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Everything posted by tonyisstillhere

  1. I just wanted to share my story for all Wells Fargo people out there that may be struggling with approval or may not know the process. I made a few mistakes along the way, so hopefully you can read this and learn from it. I started in November by going to the True Results (AIGB) location in Austin, TX last November. At this time, I was on Wells Fargo's Cigna Health Plan and was at aproximately 37 BMI. True Results did an introduction and the usual first step things and scheduled me for a sleep study to determine whether I had sleep apnea or not because under Cigna and most plans, you have to have 2 co-morbidities if you are between 35-40 BMI. It was determined that I had "mild" sleep apnea (which basically means they were interpreting the data in my favor to get me the surgery). After 2 sleep studies and multiple attempts to gather the necessary information through True Results, my case was dead in the Water. True Results, though helpful, were unable to help me move forward and so I dropped the issue for many months, feeling hopeless and helpless about my situation. After reviewing the different health plans the company offered, I switched to the Wells Fargo Health Plan (United Health Care Choice Plus Plan) because it seemed like much better coverage. In August of 2008, after gaining more weight and being close to 40 BMI I decided to seek help again. This time, I came to this website and searched for Wells Fargo, United Healthcare and everything else I could think of that could give me answers on how to proceed. I posted questions asking for help and was lucky enough to get a response from a fellow Wells Fargo Team Member who told me all she did was call the health care company and they started the process for her and helped her through every step of the way to approval. I took her advice and started back at square one. I signed up for myuhc.com, which gave me online access to my medical history and to all the United Healthcare Resource Networks (urnweb.com). From there, I submitted a request for information and for a phone call from a bariatric patient advocate. From that moment on, the process was smooth. Not always simple, but I had a United Healthcare representative personally working with me the whole time to help with the what she needed to issue an approval. If you work for Wells Fargo and want Bariatric Surgery, GET THE WELLS FARGO HEALTH PLAN (UNITED HEALTH CARE). It is the most expensive plan they offer, but it's worth it for the way you are treated and taken care of. Follow these steps and you'll be fine! 1) sign up for myuhc.com. request access to urnweb.com and visit the obesity section. review the "united healthcare centers of excellence" link. UHC requires you to use one of their "centers of excellence". these places have the lowest rates of problems with surgery and have undergone rigorous review to achieve this rating. united resource networks is also called "Optum Health". 2) submit an online request through urnweb.com to be contacted by a patient advocate. it took about 2 weeks for me to get the call. my advocates name was faith, and she was incredibly helpful. 3) the patient advocate will help you choose a center of excellence. they'll have you go to one of the orientations, where you'll meet the surgeons and staff and have all your questions answered. 4) you'll then be working in conjunction with the surgeons office and your patient advocate with UHC to get all the necessary documentation in place for an approval. a few things to expect: -a psychological evaluation (your advocate will help schedule this). my out of pocket expense for this was $80. -an appointment with a nutritionist. my out of pocket expense for this was $150 and it was a requirement of the surgeon, not UHC. -you may be getting phone calls from several different parties through the process. everyone who called me was super helpful and friendly. i hope this is helpful for someone out there. i'm happy to say that i've just recieved approval and have surgery scheduled for 12/16/08 with Dr. Keith Wright of South Texas Surgeons in San Antonio, TX.
  2. tonyisstillhere


    yes i have 2, pablo and bellatrix
  3. tonyisstillhere


    i had a fill thursday and i hadn't had one since april. i thought i had found my right spot but over several months i gained weight and decided it was time to go back. i was hungry all the time. on thursday evening i was fine to drink Water but since then i have not been able to keep anything down. i know i'm getting dehydrated because i can't drink. i feel like i have a lump in my throat all day long. i know the first few days have been a little rough with fills in the past but this one seems worse. any similar experiences? should i try to get an unfill? all i want to do is drink water!
  4. tonyisstillhere

    Non-Scale Victories Thread

    over the years my closet has just kind of become organized with fat clothes coming in on the left and the smaller clothes being pushed to the right. i've found myself wearing clothes i haven't worn in 3 years as i slowly make my way to the right of the closet. i'll pull something out and just say 'let's see if this fits' and so far, everything has! i went on my first bike ride since weighing my heaviest and did 11 miles. i'm going to start riding my bike to and from work!
  5. tonyisstillhere

