott, I reminded him, "it is amazing what a pissed customer can do." He actually called me, asked what he could do, I told him to have a talk with a friend of mine who was one of the best customer service people I know. End result, he ended up hiring her to train his wait staff and I feel safe going back to his restaurants. I turned down all of their offers for gift cards etc. I just wanted to be treated fairly.
  20. OKCPirate

    No Hairloss?

    I noticed hair loss, and then found out that my 80g of protein wasn't enough, so when I got up to 100-110 everything was fine.
  21. OKCPirate

    Ultimate motivation for mothers of toddlers

    @@needtorecover - good job mom...and you will be a better mom for it.
  22. OKCPirate

    Failing at Friendship

    Geez, this is tough. Esp. for women. Please create a new mantra for yourself. You are creating a "new normal." This means you are transitioning. During any transistion, people will be different in their reaction to you. You are also different because hormones are dumping out of your fat cells (and this applies to males too). Focus on your health now. The new normal will be coming soon. It's not easy. But when you are stable, that's when you will be in a great place to start re-evaluating your relationships.
  23. OKCPirate

    Feeling Great? Do You Still REALLY Need Lab work?

    I realize that testing hormone levels via blood tests are kind of hit and miss, but as a guy, I can tell you it was really critical. Pre-surgery my testosterone level's were really low. So I was receiving supplementation, the first few months following surgery the T levels spiked during the hormone dump (rapid fat loss led to everything stored in the fat cells to bounce into the blood stream). Now everything has leveled off. If I had just done a "one and done" blood test we would have missed this. And too much T can cause blood clots, and actually make it difficult to do aerobic exercise. If you don't have insurance, check online, there are places where you can get the blood work done affordably, and you can take the results to your doc and NUT.
  24. OKCPirate

    My horrible experience at a restaurant.

    Never run into it before, but if I was the manager/server, I would have said "oh I'm sorry you didn't notice that was on the menu. We add it so we can enhance your experience and stay in business." Or something to that effect. End of the day, same effect, but at least you would feel better and they get to keep their doors open. I know restaurants have low margins, I know customer service isn't easy, but a little imagination, fun and training just makes everyone's experience better.
  25. OKCPirate

    Physical activity by day 6?

    I wiped out all my credits on Audible.com in the first month. I'd put a good book on an MP3 player and start walking. Started with light weights in the gym after week four was done. I'm guessing you have been sort of sidelined by your weight from doing many physical activities? If so, start dreaming while you are walking for the next few weeks about things you want to do (snorkel, ski, run, yoga). One of the things that happens to people who just have not been able to do things because of their weight is they forget what is possible. You get limited by an image we have of ourselves. Well it's going to change. So start dreaming...and dream HUGE.

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