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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate


    @@Postop - glad I was able to get away with VSG. Though I respect you were really a pioneer 11 years ago (they take all the arrows).
  2. OKCPirate

    My work here is done

    Eh, don't let a website dust up blow you away. There will be bigger fish to fry down the road. (Well "fry" might not be the right word, I actually want it blackned or baked now)
  3. OKCPirate

    Reason #2016 for surgery

    OK, now what? You have not thrown your middle finger at that little part of you that says "you can't do this" until you have dropped a pizza in the dumpster. You can do this.
  4. OKCPirate

    7 days post-op

    Walk, figure out the best way to increase your protein and enjoy the change. It really is cool if you stay between the lines and maintain the speed limit. (umm, just a metaphor I use to say "do what you know you should do")
  5. OKCPirate

    Am I being delusional?

    @@Inner Surfer Girl - there is a difference between "full" and "satisfied". I prefer being satisfied to full (which is uncomfortable and icky). That is a great way to put it.
  6. We all just want what is best for you. We are not advocates, we are support.
  7. OKCPirate

    Sex After Surgery

    Close to TMI, but if you want to share pictures, feel free to PM
  8. OKCPirate

    Sex After Surgery

    Damn straight, especially in that adolescent phase with the hormone dump.
  9. @@jenn1 - yep I am with you. Jenn, please allow me to take a moment to hijack your threat for a second: I want to remind the males who probably are not understanding why this is a problem...hint hint men and women are different and we discuss and solve problems differently. Men if you have not figured out that sometimes the women in your life just need to vent, NOT have the problem solved you really need to see this if you don't know this http://www.alldeaf.com/threads/mark-gungor-exerpt-from-his-laugh-your-way-to-happy-marriage-part-one.70954/ Note this guy is a pastor, but I think he is dead on right). There are many women who are seeing a problem, and while I can ignore an occasional idiot or troll, it is hurting them. The effect of these assaults is to wear down the soul of many, women in particular. (I hope this is not seen as sexist, but guys do need to be reminded occasionally that there are two sexes). This is a voluntary association. To women, TRUST is vital to relationship. When that trust is eroded, they no longer feel safe and they will leave. Keep in mind, far more women have WLS than guys, so men must be mindful of this difference IMHO. Jenn, I hope this rant was helpful, I'll shut up now.
  10. OKCPirate

    I'm so scared

    To tell you the truth, you should be. It's a big change. I worry about people who are not nervous. You got this, and if you need to remember why you are doing this, read: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/195065-you-know-you-lost-weight-when/
  11. Muscle loss? Not been a problem, but it really depends on how well you do with staying on program. Follow @@BigViffer This guy is an animal
  12. OKCPirate

    So.. sex and extra skin...

    @@SPettijo - most guys who are over 40 and had a spouse go through child birth have figured out, gravity wins. Now that said, I want this extra skin off my thighs. I don't like the "whap whap" sound when I am having fun. Congrats on your success. If this is our biggist problem at the moment, we are doing much better than when we began this journey.
  13. OKCPirate

    100 pounds gone!

    @@Gripp - That is an ongoing struggle for many here. I would recommend keeping it close to the vest. When you lose weight, people think you cheated and took the easy way out. The only people I tell are overweight people who ask me what worked for me. Only one of those people took my advise, despite the fact it worked...
  14. OKCPirate

    In a bad depression slump...

    "Bad Boyfriend" That is a GREAT analogy.
  15. OKCPirate

    Am I the only one

    @@albare1978 - I remember coming home and utterly wierded out that I GAINED weight. It was a WTF moment. Then I remembered all the IV Fluid they stuck in me, and it made sense. Then I couldn't poop for a while. But things started working again. Part of it I think is the body goes into a "oh dang there must be a famine, must preserve the fat mode" for a little while (isn't evolution grand?) Just work the program and be sane. It will happen. Physics eventually wins out.
  16. OKCPirate

    100 pounds gone!

    Really? The vast majority of the post surgery posts have been positive. Most of the problems have been self inflicted. It's a risk, but so is being overweight. BTW, @@Dashofpixiedust8 Congrats. great job.
  17. OKCPirate

    My work here is done

    Sharon, our eyes are still up here
  18. OKCPirate

    Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..

    That is an important safety tip. ????
  19. OKCPirate

    In a bad depression slump...

    Thank you for the update. You have been on my mind. It will be good. I had to hold on for a while until the Wellbutrin kicked in. Not pretty but it was worth it. Reach out if you need to
  20. That is interesting. I've never heard of that one. What is it about your esophagus that would stop a sleeve? Mine gets tight at the bottom and requires occasionally stretching, but nothing to keep my from being sleeved.
  21. OKCPirate

    27 pounds gone!

    @@stayfit4life - hey, hey, what did you do with them?
  22. @@erinkath - Not your specific meds, but I had to adjust mine post surgery. The extended release just didn't work anymore. Look at www.crazymeds.org (funny name, serious site). I found some posts about meds post WLS. It's just one of those areas that there just isn't one answer. The right drug cocktail is a game changer, but it is work to find it. Good luck.
  23. Are you really selling, or just bragging? Congrats
  24. My GF had the same issue, and she told me this: "Lexapro. Basically was an instant fix. It just takes a few days to get integrated in the system. But even the first day was marked improvement. Within a few days no more hot flashes. Because skin is the largest organ and the endocrine imbalance was manifesting through the cycle of major hot flashes every hour the Lexapro calmed the bodies stress response to the endocrine imbalance. Then we started balancing the hormones. Remember this all started due to a partialal hysterectomy. "

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