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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by marathinner

  1. marathinner

    Carnie Wilson's weight gain

    Yeah...I saw that today on TMZ, too!! God, it just goes to show how brutal this battle with obesity is!! I have a close friend who had gastric bypass 7 years ago. He initially lost 150 pounds, only to gain it back and more!! We are all vulnerable!!
  2. marathinner

    When can I start exercising post-op?

    My doc gave me the green light for all exercise (minus HEAVY weightlifting) after 3 weeks. I went back to my strength training class and wal/jogging on week 3. I walked everday post-op...helped tremendously with the gas!!
  3. marathinner

    A new medical issue for me.

    Kendra.. Just checking in to let you know I've been thinking of you, praying for you and spit-shining my spurs!! I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. You have such a wonderful committment to your students!! They're lucky to have such a caring teacher. I do a lot of volunteer work for cancer organizations. I go to a camp in Aspen twice a year that takes kids with life challenging illnesses (mostly cancer) and gets them out of their hospital environment. In the summer we go rafting, horseback riding, and camping. In the winter we go skiing, snowmobile riding, and snow tubing. It's great to see these kids "just be kids" and not have to deal with stress of their illness. I've made some deep connections with these kids and when I lost a 12 year old very close to my heart, I ran my first marathon in his honor last year and raised over $10,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. What I enjoy the most about volunteering for these organizations, is seeing the MANY people beat their cancer!! Modern medicine has come so far and I have seen it first hand save many lives. I can tell you are already beating this, Kendra. Your spirit shines through in everything you write and I just know you are going to get through this. Thank you for keeping us updated!! LIVE STRONG!! Amy
  4. marathinner

    First Fill Dates!

    Babedoe4---------------March 6th Becca------------------March 6th Shinyhappymommy------March 6th Enchantedruby----------March 7th Ponomimi---------------March 10th Jaxbanster--------------March 11th Angie4b1g--------------March 11th CynthiaMcc-------------March 12th Marathinner-------------March 12th Sadie-------------------March 13th Happy One--------------March 13th NewCreation413--------March 13th purplecandle..............March 13th......so ready for it!!! Sharon160--------------March 17th mhazelrigg--------------March 17th terri guilford-------------March 17th LoupNocturne-----------March 17th Viridesence-------------March 18th gweniviere--------------March 19th....and looking fwd to it! Danielle......................March 19th AndyisBanded----------March20th Michelle9003-----------March20th Nicolek-----------------March 26th Princess21--------------March 27th Taismommy-------------March 28th Marathinner................April 2nd (FILL #2!!)
  5. Same thing happened to me this weekend jloby!! My confidence took over and then I took over my DH.:sneaky: I'm sure the couple glasses of wine I drank gave me the liquid courage to get all sassy with my bad self. DH was lovin' it...but my port area was pretty sore yesterday. I think I'll let him "take the lead" for awhile!! :drool:
  6. marathinner

    Weekly Food Discussion 3/3/08

    Ang.. Don't beat yourself up, girl. You're doing great!! I know you've been dealing with alot with your sick kids. Just the fact you have 5 kids and are doing this is AMAZING!! Keep up the great work!! Today- b-atkins shake l- leftover bbq chix breast with 1 tpsp bbq sauce d- one SMALL piece of California pizza Kitchen thin crust pizza (spinach and garlic)
  7. marathinner

    first workout legs killing me

    Ibuprofen will help tremendously. Some people say it's a bandster no-no, my doc says it's fine as long as I don't take it all the time!! I know that sore feeling.....ay yi yi...IT HURTS!! But good for you!! Keep it up!! And again...ICE if you can!!
  8. marathinner

    first workout legs killing me

    Megmarie...you should ice your legs. When I trained for my marathon last year, I would get SO sore!! Ice was my best friend. Don't go with heat...it will actually make it worse. Also increase your water intake if you can. Hope this helps!!
  9. marathinner

    First fill.. 1cc..awesome

    Hey Ruby.. I'm so glad I have a partner in crime with getting only 1cc for the first fill!! i was kind of disappointed because 1cc is sooo tiny. Since my fill on Tuesday, I noticed a little bit of restriction. Not too much, but enough to be full after a fairly small amount of food. My doc said he will probably look at doing 3cc's my next fill which is April 2nd. He also reiterated that I'm doing extremely well with my weight loss and gave me lots of encourgement...especially in the exercise department!! That always feels good. Congratulations on everything you have accomplished so far. I bet you will be in those size 12's BEFORE you Disney vaction!! Right on, sister!! Amy
  10. marathinner

    My kids and the gastro..

