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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    Crazy Pre-Op Anxiety

    If you ain't nervous, you either were not paying attention, or you are nuts...moral, only nervous people should be allowed into the ER for elective work,
  2. OKCPirate

    What smells?

    The brushing doesn't help. You are just exhaling fat. Best bet is gum or mints. http://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/where-does-your-fat-go-when-you-lose-weight/
  3. OKCPirate

    The Secrets of the Slim at All You Can Eat Buffets

    hehehehe. I'm Asian so unfortunately I can eat really fast with them. /cry Pre-surgery I could eat egg drop Soup with chop sticks.
  4. OKCPirate

    When do you delete your online dating profile?

    Dating is a nicer word for interviewing and auditioning. Don't settle. BTW, to help you figure out some of the chemistry of attraction, you might want to look at this article: https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17934-has-the-pill-changed-the-rules-of-sexual-attraction/ I find it fascinating just how important how a guy smells is to a woman. (I'm not talking about the extremes of body odor or too much perfume). Marriages can end when a women gets off the pill and their guy smell different. It's that powerful of a driver.
  5. OKCPirate

    cougar?..... Apparently, that's what i am now

    @@bayougirlmrsc - "This single life could be fun...." Yes it can. That is one heck of an ego stroke.
  6. OKCPirate

    When do you delete your online dating profile?

    It is tough. "The grass is always greener" problem can really hinder trying to make a deeper connection. You can hit a pause button by hiding your profile. I have only deleted my profile twice and let the person I was dating know I did it, and strangely enough we both had done it about the same time. I usually accept that as a VERY good sign. It does take two to tango.
  7. OKCPirate

    Going back to work

    @@alinakravchuk - yes, resist telling everyone where you have been. "Eating less, moving more" is all the explanation I gave for the weight loss. Wait until you see who is supportive of your loss and who is going to be a bitch. You won't be able to tell until that happens.
  8. The short answer is yes you can. Do the pre-op diet again for a week, it will help you get started again. You have the tool, now just use your talent.
  9. OKCPirate

    Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..

    @@sgc get a coach. Your confidence will improve as you take control of one area of your life. Take advantage of it and expand into the other areas of your life
  10. OKCPirate

    Question from a beginner jogger

    Good luck and enjoy the process. I found using an elliptical first worked well to learn how to breath better. Less bounce and could keep track of my speed and resistance. Then I started C25K. To get the 5K done I used this Couch to 5K program. (http://www.coolrunni...2_3/index.shtml) I was getting distracted and not paying attention to the timing then I found this cool little site c25kplaylists.com. The music is OK, but the nice thing is the voice prompts to remind me to walk or run. I can concentrate on form and not look at my watch. I just saved the 30 minute song as an MP3 file and put it on my iPod. Speaking of form - http://www.jeffgallo...m/learn/videos/ Jeff has some great tips. Most important take away, short stride, shuffle, feet close to ground to prevent injuries. When I last tried to start running, I didn't do this and ended up hurting myself and was not able to walk for nearly a week. I used his tips and it has lead to pain free running.
  11. OKCPirate

    NSV- not recognized

    @@LisaMergs - One of my prouder NSV's was at last year's Meet the Teacher Night. For several years I could not fit in the dang desks. No problem the last two years. Got to love this stuff.
  12. OKCPirate

    36 hour post-op

    @@Yanabron - Don't miss this post...http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/376285-1-year-later/ Ahh, it will give you something to strive for. Good luck in your journey.
  13. It's a tool. Yep you can self sabotage it as 20-40% of WLS people do by drinking or eating crap. But if you embrace it, it is wonderful reset button. Your choice.
  14. For bypass or sleeve? That was what the insurance paid or self pay? Seems like so much! No kidding. I was quoted $18K here in the states. You are paying insurance company rates. I self pay everything, and get everything much cheaper.
  15. Well the final open house. Final kid is a SR. They pick this year to try and get everyone to eat greasy food from food trucks. ;-(

    1. Valentina


      Career op: Healthy food truck on campus!!!


    2. defibvt


      For me, that is the worse, when there isn't even any 'better choices' to make. I also hate that my friends and neighbors, when they ask if I want to go to eat with them, if I can pick the place... call me Mr Indecisive, I always say, I can always find something to eat. Happy Labor Day Mr OKCPirate

  16. Nothing more to add, but just wanted to say, very good question.
  17. OKCPirate

    Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..

    Learning to flirt is a skill. It can be learned, honed and practiced. Once you demystify it can become fun. It get's creepy (IMHO for women in particular) when you take it too seriously (this is "all or nothing"). Practice just enjoying time with your fellow human's. (One guy suggested taking notes after each flirt attempt, with the idea that with better feedback, you get better). I am introvert. But I have learned to be an outgoing introvert. I have learned to make it fun. It wasn't easy, but I now have a good time with it. Get comfortable with the idea that you can look like an idiot to a complete stranger and realize, "they don't really care and it will not effect my life at all." And that is reality.
  18. OKCPirate

    I'm in love!

    Strange, I can't stand that stuff, but I'm the odd man out who likes Isopure. Well there is a butt for every seat I guess.
  19. The only one's not nervous are the one's who are not doing it right. This is permanent body modification, not to be taken lightly. After years (ok, decades...ok a lifetime) of struggle with up and down weight I chose this path as a reset button. While it is theoretically possible to keep the weight off via behavior modification, the odds are against it (8% success rate). The odds are much greater with the WLS. Look at the cost of being overweight (health, relationships, wealth et.al.) and factor that in to your decision.
  20. OKCPirate

    Tips for flight to Mexico

    They allowed it in my checked bag.
  21. A complete list of all contingencies for worst case. Since you are self pay, you may be on the hook for any complications from the surgery. KNOW how much that could cost. [NOTE: I'm a single dad, I needed to know what could happen so I could plan out contingencies for my kids. Finances are important, and I needed to understand what insurance would cover even though I self paid the surgery in Mexico]
  22. OKCPirate

    Completely Undecided.

    @@marchmellow - "I don't want a blind stomach. (With the bypass they seal up your stomach. So if you get an ulcer, stomach cancer or other ailments you will not be able to have a scope go in and check it out. You will have to get an operation in order for the doc to access the blind stomach." This is new to me. It sounds right, but do you have a reference?
  23. OKCPirate

    No Sex Drive/Desire after Sleeve 9 months Post Op

    Why have they not come up with a female Viagra? Because first and foremost with women, you have to feel it in your mind. Check there first. After that I can't see any reason why WLS should have any effect.
  24. OKCPirate

    Tips for flight to Mexico

    Try isopure clear at GNC.
  25. Back from Dallas and Coldplay concert experience. Sat in the middle of my row, didn't worry about the seat breaking....bounced up and down for two hours...nice new NSV

    1. LipstickLady


      That's the story here. I'll hear the REAL bouncing story later. ;)

    2. OKCPirate


      Well in this case, this is what I meant by bouncing...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGp0qc5eex0

    3. defibvt


      Isn't it liberating to be able to act like a 'normal' person, without ridicule??? Glad to hear your having fun and enjoying your new life OKCPirate

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