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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. I felt I had to tell a few that I was partnered with and major consulting clients. I also felt that I needed to tell my kids and ex-wife because we shared custody and I was going to Mexico for elective surgery. I found from telling this small group[ of people that I felt I "had to" that telling the rest of the world is a bad idea. There is so much misinformation and screwy opinions, it just wasn't worth it. When an obviously heavy friend asks me what happened, I will pull them aside and explain the ins and outs, but for someone who has a weight related vanity problem, I just stick to "I ate less, moved more" which is technically true.
  2. OKCPirate

    What kind of evil monster...

    Bastards. All the problems going on in the world and now they do this
  3. OKCPirate

    Various Questions

    I said I was in the minority. There is a reason they are still in business, some of us can put up with it.
  4. Alex, I think I am going to reject the premise of this question. I can't think of anything awkward post surgery. NOW pre-surgery there were some strained conversations with some very specific co-workers (I consult and I needed to let them know I could possibly be out of pocket for weeks). But everything went very well and the team (as well as myself) are very pleased with the results.
  5. OKCPirate

    Waking up after surgery

    @@UCLA man - glad I didn't have the catheter. Sorry you had to deal with that. Not every surgeon does it.
  6. OKCPirate

    Which Food Did (Or Will) You Miss the Most?

    I am Scotch/Irish which means I am cheap. The part that ticks me off is I will NEVER go to an all you can eat buffet. EVER. Those buggers got my last dime pre-surgery, I know I will never eat enough to make it worth while to ever go in there again.
  7. OKCPirate


    Huh? You can't drink calories? OK, I know I'm being a sleeve elitist, but the reality is the same.
  8. OKCPirate

    Gimme a break! (but no KitKat)

    @BigViffer- I think you have stumbled onto something. When I was working on getting my black belt (a real one not one you purchase), I would get in these off periods where I could not progress. My sensei said, "quit, go home for two weeks, no Karate." It was amazing coming back after the break. I was smoother, fresher, ready to damn take on the world. So I suspect the change of pace kicked in for you too. Congrats. It's needed sometimes. I do it without a gym remodel. Sometimes you just need to completely change things wither we want it or not.
  9. OKCPirate

    Now I'm pissed. Seriously pissed...

    Eh, I have been an MP, a soldier (started as a private, made it to SGT, and then was commissioned , ended my time as a Captain). I invaded Panama, I have had people shoot at me and I have shot back. So please keep that in mind when I say this. Statistically, even with all this crap going on at the moment, you are more likely to be killed on the job if you are a taxi driver or 7-11 clerk than a cop. Sorry, but that is the facts. Being a police officer is statistically a very safe job. Yes there is a great deal of media coverage on this at the moment, but numbers are what they are. I like most of the cops I know. But about 10% of them are sociopaths. There damn unions won't get rid of them, and that minority is giving the rest a very bad reputation. Until they or the civilian authorities start cleaning house and stop the militarization of the police force it is just going to get worse. I am not black lives/blue lives...I am ALL lives matter. Now I will get off that soap box. That said, I really don't get all wrapped around the axells with a handful of idiots on this or any other site. Life if too short.
  10. OKCPirate

    Various Questions

    @@KCNielsen - How old are you? That would help with the skin question. The younger you are the better. If you waited as long as I did, thank goodness for compression stuff. Which will hold me in place until plastics. :-) Have you tried Isopure (http://www.gnc.com/Natures-Best-Isopure-Zero-Carb-Blue-Raspberry/product.jsp?productId=2715479&KPID=3690813&mr:trackingCode=712BA28D-1D3C-E311-89F9-BC305BF923E4&mr:referralID=NA&mr:filter=172553627354&mr:tid=pla-172553627354&c3ch=PLA&mr:ploc=9026283&mr:ad=104095794314&mr:iloc=&mr:store=&mr:device=c&mr:match=&CAWELAID=2715479&mr:adType=plaonline&mr:keyword=&c3nid=3690813&pla=pla_3690813&gclid=CjwKEAjw_LG8BRDb1JTxm8uP_UwSJADu_8pWm2LVlkKUtK8WChjjPpwETUdAZ0y-AdsNkCs_nhO_-BoCkEbw_wcB&eesource=CAPLA_DF:2715479:GNC)? I liked this stuff though I am in the minority. It gave me 40g of Protein and it was clear liquid for the first week. Clear liquids for a week so you help heal the staple line and then you keep getting thicker for a month.
  11. OKCPirate

    :3 help pls

    Stay out of the sun, hot tubs and tanning beds. Keep the temp down on your showers and tubs. Skin is the largest organ in your body, treat it with respect. Lots of Water and Protein. It also helps if you did a good job of picking your parents, but that is one thing you can't control (genetics is a big factor). ;-0
  12. OKCPirate