    Ewww.....bummer Angie!!! That sucks for you and your kids!! Good call on keeping the Purell handy. I hope you avoid it and I hope your kids are feeling better soon!!
  11. marathinner

    Law enforcement thread

    Thanks to you too, Lapbander!! How would I find out if the officer had a camera in his car? He was physically out of his car in the street before I even turned and I'm pretty sure his car was facing the opposite direction of where my car was. I understand that law enforcement agencies have to have a protocol in place to weed out those who file bogus complaints about officers just to get out of tickets. And I am hoping that along the lines of what Pizzaman said, that this particular officer may have karma bit him in the ass if he continues to treat citizens the way he treated me. I looked at my ticket again and I realize I would have a HUGE uphill battle in fighting the ticket. The officer put 3:17pm!!! Now that REALLY pisses me off because I know it wasn't that time!! UGH!! I would have a tough time proving it and I'm sure a judge would side with officer over me!! I may just have to suck it up, get over it and once again hope that karma comes back to haunt him.
  12. marathinner

    Weekly Food Discussion 3/3/08

    B- atkins shake L- one turkey hot dog (no bun) S- Atkins shake D- 1 cup tuna w/one tbsp light mayo and pinch of reduced fat cheese
  13. marathinner

    List your lapband confessions here.

    Do we really have to use the word "cheat"? I HATE that word in conjunction with diet!! Hell, I hate the word "diet". I prefer the "everything in moderation" motto. I had two glasses of wine last night. SO WHAT?!! I didn't punish myself by feeling guilty. What good would that do? I also jogged for 45 minutes and had 2 Protein drinks and a small chicken breast. Should I jump up and down and say "yay, I made good choices...hang a star on me!! My PCP told me if I adhere to the 80/20 rule, meaning eat well 80% of the time and exercise, I should do fine. Just my 2 cents......moderation seems to be the key for me, and it is certainly something I didn't practice prior to the band!! :tongue:
  14. marathinner

    Law enforcement thread

    Pizzaman.. Thank you SO much for your advice!! Yeah, I figure filing a complaint wouldn't get me anywhere. It's just so frustrating to be treated that way by an officer and let him get away with it. BUT...I'm over it. I will show up in court and fight the ticket. Regardless of the outcome, at least I can say 'I tried". Again, I really appreciate your 2 cents. It helped tremendously!! Amy
  15. marathinner

    My first fill. Not fun.

    So sorry you had a rough first fill!! That would have stressed me out!!! I'm sure the next one will be MUCH easier. And hey...you're further along in your journey. That's great that you got 3cc's. I only got 1cc in my 14cc band:thumbdown: Oh well, I just hope my next fill on April 2nd is more agressive. Congrats on your 30 lbs.....WOW...that is fabulous!! You go girl!!:crying:
  16. marathinner

    Just Ran My First 1/2 Marathon.

    Woo hooo AZPete!!! Congratulations!! I ran my first full marathon last October. Seriously the most amazing day ever!! That was pre-band and 240lbs!! Now that I'm banded and losing weight, I can't wait to start training. I'll start training for the Nike Women's Marathon next month. I'm going to be a mentor for Team in Training. Wow..impressive times!! Again, congrats....maybe we'll "run" into each other at a future event. Keep me posted on your training!! Cheers, Amy
  17. marathinner