    Wells Fargo Employees - my path to approval

    update 1/14. i received a bill from the hospital for over $6000, but sorted it out with United Healthcare with one call. apparently the hospital overcharged me when they made me pay $1700 and they should have only charged me $800. i'll be calling the hospital in the morning to get my money back. once again UHC has proven to be a great resource and advocate. none of the horror stories i've heard about their service have applied to me!
  6. tonyisstillhere

    December 2008 Down 129lbs 150lb!

    the difference is profound! be proud of yourself, you look amazing.
  7. tonyisstillhere

    Wells Fargo Employees - my path to approval

    the hospital took a credit card payment pre-op
  8. tonyisstillhere

    hunger on clear liquids?

    is anyone else struggling with hunger while on the clear liquid diet post op? i am on about 72 hours with no solid food and i did not expect to be hungry at all. the only thing that seems to work is special k protein water... any suggestions?
  9. tonyisstillhere

    day 5 post op

    day 5 and feeling 100%. i was 242 at the hospital before my surgery after starting my pre-op diet at around 250. on the 17th, the day after my surgery, i spiked to 249! i was amazed, but i imagine it was all water retention from the fluids in surgery. since then i've seen a pleasing decline and today the scale read 238!!! it's been over a year since i've seen the 230's. i find myself looking at my old smaller clothes in my closet and it's nice not wishing, but knowing that i will wear them again. when i get down to around 220 i will be able to fit into about 50% more of my wardrobe! under 200 and i'll have to buy all new things. that's money i look forward to spending. my diet hasn't been going quite to doctor's orders. the 100% clear liquid diet was abandoned a few days early and i've gone to mostly clear liquids and mixed in some protein drinks and some soupy mashed potatoes. the hunger was too much and i figured it was time for some protein. tomorrow i go back to work, so i'm preparing myself with special k protein water for mid morning when i start to get hungry, crystal light to drink throughout the day, and protein drinks for lunch and mid afternoon. when i get home i may have some soup or something else light for dinner. with the way i'm feeling lately, i'll be ready for solid foods by the end of the week. the exercise portion is scaring me a bit. i still have port site pain and i don't want to overdo it. i think i'll start tomorrow with walking on the treadmill in the gym and see how that makes me feel. i took a walk today in the 40 degree weather and though it was short, it was more acitivity than i've had since surgery.
  10. tonyisstillhere

    day 5 post op

    day 5 and feeling 100%. i was 242 at the hospital before my surgery after starting my pre-op diet at around 250. on the 17th, the day after my surgery, i spiked to 249! i was amazed, but i imagine it was all water retention from the fluids in surgery. since then i've seen a pleasing decline and today the scale read 238!!! it's been over a year since i've seen the 230's. i find myself looking at my old smaller clothes in my closet and it's nice not wishing, but knowing that i will wear them again. when i get down to around 220 i will be able to fit into about 50% more of my wardrobe! under 200 and i'll have to buy all new things. that's money i look forward to spending. my diet hasn't been going quite to doctor's orders. the 100% clear liquid diet was abandoned a few days early and i've gone to mostly clear liquids and mixed in some protein drinks and some soupy mashed potatoes. the hunger was too much and i figured it was time for some protein. tomorrow i go back to work, so i'm preparing myself with special k protein water for mid morning when i start to get hungry, crystal light to drink throughout the day, and protein drinks for lunch and mid afternoon. when i get home i may have some soup or something else light for dinner. with the way i'm feeling lately, i'll be ready for solid foods by the end of the week. the exercise portion is scaring me a bit. i still have port site pain and i don't want to overdo it. i think i'll start tomorrow with walking on the treadmill in the gym and see how that makes me feel. i took a walk today in the 40 degree weather and though it was short, it was more acitivity than i've had since surgery.
  11. i used to live in calgary. i love canada!!

  12. tonyisstillhere

    December 16th date

    i've seen threads for december 15th and 17th, but nothing for the 16th yet. the countdown begins! i started a low carb diet about a month ago before having the date scheduled and lost about 10 pounds. i'm vegetarian and so low carb is extremely difficult for me. that diet lasted about a week and a half and then i just went to an "eat less do more" mentality and have lost another 5 or so pounds doing that. i'm hoping that the loss will be significant enough to satisfy the surgeon and make the procedure safer. i'm aiming for 240 by Tuesday. any other 16th people out here?
  13. tonyisstillhere