    @@bellabeans - the point of the pre-op diet is to shrink your liver. The surgeons come in from below your ribs and they want your liver out of the way. Don't cheat on this. If they have to move the liver out of the way it creates complications. Because I stuck to the program, my surgeon had a straight shot, and I was out for 25 minutes. Cut my recovery time down significantly. I didn't cheat, I wanted to get in and out.
  13. I flew 3 hours back home. The biggest thing, keeping my carry on light and remembering not to eat the peanuts they kept giving me. (no kidding, I almost did it without thinking). It was really dang easy for me. Good luck, and way to get ahead of this, no scaring on my end. But I'm a hairy guy, so I can cover things up
  14. OKCPirate

    Waking up after surgery

    Just woke up and started walking. Dangist thing, but that's what happened.
  15. Who doesn't like a good horror story? As we approach Halloween, it seems like a good time to recount our favorite dating horror story. I hope this will inspire those who are wondering if the grass is greener in the single world to work on their relationships . I meet most of my dates online. I like to email, text and talk to them on the phone and then eventually meet for a quick coffee date. You would think with all that screening you could figure out who's sane before you go out to dinner. <Sigh>, not always. I had my first dine and dash last month. We were supposed to just meet for drink, but the conversation got really good and I really liked her company. It's actually a good sign when you can get lost in the conversation for so long, so I suggested we grab dinner. One of the things she said that "getting her credit back after her ex's irresponsible money habits was important." As things would happen, my main debit card was still at the outside bar, and I used my other one to pay for dinner. Opps, forgot had an automatic payment post and the card was declined, not a problem, I just used the credit card. Bill paid. I go out to outside bar to settle up, she was following, paid that, turned around and she was gone. After a few minutes of wandering around looking like an idiot, I texted her to find out where she was so I could say good night. She texted back, that "I told you credit was important to me, and your card was declined so I left." I told her, "well that took real balls to just take off like that" and then I sent her a bill for her half of the meal and drinks since she was so concerned about my financial condition. Actually the $70 'she owed me' was probably a cheep price to keep that one out of my life. Anyone else care to share?
  16. OKCPirate

    Tackling Depression

    @@SuzieQ56 This is interesting and thanks for mentioning. I have been breaking up my welbutrin into two haldves every morning, because it wasn't having the same effect I remember years ago. (I use a pharmaceutical crucible to make it happen). Did I mention I really like the internet?
  17. OKCPirate

    Risks on WLS

    Damn, this is really good. Can someone put this on a billboard or something? This is about perfect.
  18. OKCPirate

    Needing Motivation

    @@purpletmar This is a great story. I really wish I had something to add, but I am looking forward to hearing the rest of the discussion.
  19. Glad to hear I wasn't the only one. I was at an OU football game a few days after surgery. I was so damn bored in Mexico I went to the mall across the street (well boulevard, if you want some excitement cross a Mexican boulevard). I am so glad it went well for you.
  20. OKCPirate

    A new life

    @biglady904 I hope you will take the advise of... @KristenLe@Inner Surfer Girl I really do think think they know what they are talking about. I am much older than you. I get it. I have my kids nearly out of the house and we are in a much different place, but I think their suggestions may be spot on. So please let them know if it was helpful.
  21. OKCPirate

    My surgery was July 13.

    @@cogal - I still have strange tummy rumbles. Oh well, I'm much smaller, healthier and energitic. A few strange sounds don't bother me much, and they occasionally crack me up.
  22. OKCPirate

    New hobbie/addiction

    @@samararousse - I don't think this is a given. Many people do change old negative habits for new positive ones. But not always. I will take advantage of the relative anonymity of the web and just say initially, I was really into sex. It was fun and novel. Being much lighter and in much better shape in my 50's it was more abundant and not as strenuous. Things have calmed down now. I am in committed relationship...oh heck sex is probably still my new favorite addiction, but at least it is with the right person.
  23. OKCPirate

    How to Make the Most Out of Buffets

    @@bayougirlmrsc - good exlination of slider food, and good way of handling these buffets. I was wondering. I am so Scotch/Irish in my heritage, I have a tough time just paying full price knowing I will only eat 1/4 of the average American.
  24. OKCPirate

    Jeeez! Who is running this joint?

    Really? I feel your pain. I run several and it seems to be getting a little worse every day. I have yet to figure out why. One of these days these idiots will figure out that "this is anonymous" to a point. At some point, future employers, attorneys, and the NSA can all track it back to them. Well, F them if they can't take the joke. I keep a nice file of those I don't want to ever see in my profession. I will give grace if they are under 25, but if they are older, well dang, they really should have known better.
  25. If I got engaged to someone and he hadn't told me he had had such a life-changing surgery, I would re-evaluate whether I really knew him at all. How long does it take you to provide your credit report to them? At some point before pulling the trigger and making everything legal I would ask for a credit report when I gave them mine. And usually before I get too into someone, I do criminal background/civil action background report. Why? Because I'm the NSA? No. It's because I have kids and a life and a career. If you don't you are an idiot IMHO. It doesn't mean you don't love them, it's just self protection. It is cheap and easy. And who knows, you might find something very positive.* *One lady I met had two patents, one of which was in the Smithsonian, but she thought it would be intimidating to mention. I thought it was very COOL. Made for a very nice dinner conversation. I love Google.

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