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Everything posted by OKCPirate

  1. OKCPirate

    <--- I'm with stupid

    Damn straight on the not making rash decisions...I didn't realize when I started that hormones are stored in fat, during rapid weightloss you get flooded. I'm a guy and effected me. I would find myself wanting to watch chick flics and dang near crying, and then want to do a Navy Seal workout. It was up and down all the time. Thankfully there was a post I found that explained the phenomena. So be aware of this. On the plus side if you don't like your mood, wait a few minutes it might change
  2. I exist to serve the ship...(my favorite line from Ben Hur)
  3. OKCPirate

    Guys who started over 400 lbs.

    I missed this thread because I wasn't that heavy, but it is all great stuff. Had lunch with a buddy who could use this and it is very inspiring. all of you great work and it inspires me to greater heights.
  4. OKCPirate

    One week off from work?

    I had it done when I was 51. I teach and consult. I was back at the computer the next day. I was at the mall two days later. And four days after surgery and flying home from Mexico, I went to an OU football game. HOWEVER, I worked out going into the surgery, stayed on the pre-op diet, weaned myself off coffee and soda weeks before the event. So, it depends on what you put into your pre-op effort and where you are physically. There is no one size fits all. I didn't have any major health problems before surgery, and that helped.
  5. OKCPirate

    Dont know where else to look

    Agree, not worth screwing with, but where are you from? Seeing some bad stuff as far as follow up is concerned from the UK. I only mention this because if you help explain your circumstances better, you might get better advice from this resource. There are people here who have successfully worked through various managed care systems, so posting asking about particular plans and surgeons MAY be helpful. I'm not trying to pry into your business, just trying to help you get the resources you might need.
  6. OKCPirate

    It's done...although with last-minute changes

    Enjoy the ride. The first two weeks are scary as heck. You don't poop. Things feel different. Heck, you can't eat and your weight doesn't drop. THEN, everything starts moving. And hang on, there is this hormone dump which will rock your world. In about a month, you will feel like a teen again. I'm not kidding. I hope you are in a place to fully take advantage of it, because it will rock your world. You are young enough to ride this out like a wild man, just be emotionally healthy to enjoy it (I did this in my 50's, and single, and it was awesome...I just kept it safe and sane). Don't make ANY major life decisions for at least two months. You just are not in the place to do it. Don't marry, don't buy property, don't change careers. Just walk, respect the sleeve and follow your program. Five weeks from now, you will probably meet someone, your eyes will lock and you will have a memorable moment that you will post about. Just saying. Doubt me? Read this: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/219760-sex-oh-my-god-sex/page-22?hl=%2Bsex+%2Bgod#entry4197328 Enjoy
  7. OKCPirate


    Those daughter hugs, and being told they are proud of you...well that stuff brings a tear to my eye. Great stuff. Congrats.
  8. HUGE RED FLAG. I'm not saying you can't overcome it. But it points toward trust and security issues. There is a Chinese proverb "marry an ugly woman, and happiness will follow you." http://www.businessinsider.com/beauty-standards-family-values-china-2015-2#ooid=A2ZDA2czqSqbJOFG5SDDrvRmvRoUjAPm The question is "why doesn't he want you to be healthy? Is it because of his insecurities?" I'm sorry that I am playing long distance shrink, but that is what pops up in my mind. I hope I am wrong, but I do hope you will run this question through your filters.
  9. 25g of protien post heavy lift worked best for me. That has always been my goal within an hour. Just be careful that you think you can eat more just because you worked out. That will stall the progress.
  10. It's not as hard as you might think. I stressed a great deal more than I should have.
  11. Have him watch this...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a-Ci4rbRxQ. This was the Rosetta Stone to having happiness with women. He was the only guy who finally explained that women just need to talk, not problem solve. Why this isn't carved in a rock somewhere to let guys know is beyond me.
  12. OKCPirate