    Wells Fargo Employees - my path to approval

    update 12/21/08 i had surgery on 12/16 and everything went well. united healthcare continues to be top notch. i receive regular follow up calls from the Bariatric Nurse in charge of my case at OptumHealth (United Resource Networks). my total out of pocket so far for the surgery is about $1700.00 (and my maximum is $2000). i am sticking with united through this whole process!
  14. tonyisstillhere

    Full or Hungry?

    that's similar to what's been happening to me. for a long time i just ignored the feeling of hunger, but i realized that with just a bit of protein the hunger subsides. i think since we're still healing, eating anything substantial beyond clear liquids is going to make us feel really full. i had half a cup of tomato soup yesterday too and had the same experience. i just had to sit there for about half an hour while it digested.
  15. tonyisstillhere

    hunger on clear liquids?

    thanks for the advice! i've just been adding about 2 protein drinks per day and that has helped immensely with the hunger. still doing mostly clears though.
  16. tonyisstillhere

    3rd day and feeling much better

    after being banded on the 16th, today is the first day that i'm really beginning to feel like myself. most of the gas pain is gone and my muscles don't ache like they have. it doesn't hurt nearly as much to swallow and my abdominal area seems to be healing up. i was able to sleep on both sides without much discomfort last night. i have until monday before i have to face the stress of work again. last night, the hunger got to me. after 3 full days with no solid food and no protein to speak of, i gave in and made myself a soymilk protein shake. i just used about 8 oz of soymilk and one package of whole foods soy protein and mixed it up. i drank it over about half an hour and regretted having so much after awhile. for the first time since surgery, i felt full. very full. it took about an hour to pass and make me feel normal again. i got through that one without much of an incident, but now i know what i can handle and that i need to go slllloooooww.
  17. tonyisstillhere

    3rd day and feeling much better

    after being banded on the 16th, today is the first day that i'm really beginning to feel like myself. most of the gas pain is gone and my muscles don't ache like they have. it doesn't hurt nearly as much to swallow and my abdominal area seems to be healing up. i was able to sleep on both sides without much discomfort last night. i have until monday before i have to face the stress of work again. last night, the hunger got to me. after 3 full days with no solid food and no protein to speak of, i gave in and made myself a soymilk protein shake. i just used about 8 oz of soymilk and one package of whole foods soy protein and mixed it up. i drank it over about half an hour and regretted having so much after awhile. for the first time since surgery, i felt full. very full. it took about an hour to pass and make me feel normal again. i got through that one without much of an incident, but now i know what i can handle and that i need to go slllloooooww.
  18. tonyisstillhere

    hunger on clear liquids?

    i'm supposed to be on them for a week, then to full liquids for a week, then mushies for a week, then solids. i think i'm going to graduate to protein drinks and soups a little early, maybe tomorrow.
  19. tonyisstillhere

    2 days post op

    so i survived the first night in my own bed. last night and this morning is the first time i am really aware that i have a band. when i stretch i can feel something at the top of my stomach, just below the center of my ribcage. i was able to sleep on my side, though the port is on my right side and it was definitely noticeable. the hardest part about sleeping is that just about every muscle in my body still aches and every time i need to get myself up, the pain in my abdomen flares up. i find it easier to sit than lay down. yesterday, i had alot of clear liquids... possibly more than i was even supposed to. i love drinking warm veggie broth and grape juice because my throat is still so sore. swallowing hurts, but the warm stuff goes down more easily. today i plan to go to whole foods to pick up a few more clear liquid items and get the soy protein powder i want for next week. one of the most unexpected things is that i am very hungry. i spent most of the day yesterday trying to ignore the hunger pains and working down the veggie broth because it is the closest thing in flavor to real food that i can have. this morning the hunger hasn't hit yet and i'm hoping that as i graduate to full liquids next week the hunger will be less noticeable. today i'm going to make sure and go on a nice long walk and i think that will help some of the pain. it's true what everyone says... getting up and moving around helps. the hard part is fighting through some of the drowsiness from the pain meds and just making yourself do it.
  20. tonyisstillhere

