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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    Soft food stage problem

    There are some days when I can have 4 ounces, and some when 3 makes me want to puke. Why? Heck if I know, it is what it is. Just work to pay attention to the signals your body is sending you. Your sleeve could be smaller than others.
  2. OKCPirate


    @@katiecem - That is a very interesting and good perspective. Thanks. I don't think I've seen it presented like this todate.
  3. OKCPirate


    Trust me, I am a foodie. I eat waaaaaaaaaay better than most. I think I can prove it. That said, quality is much better than quantity. One or two bites of something great is better than a whole crappy pizza. That is really the decision you are making. Not "can I have this." No it is "can I eat tons of this." I have yet to find something I can't have a bite of. But I'm not making a meal of crap that made me weight 305.
  4. Having some real problems with the audio, can you check on your end?
  5. OKCPirate

    Does anyone want to join in on a chat night?

    Nope, love to when I can, but life is what it is. I would not have missed my day with my SO for anything (which was today). I had time with my daughter, would not have blown that either. You guys are great. I enjoy our times together, but this is paying something back to the WLS community to me. There were vets who helped me when I was freaking out, so I help out others. That I think is the deal. On top of that, there is a great deal of idiocy on the web, and I try to at least let people know there really is some sane info out there. If they care or not is on them.
  6. @@VSGAnn2014 - BTW, I started seeing my therapist just over two years ago when I told him I was committing to see him for three years: (1) the year of losing weight, (2) the year of maintaining weight, and (3) the year of boring real life. That is great. I actually did the same thing when I went through my divorce and the guy was great through this process too. That might/should be added to the checklist of things people should consider before doing this. I just went to my doctor's appointment today, and I am up 4 pounds from when I saw him six months ago. He didn't freak out, but I sure as heck did. That is unacceptable in my book. But, I looked at my food and exercise log and realized, very understandable because I have not been working out well and I'm not paying attention to what I'm eating. DUH Now, do I care about the advice of a pre-op? NOPE. UNLESS it is freaking stupid. Then I will CARE. Other than than that, rote stuff is fine.
  7. OKCPirate

    Do you still identify as a wls patient?

    Yes. But it is a great excuse to not eat so much when I go out.
  8. OKCPirate

    Just threw up my multivitamin

    There are those you just plop on your skin.
  9. OKCPirate

    Over doing sushi?

    I can eat one roll with rice, but I LOVE really good sashimi. Yep, too early for rice. Take your time chewing. I mean really over chew everything for the next couple of weeks. Gulps hurt, so don't do that (unless you like pain and puking, then knock yourself out).
  10. OKCPirate

    2nd week post op

    My biggest problem intially was remembering to eat. One of the worst headaches I have ever had was I flew to CO for meetings in the morning, and it just went wall to wall and went back to the air port to fly home and I realized, "I have not eaten all day" and it hurt. So I would suggest learning mindful eating during this phase.
  11. OKCPirate

    Does anyone regret their surgery?

    @@GinaCampbell - I was wondering if you were using NHS. That has been one of my concerns about government run health care. I didn't really care for military medical either, and my dad always had problems with the US VA (veterans care). I have seen cases where the NHS has sent cancer patients home without telling them, because there wasn't enough money in the budget to treat them. Thanks for sharing. Very insightful and possibly it may serve as a warning to others in your country to check out self pay alternatives. Going back to the original question, NO REGRETS. I have loved every moment of this second chance and life has gone from pretty good, the freakin fantastic.
  12. OKCPirate

    E Cigarette (vaping)

    There are some interesting threads on this...http://www.bariatricpal.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1
  13. OKCPirate


    @@karine76 - I really like that pre-workout, but ... I waited until all was healed and started using in month 2. Great before runs. Or if you just want to send it to me gratis, PM me and I'll send you my address.
  14. OKCPirate


    @@karine76 - which one is it?
  15. OKCPirate

    Energy levels?

    Strangely no real change. Biggest problem was weaning off caffeine and soft drinks.
  16. OKCPirate

    Gout due to weight?

    @@emme.vee - I had it pre-surgery. It hurts so bad you feel like your foot is broken. You don't even want a sheet to touch it. They gave me: http://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-8640/colchicine-oral/details and http://www.webmd.com/arthritis/features/pain-relief-how-nsaids-work What I found is I would have the flare ups when I got myself dehydrated. But I have no symptoms post surgery.
  17. OKCPirate

    Purging your clothing

    Oh, I forgot to mention, keep at least one thing that you were wearing at your heaviest. It is very affirming every now and then to put it on to remind yourself, where you were and where you are.
  18. Interesting...Coke a Cola is sponsoring a new ad campaign claiming that you will lose more weight if you quit worrying about the calories you ingest, but instead concentrate on exercise. Hmm, does that hold up to reality? http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/can-you-lose-weight-with-exercise-alone1/
  19. ... I've licked a chip... In fact.. I'd lick anything right now if it had any flavour... Work surfaces.. windows.....lol... me too. I locked chip to and tortilla chip... Mrs. Marrufo Phone Ummm, I think I know some single guys who might taste good who would love to meet you. Just saying ????
  20. OKCPirate

    How to Make the Most Out of Buffets

    @@GinaCampbell - I am quite certain you will be fine by then.
  21. OKCPirate

    How to Make the Most Out of Buffets

    @@GinaCampbell - good luck, keep your eye on the goal. I was at a lunch thing today where they had sandwiches. I have NO PROBLEM scraping the stuff i need off the bread. You can do the same stuff off the pizza dough. Just tell people you don't like crust. What's a little extra cholesterol when you have Protein?
  22. Feel free to poke around. We are a surprisingly wide open group. (Which is rather refreshing). To have that much blockage so young...is it genetic, or just life style? As you ponder this and poke around this site, think about the fact that this is just a tool, not a magic wand. It can't make you eat and drink the right things for you. You have to make those calls. But it is one heck of a tool when used correctly. (Dude, we need to talk about the 2nd Adolescence that comes with a major hormone dump, woooooooooooow see: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/219760-sex-oh-my-god-sex/). But all of that said, good first post, I hope we can be of service.
  23. OKCPirate

    How to Make the Most Out of Buffets

    Ever feel like karma is catching up with you? I didn't get to 300+ without driving some buffet into bankruptcy. That said, I'm glad my SO doesn't do buffets. And we do split Entrees without shame. And I try to tip the waitstaff as if we had two, because they do work harder.

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