    Law enforcement thread

    Congratulations Ceradad...that is AWESOME!!! Ok, this may be HIGHLY inappropriate, but I saw this thread and just had to throw it out there in the hopes of getting some genuine feedback. Please hear me out: Last week I was on my way to an appt. I was at a stop sign and when I took a left turn a police officer LITERALLY jumped in front of my car and started SCREAMING at me to pull over. I was so startled and terrified I was wondering if I had drove into a crime scene. The officer was yelling at the top of his lungs and I immediately pulled over to the side of the road (now I'm on a side street). He came up to my window and in a very rude and intimidating manner demanded my license, insurance, and registration. I was literally shaking because I had NO IDEA what I had done. I was also in my husband's car so I was fumbling to get the papers. I asked him what I had done wrong and he yelled "license, insurance, and registration". I respectfully asked him again, "what is the violation, sir". He put his head in my window and almost touched my face and said 'I heard you the first time". Ok, now I'm absolutely terrorized!! I handed him my paperwork and he said "there are 3 signs clearly posted, no left turn between 3pm-6pm". My heart sank. First off, according my clock it was 2:56, secondly I didn't see the signs but obviously they were there. I told him I didn't see them and he rudely replied, "maybe you should get your eyes checked". He left to write up the ticket and I sat in the car stunned, humiliated and scared. I wanted to badly to contest the time and tell him that according to my clock it wasn't 3pm, but I was too scared. He came back made me sign the ticket and told me "you better pay better attention" and walked away. Ok, so I know it's not against the law to be an asshole, but I truly feel like I was wrongly ticketed. I know that a majority of law enforcement officers (like all of you on this board) are wonderful people who represent our communities and truly make a difference. But this is the kind of officer that gives all of you a BAD NAME. Does that badge make him God? I have been heartsick over the situation. I feel VIOLATED by the way he treated me. I know that I could file a complaint with his supervisor, but what would that do? My questions for all you GOOD officers is: 1. Do I have any recourse to get this officer reprimanded for his behavior? 2. Should I fight the ticket? I would SO appreciate any feedback. If for nothing else, I appreciate you letting me share my experience with you. I know this is off topic from weight loss, so I hope this doesn't offend anyone. Thanks, Amy
  18. marathinner

    I Want My Band Removed Now!!!!!

    I'm so fascinated by this whole thread. Yaz...please keep us posted on your decision. Oh yeah...GREAT POST WestCoastFatGuy..
  19. marathinner

    Exercise Challenge!!!

    Took a day off because of my fill (which I feel nothing from) This week: Mon-45min walk/jog Tues- strength training class Wed- OFF Thurs- 45min walk jog Hope to get another walk/jog and strenght training class in this weekend!!
  20. marathinner

    Got My First Fill!!

    Hey gang... Got my first fill this morning and it was easy and painless!! My doc usually doesn't do fills until 5-6 weeks post op, but he agreed to do a "min-fill" to get me started. He put 1.5cc's in my 10cc band. He had me lie down, did a slight pin prick to access the port and then sat me up. He had me slowly sip Water and told me if I felt any discomfort or if I felt the water come back up to tell him. I thought he did it under fluoro, but he didn't. I was really nervous and had that nervous feeling in my tummy, so after about 4 sips I told him I felt something and he backed off. I realize now that it was probably just nerve pangs and not anything from the fill. I'm ok with starting off with a mini-fill, I still have a little restriction from the surgery so we'll see if I feel a little more in the next couple of days. I'm on liquids for the rest of today and tomorrow, mushies for a day and then transition into solids. I think it will be much easier moving forward knowing what to expect. Got my next appt for April 2nd. Good luck to all of you with your upcoming fills. Let us know how it goes. And to everyone else on pre/post op diets.....STICK WITH IT! You'll be glad you did!! Amy
  21. marathinner

    4 Weeks Post-Op

    4 weeks post op for me too! I posted another thread about my first fill. I haven't had any PB'ing, sliming, or "stuck" incidents. As far as restriction, I'm like you 4jin, one day I feel TOTALLY restricted and others I feel like I don't even have a band!! My fill is only 1cc, so I'm not sure how much of a difference it is going to make. I keep reminding myself that this is a journey and it's not all going to happen overnight. Ho hum....I'll just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings!!
  22. marathinner

    A new medical issue for me.

    I've sharpened up my spurs and am ready to help you kick the crap out of your tumor!!! Stay strong, Kendra. You have a whole lotta boots on here that are ready to go to work!! Warm hugs, Amy
  23. marathinner

    Where do you live?

    I am blessed to live in beautiful, sunny San Diego!! I won't tell you how warm it is today. Don't want Rhaps throwing me any cyber-snowballs...lol!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