    2 days post op

    so i survived the first night in my own bed. last night and this morning is the first time i am really aware that i have a band. when i stretch i can feel something at the top of my stomach, just below the center of my ribcage. i was able to sleep on my side, though the port is on my right side and it was definitely noticeable. the hardest part about sleeping is that just about every muscle in my body still aches and every time i need to get myself up, the pain in my abdomen flares up. i find it easier to sit than lay down. yesterday, i had alot of clear liquids... possibly more than i was even supposed to. i love drinking warm veggie broth and grape juice because my throat is still so sore. swallowing hurts, but the warm stuff goes down more easily. today i plan to go to whole foods to pick up a few more clear liquid items and get the soy protein powder i want for next week. one of the most unexpected things is that i am very hungry. i spent most of the day yesterday trying to ignore the hunger pains and working down the veggie broth because it is the closest thing in flavor to real food that i can have. this morning the hunger hasn't hit yet and i'm hoping that as i graduate to full liquids next week the hunger will be less noticeable. today i'm going to make sure and go on a nice long walk and i think that will help some of the pain. it's true what everyone says... getting up and moving around helps. the hard part is fighting through some of the drowsiness from the pain meds and just making yourself do it.
  21. tonyisstillhere

    its done.

    i'm back from the hospital now after an overnight stay (required by the insurance company). here is a brief synopsis of my experience. i was scheduled for surgery at the nix weight loss center in san antonio, tx with dr. keith wright at noon. i was asked to check in at 10:00 for admission to the hospital. i got there at 9:30 to check with the surgeon's office to let them know i was there and see if there were any last minute things i needed to do. i also bought some "bariatic advantage" chewable multivitamins while i was there. around 10 i went to the admissions office and checked in. after that i was taken to a waiting room and told to take everything off and put on a hosital gown. i waited there while a nurse went over disclosures and paperwork. they also drew some blood. after about half an hour, they took me to a hospital room and lay me down, put in the IV and i waited there for over an hour. the surgeon apparently had 6 surgeries that day and i was number four, i can only imagine he was running behind. they finally came to get me and rolled me to another waiting area where they administered antibiotics through the iv and i met the anesthesiologist. after another hour or so, they finally wheeled me into surgery. the room was much bigger than i expected. i haven't had surgery since i was 12, so i had no idea what to expect. i did learn something though about the actual operation. apparently, it is performed with the patient hoisted up on a vinyl type table almost standing (at about a 45 degree angle). when i moved onto the operating table, there was a team of about 5 people that went to work. everything was so fast paced that i'm surprised i remember anything at all. they had me breathe pure oxygen for about 2 minutes and then injected the anesthetic, which was warm in my veins and knocked me out in about 10 seconds. when i woke up, i was in the recovery room. i think it took me a good hour to regain my senses and i don't think i regained them fully until about 5 hours after surgery. i lay there in a big room with several other patients and nurses milling about. every once in awhile someone would ask me something, but i have no idea what they were saying. after awhile, they wheeled me away and took me to do the barium swallow so they could do a video xray of my insides and see if the band and port were properly placed. i was scared to swallow the barium because it was pretty thick. it tasted like lemon antacids mixed with chalk. i could only get a small amount down and they kept telling me to drink more. i briefly saw a picture of my band and port but couldn't really tell what was what. then they took my to my room. luckily they were able to arrange a private room so my wife could stay with me overnight. the rest of the day was spent trying to keep liquids down and trying to stay conscious long enough to watch an episode of family guy. they kept me well stocked with crystal light, jello, and veggie broth. the warm veggie broth was the best on my throat. the staff was all very helpful, friendly, and professional and though i had very little actual contact or communication with my surgeon, i think he was the best person for the job. i spent one night there... the nurses came in every so often to check vitals and blood sugar. i woke up around 7 am for good and had a veggie broth, tea, and jello breakfast and checked out soon after. the hardest part of the whole process for me was being so out of it for so long because of the anesthesia. the pain is completely manageable and causes the most problems when i use my abdominal muscles. my throat is very sore from intubation and the gas pain doesn't seem to be a problem for me in the traditional sense. the gas seems to have travelled through my body and into my joints and muscles, causing my whole body to ache as if i had the flu or a bad cold. it's been about 24 hours since surgery now though and really starting to subside. the only really noticeable pain now is aching from the incisions. i did take a look at my incisions and after comparing them to so many other pictures on this board, i have to say i believe my surgeon did an excellent job. i have 4 very small incisions (less then 1 inch) and one larger one (maybe 1.5 inches). dr. wright is top notch! it has been almost 48 hours since i last ate solid food, and the hunger has just start to hit. the broth seems to be the best thing to hold it at bay. i weighed myself today and i'm about 5 pounds heavier than this time yesterday. i imagine it's all the fluids and i'm sure i'll be dropping it pretty quickly once i get into ful liquids and mushies. my goal now, having the week off work, is to relax, recover, and move around as much as possible. 160 lbs, here i come!
  22. tonyisstillhere

    its done.

