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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. Can't help with Mexico, but I see what you are talking about: http://www.advancedsurgicalassociatessb.com/doctors-and-staff/dr-david-scott-thoman/
  2. OKCPirate

    Back to normal?

    That is always a tough one, people vary so much. I recovered almost intimidatingly, but I had gotten in the best shape I could going in and I liked these Isopure's with 40g of Protein, and I think that helped. It also depends on what other issues you have/had, how big you were when you started, and there is the personal...if you have kids they are going to wear you down too. So many things to consider when you listen to other people's experience.
  3. OKCPirate

    Now The hard part begins.

    @@RobertD16 - well you found out you have a carb trigger, fore warned is fore armed
  4. OKCPirate

    Alcohol Addiction

    Good luck. Plan on at least a month with no alcohol following a taper. You want to give your body time to heal. Pay attention to your heart rate and blood pressure during this. If you really start to spike, talk to your doctor about benzos. There are parts of your brain which were severely suppressed with all the alcohol in your system and the benzos will help. Nice of your room mate to help. Make sure your roommate is familiar with DT symptoms. A small part of the population (esp. those with seizer disorders) is susceptible and it can be life threatening.
  5. OKCPirate

    Will I ever get my energy back?

    @@sondra2368 - "Now I'm monitoring sleep, exercise, stress and anxiety, avoiding psychopaths and crazy people, food intake and hours ingesting, Water intake, poop output and urine output. Personal disposition and human interaction. Journaling and personal projects." I actually got tired just reading that. Hope you are not being too hard on yourself.
  6. Not saying "don't follow your docs instructions" but vaping doesn't have CO or tar because it isn't burning vegetable matter. You have to have combustion for the tar and carbon monoxide.
  7. @@aronbd - great work, congrats
  8. Relationship tip, if she ever wants to "spice things up" with role play, make sure you know when to start. I got into the role, and realized, she forgot we were starting after I had been doing it for 5 minutes. Awkward.

    1. OKCPirate


      @WLSResources/ClothingExch - you are not chopped liver, but I don't want to go so far over the top that Alex has to slap me down. She did enough of that....opps, TMI

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Your subtlety is impressive. Now I've got the scenario.

    3. Lexigurl82
    4. Show next comments  54 more
  9. Good for you, more wives should do that... Oh, you meant a literal cupcake, my bad.
  10. Relationship tip, if she ever wants to "spice things up" with roll play, make sure you know when to start. I got into the roll, and realized, she forgot we were starting after I had been doing it for 5 minutes. Awkward.

    1. OKCPirate


      opps, thanks

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Thanks a lot for leaving me here in the dust. I saw your re-do without noticing the change and thought you'd deleted my note. Talk about feeling banished.

    3. defibvt


      I certainly can't add anything to this!!! WLSResources/ClothingExch said it best!


    4. Show next comments  54 more
  11. OKCPirate

    Central Jersey Sleeved 7/12!

    Congrats, what exit?
  12. I'm a self employed consultant. I was planning on being crabby for 2-3 weeks. I was back at my computer the next day. I happen to really like my job, but I didn't see any reason not to be doing it.
  13. OKCPirate

    :3 help pls

    I forgot about that aspect, muscle provides a nice frame work. I need to get back into hot yoga. I think I was the happiest with my body at this weight when I was sweating 2-3 times a week. There is something about those moves that 1) allows you to move with more grace and fluidity and 2) just makes you look better, but most important 3) women just look hot in those outfits, just saying
  14. Part of it depends on if you are going through TSA PRE. I have not had a problem with my blender, Protein powders et.al. in my carry on. It ticks me off that they consider yogurt a liquid, but I'm not going to get that bent out of shape. BTW, try to travel with some sort of rescue food. When I flew when I was at this stage, I usually ended up buying a Protein shake or Soup at the airport. I'd blend dinner in my room , (it's only for a week)
  15. Change is hard. It is revealing. It requires patience, trust. May I suggest some of the resources from John Gottman to help get the communication jump started...http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/what-happy-families-know/how-to-keep-love-going-strong
  16. My favorite part, your hormone dumplings. How dear. The adolescent lurks within you, a befuddled kid forever. Umm are not all guys?
  17. Ok that stinks. I really recommend compression socks on long flights. Best way to avoid a blot clot I hope you can get an upgrade to business class
  18. @@LipstickLady - oh that's on the Monkey Love page. I thought it very appropriate to have post 2000 to be an encouragement to a genuine seeker on this page: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/373059-getting-pretty-nervousany-advice/ I can do a couple of things for this forum...I can encourage and I can research. I am not as good at tough love as others, so I try to stick to my strengths. Poor @Alex has had to kick a number of people off for being inappropriate, so I tried to keep it PG-13. Now if you want pictures and more details, PM me. It was a wonderful time and surprisingly well documented.
  19. I was thinking about it, and I could not think of anything better than encouraging someone who was considering WLS. I thought it was very appropriate.
  20. OKCPirate

    Getting pretty nervous..any advice?

    I always found comfort by reading through this section...http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/195065-you-know-you-lost-weight-when/ I could really relate and it reminded me why I was doing this. It is about you, your health and living life abundently. Others can't do that for you, you have to do it yourself. It has been and continues to be a great journey for me. Good luck.
  21. @4MRB4PHOTO - this title was mean. I think someone should be salacious and hijack this post. I'll start Dear Penthouse, I never thought this would happen to me... I'll finish this when I get close to post 2000 Now to make good on my threat... Dear Penthouse, I never thought this would happen to me. Less than two years ago, I was over 300 pounds. I had a girl friend, and while I enjoyed our moments of passion together, it was embarrassing being sweaty and out of breath. Then I did something radical. After hearing a pod cast about being fat in America I heard about the success rates with WLS. I remember saying BS when I heard the stats, but dang if they were not true. So I signed up. Went to Mexico and had a big hunk of my stomach permanently removed. Now this is where it gets salacious. After two months I lost a tremendous amount of weight. I was actually getting close to the size I was in college. As you might imagine, this did wonders for my confidence. But what I didn't know is my body was dumpling hormones at the rate of incredible out of my fat cells. So I am now experiencing Adolescences part II. But this time I know what I am doing. I don't know if I was releasing a pheromone cloud, but every first date I would end up in bed with someone. It was absolutely wild. Do I recommend it? NO. Was it fun at the time? Well yeah, because it was new, novel and your self estimime takes such a hit being fat, that suddenly being attractive is a rush. After a while I found myself with an odd little "harem." I had 5 women who didn't want a relationship, but enjoyed other things. Where was this when I was 17? It got complicated. One day I was literally with three different women. But thanks to the hormone dump aided adolescences, that really wasn't a problem even in my 50's. The stupidity of this situation finally dawned on me, and I broke up the band. I met "the ONE." The most emotionally healthy woman I know. Beautiful, intelligent, and makes me feel more at peace than anyone...ever. So moral of the story...quality trumps quantity anytime and I think I can prove it. Enjoy the journey.
  22. OKCPirate

    Food feels a bit stuck

    Usually a wee bit of water is all that is required.
  23. OKCPirate

    Purging your clothing

    I started dropping off stuff to good will as quickly as possible, except for shirts.... http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/345874-fun-use-for-big-clothes/
  24. OKCPirate

    Which Food Did (Or Will) You Miss the Most?

    I eat it all the time. I have for six months post surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
