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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    Hey friends!

    NOTE: I was just checking to see if the filters cleared that out. THAT WAS A TEST...if it was true, you would believe it, it is not, so don't.
  2. OKCPirate

    Hey friends!

    Congrats on your persistence and vision. I hope it pays off the way in the way you want. But with your energy, I suspect it will. BTW, I am eating two pounds of bacon a day after my surgery.
  3. Good luck. I wish I had done this when I was your age. But heck, I'm glad I did it.
  4. OKCPirate

    D&D Temptations

    Dungeons and Dragons...great "nerd" fun. @@milpreve, this is where you start making your transition. You don't have to be that person you were. And you have a great tool to help you make the switch.
  5. OKCPirate

    Tricks to track protein?

    lunch? Tuna and or greek yogurt. Big beliver in the scale and MFP.
  6. OKCPirate

    A new life

    Congrats on this side of the losers bench. When you start getting over to discussion of issues outside of WLS, everyone's opinion here is what it is. If you follow the program and you lose what I would expect you can lose, you will find you social circle will change. If it is for the good or ill, well that is up to you and how you utilize the new opportunities. WARNING: In 27-57 days you may experience some strange feelings known as a hormone dump. Not everyone does, I sure as heck did. This means an increase in libido and other things. If you are planning, do NOT make any life changing decisions during this three to four month phase. Please post in the powder room for more female perspective, but while I enjoyed my time there, I would not want to make it a lifetime preoccupation.
  7. @@acm21_ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21426373 http://www.attn.com/stories/9894/when-to-use-painkillers-or-marijuana Two most interesting articles I have found. My SO has horrible knee pain, so that's what got my attention about this.
  8. Big claim, big proof required. Since pleurisy is usually viral, how close were they? I talked to the Harvard scientist who did the "popcorn" lung study. He was appalled by the media's mishandling of his study. It wasn't even close to his results. But they want to sell newspapers and general assignment reporters are not always scientifically literate. Too often when they are their editors are not. Not the best place to get health advice.
  9. I don't mean to scare anyone. Vaping is far and away a better choice than cigs, by every medical study I've read (and I keep an eye out for them). I would rather every cigarette smoker in the world switched to vaping based on the science available right now. However, it is *not* risk free, and no one should claim that it is. You are inhaling a foreign substance into your lungs, and it puts you at a higher risk for pulmonary complications. The risk is miniscule compared to cigarettes, and is even smaller than the risk of living in a large city, but there *IS* a risk. I don't mean to scare anyone. Vaping is far and away a better choice than cigs, by every medical study I've read (and I keep an eye out for them). I would rather every cigarette smoker in the world switched to vaping based on the science available right now. However, it is *not* risk free, and no one should claim that it is. You are inhaling a foreign substance into your lungs, and it puts you at a higher risk for pulmonary complications. The risk is miniscule compared to cigarettes, and is even smaller than the risk of living in a large city, but there *IS* a risk. There's a risk in swimming at the beach, but it's still hard to get a good parking space. There's a risk in driving my car to work everyday, but I'm here. There's a risk in everything you do. You are both correct and I impressed with your perspectives. The British Health Authority said quitting tobacco with vaping is 95% safer, but they could not guarantee 0 risks. No one can. My biggest concerns are the batteries catching fire.
  10. It depends. When I was doing online dating I always offered to let people I liked to Google me, but I warned them that some of the pictures they would find on the web were dated but the one's on the web site were recent. Some noticed the wieght loss and would ask how...until I got to know them, my answer was "I eat less and move more." But after I had been dating my SO for a few weeks and realized this was going somewhere, I just told her why I eat so little. She was glad to know it and we have been splitting Entrees ever since.
  11. I found no problem with stomach irritation vaping before and post surgery. Only caveat I can think of is the flavor. A menthol or strong mint might be a problem. So take serious stock of what is it doing to your stomach now, because it will be magnified post surgery. The smoking ban is the same as that on coffee, it irritates the stomach and makes healing longer and more difficult. The whole goal for the first month is to heal the staple line and gradually add in food to restart your system. Don't want to create internal stress by lifting too much et al. Congrats on getting down to 0.
  12. Back in the saddle again. YeeHaa

    1. FinallyFit50s


      Think that had us all worried for a bit...my first thought was Oh No...not relationship troubles...anyone else jump to that conclusion?