    i'm back from the hospital now after an overnight stay (required by the insurance company). here is a brief synopsis of my experience. i was scheduled for surgery at the nix weight loss center in san antonio, tx with dr. keith wright at noon. i was asked to check in at 10:00 for admission to the hospital. i got there at 9:30 to check with the surgeon's office to let them know i was there and see if there were any last minute things i needed to do. i also bought some "bariatic advantage" chewable multivitamins while i was there. around 10 i went to the admissions office and checked in. after that i was taken to a waiting room and told to take everything off and put on a hosital gown. i waited there while a nurse went over disclosures and paperwork. they also drew some blood. after about half an hour, they took me to a hospital room and lay me down, put in the IV and i waited there for over an hour. the surgeon apparently had 6 surgeries that day and i was number four, i can only imagine he was running behind. they finally came to get me and rolled me to another waiting area where they administered antibiotics through the iv and i met the anesthesiologist. after another hour or so, they finally wheeled me into surgery. the room was much bigger than i expected. i haven't had surgery since i was 12, so i had no idea what to expect. i did learn something though about the actual operation. apparently, it is performed with the patient hoisted up on a vinyl type table almost standing (at about a 45 degree angle). when i moved onto the operating table, there was a team of about 5 people that went to work. everything was so fast paced that i'm surprised i remember anything at all. they had me breathe pure oxygen for about 2 minutes and then injected the anesthetic, which was warm in my veins and knocked me out in about 10 seconds. when i woke up, i was in the recovery room. i think it took me a good hour to regain my senses and i don't think i regained them fully until about 5 hours after surgery. i lay there in a big room with several other patients and nurses milling about. every once in awhile someone would ask me something, but i have no idea what they were saying. after awhile, they wheeled me away and took me to do the barium swallow so they could do a video xray of my insides and see if the band and port were properly placed. i was scared to swallow the barium because it was pretty thick. it tasted like lemon antacids mixed with chalk. i could only get a small amount down and they kept telling me to drink more. i briefly saw a picture of my band and port but couldn't really tell what was what. then they took my to my room. luckily they were able to arrange a private room so my wife could stay with me overnight. the rest of the day was spent trying to keep liquids down and trying to stay conscious long enough to watch an episode of family guy. they kept me well stocked with crystal light, jello, and veggie broth. the warm veggie broth was the best on my throat. the staff was all very helpful, friendly, and professional and though i had very little actual contact or communication with my surgeon, i think he was the best person for the job. i spent one night there... the nurses came in every so often to check vitals and blood sugar. i woke up around 7 am for good and had a veggie broth, tea, and jello breakfast and checked out soon after. the hardest part of the whole process for me was being so out of it for so long because of the anesthesia. the pain is completely manageable and causes the most problems when i use my abdominal muscles. my throat is very sore from intubation and the gas pain doesn't seem to be a problem for me in the traditional sense. the gas seems to have travelled through my body and into my joints and muscles, causing my whole body to ache as if i had the flu or a bad cold. it's been about 24 hours since surgery now though and really starting to subside. the only really noticeable pain now is aching from the incisions. i did take a look at my incisions and after comparing them to so many other pictures on this board, i have to say i believe my surgeon did an excellent job. i have 4 very small incisions (less then 1 inch) and one larger one (maybe 1.5 inches). dr. wright is top notch! it has been almost 48 hours since i last ate solid food, and the hunger has just start to hit. the broth seems to be the best thing to hold it at bay. i weighed myself today and i'm about 5 pounds heavier than this time yesterday. i imagine it's all the fluids and i'm sure i'll be dropping it pretty quickly once i get into ful liquids and mushies. my goal now, having the week off work, is to relax, recover, and move around as much as possible. 160 lbs, here i come!
  23. tonyisstillhere

    December 16th date

    just got back the hospital this morning. it went pretty well as expected, though i'm pleased to say that the gas pain doesn't seem nearly as bad as some have had it. some soreness, but my throat is the main issue (very dry and scratcy). i'll post the details in my blog on my profile.
  24. tonyisstillhere

    United Healthcare

    i also have united healthcare choice plus (through wells fargo). i didn't have to jump through very many hoops and was approved! i am scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning actually. if you have any other questions, feel free to send me a message. i have spent most of the last 5 years around 35 or so BMI. all they needed was one recorded weight at or above 40 BMI, which i had. i have no other co morbid conditions and am otherwise healthy.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
