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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. I love my 24 year old daughter. She is smart, funny, loving, successful et.al. But she has her parent's gene's. I had the advantage of being in the military when I was her age, and her mom didn't get really overweight until after kids. But she ballooned up in middle school and never has gotten her weight under control. I suspect WLS could be a huge benefit, yet she has not brought up the subject to me and I don't really want to start the conversation either. Any suggestions? (BTW, 3/4's of my kids have kept their weight within reason, it's just my oldest daughter who really has the problem, and I think it was because of some serious stress issues at the wrong moment in her life).
  2. OKCPirate

    Messed up

    @shani1970- Really? Just for the sake of edifying others who might be thinking about this procedure...how much pre-op work did you do? I'm not judging, I'm just wondering, did you: Look at YouTube videos of success and failures? Did you look at this site? Do you have a counselor and work through your food issues? Did you feel forced into having this surgery, or was it your choice? I was so committed that I was dead on perfect from two week pre-op for three months following but mainly because I had seen and learned enough going in that anything less would be a waste and potentially dangerous. But I'm not typical, so what have you learned? Esp. about your expectations going in...
  3. OKCPirate

    Finally! Got a date!

    Oh, I thought this was the singles area...never mind Oh wait, congrats. Good luck. Oh, by the way, there will be a bit of a freak out period a week or so before surgery, so please check back in for reassurance. It happens to everyone who is sane, so don't feel like a lone ranger.
  4. My daughter was a homecoming princess tonight #VERYprouddad ;-)

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Your girl is beautiful. "The Pirate and the Princess." There's one of those father-daughter stories with a mushy ending in there. Who should direct?

    2. KristenLe


      What a beautiful young woman!!! Congrats!!!

    3. defibvt


      That is great!!! You must be a proud Dad!!! Just more to celebrate in life!!!

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  5. OKCPirate

    From 455 to 198 lbs

    @@Jim in Utah - Fantastic. Great job and welcome to onederland.
  6. OKCPirate


    @@Sinta "My question is I wonder if it would be completely crazy to have a single vodka tonic?" YES. You are still healing. You don't want anything to irritate healing tissues. Learn to enjoy without alcohol. If you find you don't like it and you are feeling pouty, just remember you made a huge investment in yourself, and you will be better later. My ex wife gave up drinking for preganacies, and I abstained in solidarity.
  7. I had to weather the same storm. I did my homework. I found studies showing the rate of infection was lower at the facility than it was in many American facilities. My mom who is an retired nurse actually was very happy. It reminded her of how hospitals provided care before managed care in the US. Excellent nursing care, many people consistently cleaning. Remind them that people are going to Mexico VOLUNTARILY. Which means, if a provider does crap work, people quit going. In the US, very few people have real choice in providers. If the reviews are good, and you are doing your due diligence I think your outcomes can be even better than the average place in the US. It's elective surgery. I had many choices. I did my homework and was very happy with the results. Only thing I wish I had done differently is come home earlier. But alas, I just prepared for the absolute worst case. Ok, so I was bored one day, not the worst thing.
  8. OKCPirate

    New Question- FUN

    Won't Get Fooled Again - The Who unless I'm with my GF and then I want...love reign o'er me
  9. OKCPirate

    Attitude Problem

    You are doing great. Are you hitting the gym yet? It helped me deal with the changes. BTW, the amount of testosterone stored in fat is substantial. Testosterone increases does increase aggression. So might be a link. Or you might be dealing with some old emotional issues and the physical changes are bringing up some latent issues. My suggestion is to start ramping up the muscle building exercise, see if it helps. In a month, if everyone still thinks you are being a jerk, work on the emotional side.
  10. I said it was barely worth it because yes it helped me to quit smoking which without it would have been 100 times harder and I succeeded. But after it was said and done, two years of pretty severe depression was horrible. And, depression is MOST def a side effect of Chantix. My physician diagnosed it from Chantix usage. Chantix seems to be the more dangerous, and the FDA has some warnings on it... http://healthland.time.com/2011/11/03/trying-to-quit-smoking-dont-start-with-chantix-say-some-experts/ and http://www.fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch/SafetyInformation/SafetyAlertsforHumanMedicalProducts/ucm170090.htm I took welbutrin again earlier this year, and unfortunately got the worse side effects (as well as benefit on the condition). Chantix really weirded me out. Vaping is what finally worked for me. I have done 3 weeks cold turkey, Patches, gum, nothing worked. The vape was the first thing which actually worked and kept me tobacco free for 5 years. Incidentally, half of smokers have now quit via vaping.
  11. Sorry, elements of this post were not showing up. I'll try back later
  12. OKCPirate


