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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. I am a FOODIE. I love great food. I enjoy cooking. I enjoy finding really great restaurants. I just enjoy less of it dang it. But, yes Julie, I'm a little tired of that one myself. (not that I'm bitter or anything)
  2. @@barbarahadz1 - I'm sorry for your loss, but I appreciate your insight and sharing it with others.
  3. OKCPirate

    What foods do you avoid?

    Peanut Butter and crackers. It is my kryptonite.
  4. (1) Any new situations that you did not expect? The hormone dump didn't go on forever (sigh) neither does that honymoon period (bigger sigh) (2) What has worked well to maintain. Eating meals, and not allowing myself to graze. (3) What triggers have given you set backs. Alchol (4) What keeps you motivated. My relationship with my girlfreind (5) Now that life is normal after goal..What is new ? Renewed sense of purpose in life
  5. OKCPirate

    What's your favourite...

    What do you call a boom-a-rang that doesn't come back? A stick
  6. Do you have kids? I was divorced for several years going into this. I was great going through it alone. The reason bring up kids is I just used the opportunity to update my estate in case some thing went seriously south. But it helped me realize that I could get hit by a car et al. So it was a good wake up call
  7. OKCPirate

    C25k. Keeping myself honest

    It is a potentially fun journey. Enjoy it and you live in a great place to work it. Be thankful for that
  8. Getting back to the gym again. That felt good

    1. Christinamo7


      with a rowing machine - is the resistance adjustable? I love to canoe, but I've never used a rowing machine.

    2. OKCPirate
    3. Christinamo7


      I may well give it a try if I join a gym in the Autumn. I think I might enjoy that.

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  9. @@LipstickLady - It is the appropriate weekend to fully grasp your new Independence.
  10. I appreciate the husband wanting to Celebrate your victory. That is great he wants to give you something to mark the change. That is the sign of a good and engaged guy.
  11. OKCPirate

    Back Hair

    @@defibvt - try to do most of it without the mirror. It seems to mess your aim up. Only use the mirror to check and finish. I actually do the initial round in the back yard (mine is very private) so I don't have hair in the bathroom.
  12. OKCPirate

    Back Hair

    @FrankiesGirl I used benadril cream/spray (cuts down on inflammation). Also using a shower scrunchy seems to help. Here are some interesting tips to try: https://help.getbevel.com/hc/en-us/articles/200595223-Why-do-I-get-ingrown-hairs-and-razor-bumps-How-can-I-prevent-razor-bumps-and-ingrown-hairs-
  13. OKCPirate

    Urinating Pain (males)

    @@AndyNicks - That is not a complaint I hear about on this forum, but did they do a catheter? I had one with my appendix operation. Hurt like a mother coming out and burned for a while. Long list of things that can cause that type of pain but that's what urologists do. (And remember, the proctologists get you in the end). I agree moving from liquid to Jello and yogurt is great. Congrats, can't wait to hear about your progress.
  14. OKCPirate

    Anyone else alone for the holiday weekend?

    @@Oak Park Lorena - strangely I have never felt really lonely, though I have been divorced for over 5 years. I took one year off of all relationships following the divorce (deliberate, just to make sure my head was clear). I had a very serious relationship for a couple of years, but figured out why this wasn't the right one. Had a small harem of women who wanted occasional sex, but really didn't want a relationship. And have now found the ONE. Even though many times holidays didn't work out, I knew there would be other opportunities, so I always took holiday time as a great opportunity to do "me stuff." And look, when you still have kids, work and a relationship, "me time" is rare and fun. Even when I was looking, I really enjoyed occasional binge watches and just relaxing and being somewhat irresponsible.
  15. OKCPirate

    Anyone else alone for the holiday weekend?

    @@gowalking - I am with you. If there is an opening in my work (rare) and no time to spend with my SO, I am going to knock out a project around the house or binge watch something I have been wanting to watch. Binge watching usually wins
  16. OKCPirate

    By request - BigViffer Workout Routine

    @@BigViffer - glad I found this. I needed to get re-motivated about the gym. So many things going on in my personal life that I feel I have really taken my eye off the ball at the gym. Basically all I have done is anti-atrophy stuff. On your pull ups, are you using a band to help? I used it when I was starting because I was doing a mountain climb and seriously needed those muscles. But I've seen sites that suggest that is not the best idea: http://breakingmuscle.com/strength-conditioning/successful-pull-ups-for-beginners-say-no-to-bands But here are some other ideas: http://breakingmuscle.com/strength-conditioning/coach-i-cant-do-pull-ups-7-tips-to-get-you-there
  17. I agree, it is not always a failure of morality or character (though for some it is). Obesity I think it is more akin to a broken bone, or something which requires physical therapy. We don't blame the victim, and understand there is self work required for recovery. The danger with the "disease model" thinking is that when we think "disease" we either go "get pill get cured" or "it is incurable." Possibly too simplistic in the analogy, but I think it is sound. The research is growing on causes of obesity and more and more we are realizing that there are many factors which contribute to this problem, from genetics, bad marketing of food, and many things about the body we didn't know or understand. I get it. I'm just throwing out a caution flag on the rhetoric.
  18. OKCPirate

    Any Pagans around here?

    Might be an interesting thread, about all I know about this is from This is Spinal Tap
  19. I feel your pain. Going through it to at the moment myself. Rest on your faith and the strength of your husband. Do your damnest to encourage one another and not to fall into despair. (I learned that one the hard way). You made some positive changes this year, you can make some more.
  20. OKCPirate

    3 weeks!

    @@WitchySar - You got this. You should be nervous and excited. When the inevitable freak out and second guessing starts, do like I did...start reading this section...http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/195065-you-know-you-lost-weight-when/ Just reading about all the little things that change when you are on the other side gave me peace and hope.
  21. Dr. Stapleton, I'm really not nit picking, but why would you call obesity a "disease" as opposed to a "condition." I think a case can be made for those who really messed up their internal set points with years of yo-yo dieting it might be akin to a disease, but for some it is choice. The disease model is used in a number of complicated dependency issues, and while I agree there are some complicated brain issues with compulsive behaviors which can get so out of control that human rational will power is ineffective for creating change, for some though this is used as an excuse for inaction. It is an important semantic difference to me. It's what makes WLS a tool to me, not a magic wand or cure. I still have to work the program to get the results. Something for consideration, rhetoric, labels and words matter.
  22. OKCPirate

    Seeing The Difference

    @@butterfly23 that is great progress, seriously
  23. OKCPirate

    Best Binder?

    I have tried several male products, Eastbays are very good, and much cheaper than Spanx https://www.google.com/?ion=1&espv=2#q=eastbay+compression+shirts&tbm=shop
  24. OKCPirate

    Goal Setting

    I just want to be better. Make BETTER decisions, not perfect. And completely understand not operating under guilt or shame. Those tend to lead to hiding and rationalization. Very healthy perspective young lady.
  25. It's always nice hitting a home run with your SO. She has had such a rough week, found the right restaurant to relax and reconnect. The whole night was perfect. She left looking relaxed and refreshed.

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      OK and SO sitting in a tree...

    2. Shrinkinqtpi
    3. Christinamo7


      that's wonderful! yesterday on the way home David took me to walk the pier on my favorite beach even though we didn't have time, really. after the last week I had it was the perfect way for him to care for me too. You're a keeper and I hope you two are always so happy together.

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