Hi to everyone!!! OK...I was banded on Dec 19th - I am so happy I did it....... However is/did anyone else 7-10 days after their surgery EAT LIKE CRAZY????? I feel like I have no restriction....I am eating out of control....I am scared I have moved my band, I feel like I have had nothing surgically done. I went to a center of excellence and had a WONDERFUL doctor, nutrition classes, support, etc... I have lost 50 lbs (mostly from liquid diet pre-op) and am doing all I can just to NOT gain before my first fill. I feel like a complete failure because I have not/did not stick to the diet prescribed by the nutritionist/doctor. Is anyone out there like ME????? I really thought I had my food addiction under control before I went into surgery.... I guess I don't???? ANY SUGGESTIONS/COMMENTS much appreciated!