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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    Phew! Is it...

    You can point out where the Water is, but not everyone is going to drink. Well if they can't take a hint or a joke F them. Wait, that isn't warm and fuzzy is it? Bigger question: Why am I commenting on a thread about idiot comments?
  2. Interesting article in the NY Times. food really effects us. And it also is scary about how once an idea gets popular support, it can take a long time to get people to re-look at the issue. (There is a verse in the Bible that has always struck me: Numbers 14:18: "he punishes the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation." I have noticed that it takes that long to get a "generally accepted" principle out of societal group. I initially studied this on how long it took to get rid of racial prejudice, but it seems to track on a number of subjects). What is the takeaway from an article like this? To me it is a reminder to keep fact checking. When a report says "may" "possibly" I take it with a grain of salt. The other way of saying it is "we are not sure and it's not clear" - when you hear it that way you know to keep your eyes open for more information.
  3. @@ironpoorer - what brand is that? Some use some thickening agents. Or it could be from the marketing people who got tired of complaints from people who would mix it, but forget to shake it up again before drinking again.
  4. Yes it's not politically correct, but I do tend to agree. It's amazing that certain drugs work better in one race than another. We are all people and deserve the same rights and protections, but we have to recognize biological realities too.
  5. One reason for the differences in advice is the surgical technique. Mine was a no complications laparoscopic procedure with surgical staples on the stomach/sleeve line. It was estimated that it took 3-4 weeks to heal. But that was MY surgery and might not be yours. That is why we keep say "check with YOUR surgeon."
  6. OKCPirate


    I use audio books. I find something I really like, and then only listen to them when I work out. (I about died when I got into the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series). I'm kind of a nerd, but it works for me. It could be music, the Bob and Tom radio show, whatever works for you.
  7. Geez, why don't tell her to bring diet coke and straws? Oh and pizza coupons. LONG cords for your chargers were helpful by the way. Slip on shoes were great.
  8. Mine was really easy. But I really worked hard getting ready for it. I researched all the worst case sceneros. I did a great deal of emotional work ahead of time. I worked out and walked as much as I could. I weaned off caffeine and alcohol weeks before and stuck to my pre-op diet. I also tried all the foods I was going to eat post op, sampled many Protein drinks, practiced eating slow at lunch, found out coffee warmers would keep my food warm when it took such a long time to eat. There was always the very small chance that something could go wrong, and being a single dad, I also took care of my estate planning and worked with my business partners to set up contingencies in case something went really wrong. The end result, was I was on my feet and walking almost immediately after surgery and I was working on the internet the same day. Now I will admit, I was a fairly healthy fat guy, but there were enough warning lights going off to make me realize this wasn't always going to be the case. Plan, Prepare, Act and Evaluate everything going in. I self paid in Mexico so I did all this research myself. and to tell you the truth, knowing me, I think I would have been bored to death doing this through a typical program. But I still had fears the last week despite all of this. But in the end, could not have worked out better.
  9. @ - When I thought someone wasn't trying to be utterly dismissive, I reminded them that one while one goal of the WLS is to drop the pounds, the other is reset your bodies weight. It seems that our bodies hormonal system actually works against us in keeping weight off in the long term. WLS is a do over and a new start. That is why 96% of people who lose significant weight can't keep it off.
  10. It is a staple in my diet, the secret is spicing it up. Play around with all the stuff @@Dub posts. There are some great rubs which help lock in moisture and flavor. Or if you just want to be simple put powdered hidden valley ranch on it. Tastes really good.
  11. OKCPirate

    Meal planning and living alone

    Nearly everything I cook is in one pan or on the grill. I do nearly a weeks worth of cooked meat on the grill (I eat it 3-4 ounces at a time). So it is possible, just requires changing the recipes.
  12. OKCPirate

    Very different NSV!

    Good job. Glad you are more relaxed and feel more secure
  13. Hey when I say it I mean it
  14. OKCPirate

    Problem I am having choosing a protein shake

    I'll try watering it down. I was not a fan on the taste, but I'll try it again with your suggestion.
  15. OKCPirate

    TV snacks

    I'll go along with that @@Bufflehead said except the nuts. My initial gut reaction was "umm Water." but I would add chicken wings. I like to put chicken on a skewer and have the grilled chicken to munch on. You can really snack well on great quality Protein and it doesn't cost that much.
  16. OKCPirate

    Most worried about ...

    @@NewAdventure2016 - well the plus is at that point you can grab a "muscle milk" Protein shake at nearly any vendor at the airport. $4 and you have 30% of your protein for the day. I wouldn't want to do it every day, but once in a while, it keeps you going.
  17. OKCPirate

    Water vs Fluids?

    @@LowBMISleever - Yes, esp. B vitamins. But it also could be that you are getting some extra testosterone because of the fat loss. Extra B's won't kill you, but its worth monitoring because of your sleep.
  18. @@pixystix0116 - I can only share my experience, everyone is the same in that we are all VERY different. So with that said, let me tell you what I did to prep...I walked for at least an hour every day. I went to the gym 3x a week to lift. I was very faithful two weeks before surgery on the diet, got rid of alcohol, caffeine et. al. Surgery day came, because I was in as good shape as I could get. Surgery took less than 30 minutes. I was up and walking within minutes. The first day was rough only because of the dang IV and the drain plug. After both were removed I didn't need any pain killers. Would walk all the time. I had the surgery on a Tuesday. Flew home Friday morning (added an extra day, because I always plan for the worst case). But Saturday I went to an University of Oklahoma football game and my son's fraternity "Dad's Day" celebration. So pain on surgery day 1 - eh 5, after that 1-2. So much better than when my appendix burst. That took nearly six weeks to recover from.
  19. OKCPirate

    Most worried about ...

    @@NewAdventure2016 - I had to go to a business conference for a couple of days while I was on liquids. I just told the banquet staff, all I want is soup...and I'm sitting here. They took care of it. No one at the table mentioned it. With so many people on different diets because of food allergies or they are intolerant to various fools no one wants to mention it these days.
  20. OKCPirate

    Feeling so nervous

    @@Hiraeth Fair
  21. OKCPirate

    I made a mistake.

    @@Hiraeth - well that sucks almost as much as me almost eating peanuts on the flight home from my surgery . Push it out with more Water. If you have been doing everything else right and you tell you doctor you should be fine. BUT it is a great reminder to BE MINDFUL. just saying
  22. OKCPirate

    Feeling so nervous

    @@Hiraeth - because she should. She is going to permanently alter her body. I would be nervous if I was going to get a tattoo (I'm not, but if you ain't nervous the first time, go home and sleep it off). @@jaycass - I expect every one is due at least three or four freak out moments before surgery. It's ok. You will have more. If you get to the point where you don't think this should be an option, read this post...http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/195065-you-know-you-lost-weight-when/ Good luck, feel free to let us know when you are feakin, every single person on the losers bench felt it, and we are here to help.
  23. OKCPirate

    Yucky shakes issue

    Might want to check with the surgeon, but I think the decaf might be a no go, only because of the acid. Not sure, it is a question, not an absolute, but worth checking on. I just like chocolate no sugar powder from GNC, I'll put in some vanilla yogurt and some Peanut Butter powder. I started adding coffee after week 6.
    1. defibvt


      Awesome and thanks for sharing! Inspirational as well as thought provoking... Helps put things into perspective

    2. OKCPirate


      @defibvt glad you liked it

    3. defibvt


      I enjoy your posts. Thanks again

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