    2. OKCPirate


      No relationship troubles, not even close. I was just glad to be feeling good again.

    3. defibvt


      Glad you are feeling better

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  13. OKCPirate

    What the hell did I do to my body?

    Yeah, and your poor wife. No more snoring, how is she supposed to live with the quiet at night? Except now you are probably like an insatiable teen. You know at some point women do get weary.
  14. OKCPirate


    OCD? The correct order is CDO
  15. OKCPirate

    What's your favourite...

    Guilty Pleasure- taking a mid day nap in bed with the fan overhead whirling and no one is home...because I can. No one should ever be guilty for a nap. Ever I love to put on headphones and air guitar
  16. @@CHM - may I suggest you start evaluating yours self weekly and not daily? We (and you know who you are) can be too hard on ourselves in our daily self talk. Weekly goals and targets seems to work better for me. There are those days. And look this week, I have been off in la-la land thanks to a virus. And I know I'm sick, but I was still beating myself up for not getting enough Protein. ;-/ Life and events happen, sometimes you need to do forest management instead of inspecting trees.
  17. @@Reason to Believe - we are all the same...in that we are all different. It was nearly 10 horrible days for me. But apparently my bod wasn't getting rid of them for a reason, needed it to heal I guess. Oh what a relief when everything down there starts working normally again.
  18. @@scampbell33 - My NUT actually encouraged me to start adding some berries, or banana, or steel cut oatmeal when I was 3 months in because I was hitting the gym hard and starting to to run again. I think I had the same fear this might be a gateway drug to more carbs. Thankfully no it wasn't.
  19. @@anniebanana - do the math, half of the population IS below average. And to be charitable, not everyone has research skills either.
  20. @@reachbree - I remember coming home all excited to start losing wieght...sigh, I gained I think 8 f****** pounds while I was gone (it was all IV Fluid and everything I was drinking) but it finally clicked and it happens usually in such a way you don't notice until your pants fall off. Stay on program, walk stay off the scale for 10 days. It will be hard, may have to have your guy hide it for you. Physics will catch up to biology sooner or later. Good luck, you can do it.
  21. I have battling some type of bug, making me very weak...just want to sit and binge watch.

    1. Valentina


      I make the world's best chicken soup (according to reports---all written by me!). If we lived closer, I would bring you some.--or maybe a diet ginger ale to drink with a straw. Feel better, Friend. Your posts are missed.

    2. defibvt


      I have gotten sick once since my surgery, felt weak and exhausted, ended up in an ER, they couldn't find anything, other than my blood pressure was low, they ended up giving me 2 liters of IV fluids and I was feeling a little better. Glad to hear you're feeling better... from what I have seen in the ICU, patient's with any bariatric surgery, tend to have less reserve, so once they get sick, they get sicker faster, why I see many in the ICU.

    3. OKCPirate


      Interesting. No one knew what virus it was, but it stank.

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  22. OKCPirate

    Do You Need to Provide Unhealthy Foods for Others?

    I've mentioned this before, but I have a cabinet just for "crap" food my kids want. It is 15 steps away from where I do kitchen prep. I put a table in the way to keep me from grazing. I can't make people like what I like, but I can make it difficult or at least not easy for me to access.
  23. Some ex spouse are anti-libido.

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Maybe if you give it Euro flair? Libideau? .... Oh, oh, never mind. You referred to ES, not SO.

    2. OKCPirate


      Actually isn't mine (just don't let her into my life). It was actually my SO talking about her ex.

    3. defibvt


      Yes, I personally try to NOT think about my ex, and focus on my life going forward and my son...

  24. BTW, if you want to see the rest of the story, find most of their before and after pictures, it will blow your mind. I have 'known' many of the people who responded for over a year and it is amazing the transformation in their lives. Plus most of them are are really damn cool.
  25. OKCPirate

    What is on your Trader Joe's Shopping List?

    @@goplay94123 - I am glad to be of service

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