    Skinny people problems

    @ I bought two new office chairs because of that problem. The best was a mesh one. But the standing/adjustable desk was the best investment I have made to take care of the problem. BUTT, that has been the biggest skinny problem. I can't sit for long now. My GF and I have turned my small stomach into an advantage, we just split meals. I have always been hot natured, and have never been really cold. Ladies, when ever you get annoyed at shaving your pits, bend over and trim your toenails...not having to plan for that ordeal makes the whole thing worth it
  13. Ask your doc about welbutrin (lovingly refered to as the happy/horney drug). Also when discussing these drugs, make sure he/she knows about the problems with malabsorbtion, especially in extended release versions that are known with WLS people. Take a look at crazymeds.us. There are more and more WLS people who are taking different meds and they can often offer good advice. Always remember medicine is an ART as well as a SCIENCE. We often forget just how important it is to remember that we are all the same in that we are all different. When you are dealing with brain chemistry and those drugs, well it's not an exact science, and there is trial and error involved. One further note, have you had your testosterone level checked? The weight loss might have depleted your supplies, (Why do guys have more libido? More T baby, yeah). Also do not give up hope, these people have some great research...http://www.mestonlab.com/. I was surprised that a hot relaxing bath was not the best thing to get things going for ladies...actually its a hard workout, which increases T levels. Note it is the opposite for guys. Who knew science could be so sexy
  14. OKCPirate

    Metabolism after VSG

    It isn't unheard of. Yoyo dieting seems to effect your body's natural set point where it starts going into "its a famine, slow everything down" type of mode. Try timing some Protein (25g) before and after a workout. I don't know why (and as far as I can tell no one else knows either) but certain ethnicities do better with carbs and others with protein. It just may be some things that our ancestors had that allowed them to pass their genes forward long ago. I have experimented enough with myself to know that I do really well when I am eating meat and a few vegies. If I throw too much fruit in the mix, I start gaining. You are in a strange netherland. If you are not already, log your food and see what combination works for you. When you start googling this, you will start realizing "a calorie isn't really a calorie." A piece of wood has calories. But those calories can't be absorbed. Alcohol has calories, but not all are absorbed. Some people seem to more easily absorb certain calories. Hormones effect this too. If you find some good research, please share it with the group.
  15. Same deal with me. It freaked me out when I got home. And then I didn't poop for over a week and I freaked out about that too. But after the IV fluids and the rest of it passed, the scale started moving...but by then I found out about stalls and didn't freak on that.
  16. OKCPirate

    Anyone eat hummus?

    My favorite way to do hummus: http://www.gimmesomeoven.com/hummus-crusted-chicken/ (esp. garlic hummus).
  17. OKCPirate

    Pork sausage

    YES, YES, YES Thank goodness they didn't find the "Sex, oh my God, Sex" post, or we'd be here all night (well heck, that one might have been interesting)
  18. OKCPirate

    Dry mouth

    @@chycky - ah, that makes sense. I had thought it was because I had been so used to carbinated drinks, but I gave those up pre-surgery, I think you solved that mystery for me. Thanks
  19. OKCPirate

    Eating around the sleeve?

    eating around the sleeve seems to refer to high calorie foods which don't give the bang for the buck you need. You can probably cram in mashed potatoes all day, but you are not going to lose weight. @@Dub figured out that nuts can be a problem (good food, too many calories). Alcohol and nuts seem to be the worse. All that said, I use jerky's as "rescue food" which I think of is things I keep in my travel bag when I am not sure I can get enough Protein. It can be addictive, and I have to watch it, but I do dig it. It makes a stupid layover a good event, becaue I get to break out the gourmet jerky .
  20. OKCPirate

    genepro vs isopure

    I used to like genpro, but it was reformulated about a year ago. I like pipingrock.com which is very good, much lower price and mixes well except at high temp (think coffee, give it 5-10 minutes to cool off).
  21. OKCPirate

    Skin and Sex...

    If he is over 40 and had ever been with a woman who has had kids, he'll be fine. Gravity wins in the end, and most guys realize air brushed models are not reality. On the plus side, the hormone dump might bring out the hyper-sexual in you and he really won't care at that point. Always remember, fun, confidence and skill are always the best things to wear to bed.
  22. OKCPirate

    Can I eat/drink?

    Respect the sleeve. Be gentle. Try some Isopure at GNC. If you can tolerate the taste it is great. 40g of Protein and hydration. Kept me moving two years ago.
  23. OKCPirate

    Dehydration question

    I used a shot glass and sipped on it all the time. It was a reminder to sip slow. Don't need it now BTW, only for the first couple of weeks.
  24. That is a big red flag. Why wouldn't someone be supportive of their partner trying to make a healthy change. I have no idea of all the relationship dynamics, but that is my initial read. I get concerns, esp. early before education, but that one scares me.
  25. OKCPirate

    From 455 to 198 lbs

    Me too...opps, I may be on the wrong thread...is this still the massage topic? :-)

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