    @@Dub - on the plus side fellow Pirate, nearly two years out and I'm not slowing down a bit. I don't know why they don't put that in the marketing materials. (Probably because it would scare the wives).
  13. OKCPirate

    Nerves are getting out of control!

    You should be nervous. If you are not, I'd be worried about you. But before your surgery, you might want to talk to your doctor about your meds. I had to switch from Extended release post surgery to regular release. The pills didn't hang around in the stomach long enough. So research your meds and WLS.
  14. I was surprised how many B Vitamins are crammed in energy drinks and such. Check those labels if you are using them.
  15. OKCPirate


    It did for me big time. Look in the Guy's Room (you will be encouraged by reading this thread: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/219760-sex-oh-my-god-sex/). I was 52 when I had my surgery, and turned into a randy teenager.
  16. OKCPirate

    The cure for sore butt

    I have tried out three chairs trying to get used to my lack of padding back there. So after much research I have invested in a standing desk. I went with the Victor (only one for under $500 with dual monitor support that I could switch easily from sitting to standing. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VELI3X0/ref=od_aui_detailpages00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 (They bumped the price up after I bought it, so look for sales, mine, was $245). I work at home, so I'm getting used to putting on shoes to go to work again. I would also suggest a good pad for your feet. I attached a diagram to show you what heights are best. But my productivity has noticeably improved since I made the switch. So if the lack of padding is hurting the backside, try it out. You can always return it.
  17. OKCPirate

    Let's hear it for the girls

    @@proudgrammy - I wish you the best. You are blessing to many here on this site. hair, clothes and boobs...that's how both sexes seem to initially see a woman (I'm not endorsing it, that just seems like a reality). You deserve to be happy with you appearance. Kathy, I hope you are exceptionally pleased with your results. I have two female friends who were were reconstructed, and they are thrilled and feel like their old selves again. I hope it goes great for you.
  18. I had the same problem...I was in Poland two weeks before surgery. I just didn't worry about it, but didn't go overboard either. I just timed things so I would have two weeks pre-op to make sure my liver was as small as possible.
  19. OKCPirate

    Vitamins making me gag :-(

    I just had this problem myself. I switched brands to Irwin Only One Liquid-Gel Multi. I would take them and start to retch. I didn't realize those were the problem until I had already ordered Irwin's Gel for men. Strangly enough, the "Men's" version didn't have the problem. So, may I suggest you just switch to another? It stinks puking in the morning. Get one that works for you.
  20. I like compression stuff. eastbay.com usually is cheaper than spanx
  21. OKCPirate

    The cure for sore butt

    @@laceemouse - I'm really enjoying standing. This desk top is nice because it adjusts to sitting quickly (turn a knob, push down). But to tell you the truth I prefer standing. Well actually I usually have music on when I'm working so I'll keep working on my dancing while I'm typing. [side note, dating a lady who can dance is new to me, so it is nice to be able to work on my skills at work.]
  22. OKCPirate

    above my bounce range

    @@jenn1 - look up lipsticklady's post on her success with the interment fasting. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/374743-so-this-fasting-stuff-works/
  23. Congrats, but we do want see you wearing them
  24. OKCPirate

    What Is Your Biggest Guilty Pleasure? (Food or Not)

    I didn't even know I should feel guilty about that! look, I watch every game I possibly can. the TV is on ALL weekend during football. if there is no game on, I am listening to someone talk about the games. we may end up in rehab together........... naw, that would be a problem for the keepers! The Keepers would never be able to get us enough high Protein Snacks.
  25. OKCPirate

    What Is Your Biggest Guilty Pleasure? (Food or Not)

    Saturday College Football. It's the equivalent of a porn addiction or something like that. I was watching a game, had my iPhone on another and iPad keeping track of scores. If I ever start betting, I'm going to rehab.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
