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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mpeters2011

  1. mpeters2011

    December 2014 Surgeries

    I was looking for everyone that their Lap band surgery in December. I had my surgery December 23, 2014. I just went back to work today. I am now able to eat more that just liquids . I have lost 32 pounds so far still have a ways to go. I feel great though and looking forward to the New Smaller me. I am looking for people to connect with.
  2. mpeters2011

    December 2014 Surgeries

    No Not Really. I am not on liquid anymore. I eat pretty healthy but I have eaten nachos at the movies or the little to go cups from Kfc. Just a little reward for myself. Do you feel?
  3. mpeters2011

    December 2014 Surgeries

    Sounds like you are doing good.
  4. mpeters2011

    December 2014 Surgeries

    Ok . Try to rest as much as possible. Did they give you any pain medication
  5. mpeters2011

    December 2014 Surgeries

    Yeah mine was sore for a while. All of my incisions are sore still a little. Have you called your surgeon
  6. mpeters2011

    December 2014 Surgeries

    Hello I am back at work at now eating some foods. I did eat a little fast yesterday and made myself sick. I am doing pretty well. I have more energy. I hope you feel better. Taking another week is a good idea. Just take your time. Everybody is different
  7. I have one last required test tomorrow (EDG) and the they will submit my paperwork and schedule surgery. I am just a little nervous now. I have never had surgery before and don't have kids either.
  8. mpeters2011

    Pre opt Starting to get nervous

    I am 6 days post opt and doing great. Still have a little pain from my hernia repair. I am not 202 pounds from 230. I am feeling great
  9. mpeters2011

    Pre opt Starting to get nervous

    I had my surgery yesterday. I am doing pretty well. I don't have any pain. I have been able to drink my protein and some chicken broth.
  10. mpeters2011

    Pre opt Starting to get nervous

    Good luck to you too. Hopefully I will you there tomorrow
  11. mpeters2011

    Pre opt Starting to get nervous

    That is the best way to break bad eating habits. It's amazing how many people here are going through the same surgeon. That is good. This side has been a really big support system for me.
  12. mpeters2011

    Pre opt Starting to get nervous

    Wow 2 days away, keep in touch with me and let me know how everything goes
  13. mpeters2011

    Pre opt Starting to get nervous

    I have 8 days until my surgery. I am on my pre opt diet a doing pretty well.
  14. mpeters2011

    Pre opt Starting to get nervous

    Hi Barb that sounds great. I am actually 8 days into my diet but it's not all liquid. I can have one small meal with a lean meat and one green vegetable and an apple. Then I can have sugar free Jello and popsicle. I have lost 7 pounds already so I am doing better than I thought. I still get nervous as the day draws near though. Which surgery are you having?
  15. mpeters2011

    Pre opt Starting to get nervous

    I have a surgery date of December 23, but still waiting on cigna. I want to know if anyone struggle with the pre opt diet
  16. mpeters2011

    Cigna- Gained weight waiting for approval

    I have cigna too, and my paperwork was just submitted last week. I assume my patient advocate is expecting a fast approval because she already put me on my pre opt diet. I did lose 3 pound by my third weigh in and at my last weigh in I did not gain or lose weight.
  17. I start my pre opt Diet this weekend, which consist of 2 Protein shakes a day, a small healthy meal, fruit and 1 snack. I should have my surgery date in the next 2 to 3 weeks DX Pre-Op Diet Hou Main 20140603 (1).pdf
  18. mpeters2011

    Pre Opt Diet

    Hello Sophie thank you for those words of encouragement. I will keep myself busy and drink fluids all day. Let me know how you are doing after your surgery
  19. mpeters2011

    Pre Opt Diet

    Are any of you doing your pre opt diet? I started mine yesterday and I am starving. What did you do to get through it.
  20. mpeters2011

    Pre Opt Diet

  21. mpeters2011

    Pre Opt Diet

    Hello nice to meet you too. I am so happy that you. Keep us posted on how you are doing
  22. mpeters2011

    Pre Opt Diet

    Wow how far are you in your visits?
  23. mpeters2011

    Before Picture

  24. mpeters2011

    Before Surgery

    From the album: Before Picture

    I am 4ft 11 in 230 lbs
  25. mpeters2011

    Before Surgery2

    From the album: Before Picture

    I am 4ft 11 in 230 lbs

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