Ok here are some of my personal "items" to list. While I do realize this mainly is a personal list alot of us do feel the same way about many things. I've learned in the past that unless family and friends don't know how to support you they could actually do more harm to your spirit and mind, not intentionally of course. I figured by putting a list together than they will know exactly what type of support you need and it will be easier for everyone around you.
First and foremost do not think that the band is the easy way out, I still have to work hard to get the success out of the band. It is not an easy way out, it's a tool that I can use to bring myself to a healthy point in my life.
Don't be afraid to ask me questions about the surgery itself or the entire process of being banded. It's nice to know you are interested in what I am going through.
Please do not bring me junk food, candy, soda. Sure I love those things but that's why I am fat in the first place.
Please at least act proud of me even if you aren't, I need that positive support.
Please at least act like you believe in me, I've been told so many times I'm a failure that I tend to think that way unless told otherwise.
If you think you see a difference in my body or attitude please tell me that you notice.
Please don't ask me about my weight or how much I have lost, when I feel I can tell you don't worry I will.
Please understand that this is going to be hard for me as I am going to have many changes going on with my mind and body, allow me to be grouchy and it be ok, if I cry it's ok too, don't take all of my moodiness personal.
Don't try to be my diet coach, if I make a mistake that's my fault and I will learn from it.